Today’s Reading: Psalms 42-44
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Fleeing from King Saul, David and his men spent time among the caves around the oasis of Ein Gedi. They certainly would have appreciated the fresh water falling from the desert plateau above. There are several waterfalls of differing sizes that flow down to the Dead Sea nearby. Psalm 42:1 says, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 44:1-2a
We have heard with our ears, O God,
Our fathers have told us,
The deeds You did in their days,
In days of old:
You drove out the nations with Your hand,
But them You planted…
“The good old days” may not have been so good after all! We have a tendency to exaggerate how good it was in days gone by. Psalm 44 reviews some bad days too. It is obvious that God’s long-term purposes include the good and the bad events of our lives. Today’s reading ends with a prayer; God will put the final period to the history book of our lives!
In the first two chapters of our Bible reading, Psalms 42 & 43, the same question is asked in each of these writings…”Why are you cast down, O my soul?” The words “cast down” were very familiar to the shepherd King David. When a sheep is on its back, it is unable to turn over and get up. It will lie there and eventually die unless someone helps it to turn over. We need a shepherd who cares about us, and in fact we have such a Shepherd. In both Psalms we find the life-saving answer to being “cast down.” It is “Hope in God!” An answer to the question, “Why are you cast down, O my soul?” may be found in the previous verse, 42:4, “I USED TO GO…TO THE HOUSE OF GOD…” Worshiping together with others, along with the teaching of God’s Word by a caring shepherd pastor, will put us back on our feet; we’ll be able to feed on green pastures and drink from the still waters.
Lord God, my soul thirsts for You like a deer in the desert looking for water to drink. I hear “the noise of Your waterfalls.” I drink from Your Word and Your refreshing presence. I pray that I will be faithful to go to Your altar, “To God my exceeding joy” (43:4). Amen!!!
I’m in church every Sunday. Some Sundays I’m asked to bring a message from God’s Word, but at 79 years old, most Sundays I’m there to be blessed by the ministry of others. I’m no longer “cast down.” As both Psalms 42 and 43 tell me, I’m no longer “disquieted.” Life is sorted out. I’m content, and my spirit is calm and peaceful. The Apostle Paul writes, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some.” I’m reading from the New Testament, Hebrews 10:22-25. If for some reason I don’t get out to church, I’m conscious of an emptiness in my life that day.
Norma-Jean and I lived for 18 years on the farm and in the farmhouse where she was born. We kept sheep for many of those years. When it came time to sheer the sheep, I would help to turn the sheep over onto their backs (cast down). They resisted, of course, but I learned how to do it successfully. We sold the wool, but most of all we enjoyed the sheep. Norma-Jean was the true shepherd. She helped many as they were being born. Some of the little lambs she had to feed from a bottle. They knew her and she knew them by name. When she called them, they came running. I could call all day and they would ignore me! Like our Lord, she spent much time with the sheep and they knew her voice.
Yours for green pasture and still waters,
I don’t get to church anymore because of a sleep disorder! I miss going and hearing God’s Word and the fellowship with others after the service!
I am in the process of talking with our Ministerial group in my town and discussing an evening service. There is about 3,000 that have this Seasonal Affected Disorder!
Please pray for a young girl Jessica,, she is have a scan on Tuesday, pray that all is well! Please also pray for my Pastor and his wife that they both recover from their surgeries and that they will heal and enjoy life again!
May God our Father grant good health and prosperity to all!
Sah, I have prayed for your your three requests, I am asking for prayer for my Daughter-in-law Monica. She had a biopsy on Friday to see if she has cancer in her Thyroid. They had to get rid of a lot of calcium before they could get the sample. They told her this is a sign that it could be cancerous, she is at peace with this but my son is upset. They both love the Lord so I am very grateful for that. Blessings to all enjoy,
this Lords Day. Eleanor m.
Amen Sah and Eleanor- praying for your requests as well- also for your son, Eleanor- for strength and comfort! Blessings to all!!
Had the most wonderful start to my day. As my husband was off to work this morning at 6:10, I walked out the door with him. I commented where’s the moon? Upon finding it towards the west it was not far from the horizon. I tell you it was the most beautiful sight. It was so big, bright and autumn red. I watched in amazement praising the Lord as it lowered and a wind turbine was caught in the middle of it. I wished at that point I had a good camera to catch the memory. I am looking forward to tonight’s show of the blood moon and eclipse.
Then when I read today’s reading it was similar to seeing the waterfall pics. This world has a never ending of Gods greatness.
I will say a prayer, Sah, for Jessica and your pastor and his wife.
Don’t forget to say prayers for our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Amen Nan! Praying for peace in Jerusalem.
God bless your marriage! Your blog is fantastic! I miss a nice guy in my life! What beautiful words describing the moon! Yes, God sure did a wonderful job on creation! HE DID IT FOR US, MAKES ME VERY HUMBLE!
I come from a British farming family , but my mom ( being the only child and a girl of course ) did not inherit what was left of the farm. I still loved to be around the farming s end of relatives and later
in life spent a short period as a shepherd. It was indeed moving to see and hear the sound of young sheep running to greet me as I climbed up Yorkshire ( England ) hills, calling out to them as I carried a sack of ‘sheep nuts’ over my shoulder. Maybe they spotted the nut sack rather than me, but it was a great and humbling experience.
David, thank you for your message to me today, I am going to church today!!
It will be 4weeks since I had hip surgery, and I wondered if I should go or not. One reason is I am only allowed to put 50% of my weight on my leg, and I have a long ramp to walk. Your message sealed it for me, thank you. God has a message for me to hear.
Sah, are you able to get c.d’s of your church services each week? God bless each one today.
King David is “so real” in Psalm 42 as he laments to GOD in the first 4 verses crying out to not just GOD, but the LIVING GOD (vs2). David reminds me of myself as I continue to come daily before this Wonderful CHRIST with pleas, petitions and prayers on behalf of HIS pitiful servant.
As I read & meditate on this passage of scripture, I am reminded to speak to GOD about people BEFORE speaking to people about GOD (vs 3). When we do this, GOD reminds us to @ check on our hearts first, repent before HIM and then the answers to our petitions seem to come to us more freely as we “open up” the communication lines between us & GOD.
The “disconnect” is NEVER on HIS end but always on our end, so when we go to GOD as David did, we have the petitions we desired of HIM vs 8.
To MY GOD goes ALL the glory today tomorrow and forever (and ever)
Rev. Terry FELVUS- Grassie ON.
How good to know that when we are cast down…Jesus picks us up…His Love is everlasting and His promises YEA and AMEN!! He walks with us THROUGH the difficult times into JOY UNSPEAKABLE AND FULL OF GLORY!!!
Church fellowship is special…to have a church family is a treasure…where we grow through the difficulties and the victories.
My prayer is with you Sah that there will be an evening service for you to fellowship with. Praying for you and your son Eleanor for Jesus’ Highest and Best in each situation. Amen!
Thank you so much for your prayers Kathie and Irene. God Bless.
Lord the people of Israel are Your people, I pray You will give them safety, give them guidance, comfort, may they know that Christians around the world are parying for them! Lord You have had a plan for Your people from the begining! I pray Your Will de done on earth as it is in Heaven!
I wish to thank everyone who prayed for me and my prayer requests! I have mentioned to my church about cd’s…..we will see what will happen!
On the CTV news tonight there is a piece about a gal with cancer and how it is being dealt with……the word “miracle” has been used……check it out!
I have friends who also took a 12 week treatment, 3x a week, of Vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium, it was done by a Naturopath and the cancer was gone!
Pray for all Christians around the world! May the mercy and grace of God settle in peoples hearts around the world!
Thank you again for all your prayers! In Jesus Name We Pray AMEN