Today’s Reading: Psalms 33-34
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

At the entrance to the modern city of Jerusalem is a light rail bridge, known as the Jerusalem Chords Bridge. It was built in 2008 and symbolizes King David’s harp.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 34:1
I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
The words, “the Lord,” occur 26 times in these two Psalms. There’s a saying about “the Lord”… that “He’s either Lord of all or not at all!” There should be no half-way measures in our faith! The Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3). The primary work of the Spirit of God in the earth is to make Jesus known as Lord of all. This blog is intended as an extension of that sublime purpose.
How do we “bless the Lord?” We please Him! We worship Him! We live a life which brings the smile of His approval! We read His Word and meditate on His Word daily! We pray in faith, believing Him for His response! We share His Message in our personal witness and in our support for ministries that are proven by researched fact to be effective in reaching the peoples of the world with the Good News of Jesus’ death, resurrection and the gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ. So we can list some of the ways we bless God. Now let us think of the ways He has blessed us and is blessing us. It’s no wonder that we identify with King David when he writes, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Hallelujah! We magnify You O Lord! Bless Your holy name! Amen! Amen!
Lord God, I pray that I will do as David did, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Grant that I will experience Your blessed Presence at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!
Norma-Jean, my wife, is a multi-tasker. My tendency is to focus on one thing at a time. I guess that’s one of the general differences between men and women. However, I’m learning to multi-task in my commitment to King David’s statement, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” I don’t always speak the words of praise out loud, but they are there in my mouth at the tip of my tongue. It’s the same with Paul’s encouragement to “Pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
I do my best to read all the comments sent in response to this blog or those commenting on the response of others. They are all excellent! Thanks for blessing me in this way. I’d love to repeat all the comments for those who don’t get to read them. However, there is one from someone by the name of “David T.” I happen to know that he has his Doctor of Education degree. So let’s allow this teacher to teach us. This was a response from my Psalm 27 blog two years ago, during our first two-year journey through the Bible… (click here and look for the 2nd comment).
By the way, when I put the words, “Bless the Lord” into the google search engine, a little line at the top said, “21,000,000 results in .25 seconds.” Obviously we’re not alone in blessing the Lord!
Yours for blessing and being blessed!
The church I attended where I lived several years ago often sang scripture verses. Psalm 34:1-4 was one of them. The words just leap off the page now when I read them.
Amen, David Mainse, and David T! Thanks for taking us back to his comment! Our Lord is our restorer and comforter, amen! Blessings, dearest saints.
JESUS I COME, Elevation Worship
“Jesus I Come”
Oh how I need Your grace
More than my words can say
Jesus I come Jesus I come
In all my weaknesses
You are my confidence
Jesus I come Jesus I come
I will rise stand redeemed
Heaven open over me
To Your name eternally
Endless glory I will bring (oh)
Oh what amazing love
We need Your cleansing flood
Jesus I come Jesus I come
In every broken place
You are my righteousness
Jesus I come Jesus I come
Thank You Jesus
Just as I am I come
Oh what amazing love
Wow Beverlee! Powerful stuff! I’ll read it over and over again today! Blessings!!
Amen, Katie!!
Wow! This posting David Mainse and David T could not be more apt for me today. In fact, I was going to ask you to pray for me in the same vein. Israel comes to mind as well and we need to pray for them. God bless all of you!
Amen Ger!! Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is not a request, it’s a command!!!
Thank you David Mainse, and David T also Beverlee.
I really needed to read these scriptures over and over again I underlined
them in my bible. I love the song Jesus I Come that you uploaded
Lianne Hogg
On my recent hospital admission and surgery, the two verses that were always on my mind were,
“I will never leave you or forsake you, ” and ” I won’t give you more than you can bear”. I developed nerve pain that was unbearable when getting in and out of bed. The pain from the surgery was mostly nil. But, I believe God gave me the idea to ask for medication for the nerve pain, and gradually it has gone. Praise His Name. Blessings on all involved with this blog.
Amen, Mary. God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ!
Dear David Mainse. Just got back from an interesting tour of Italy. Lost my tablet in the Toronto airport so was unable to keep up with my bible study on your blog the whole time. Saw a video you had on your recent blog about Georgian Banov playing the fiddle. What a marvellous fiddler. Of course I send all your good videos out to my friends and family and got a reply from one of my sister in laws saying that she recognized her husband’s aunt and uncle in the audience of that particular video. The uncle has gone to be with Jesus two years ago but they were thrilled to see the video and have passed it on to the uncle’s children. Small world ay?!! Love all your videos and thanks for this great blog. God bless.
That is thrilling Lynda! Sah said she recognized people in that audience as well-even smaller world ay? Blessings!
Amen David. David T. linked to the Chris Tomlin song that I was listening to over and over last night!! How did you do that? I recently read a quote by St. Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” I love that! I came across a reference to him in another book, plus I’m going to a St. Francis retreat next month! How synchronystical is that?! Also loved your quote from June 22/12-“Learn to see as God sees by learning to think as God thinks by making the Word of God a daily part of your thinking process. This is the eternal value of what we’re doing together here in this blog!!!” Blessings David and all on this blog!
I was saddened to see that we were 2 out of all of 10 people in the theatre for War Room-granted it was the early afternoon showing. Would be awesome to see people camped out overnight in line-ups to see such a movie!!
Whom shall I fear “God’s Angel Armies are always by my side”
Psalm 34:1-4 is scripture I love to sing and is one our Wed morning Bible study group often sang.
It was so exciting to see the Jerusalem Chords Bridge from our hotel window in Jerusalem this year. Great trip!
Yes, I did see people from my town on the video of Gorgian Banov playing his violin! That’s not the first time these people have been to the TV program!
I understand how you feel Kathie about “wouldn’t be nice if people lined up to see a Christian movie?”
We are finishing a Bible study REEL TO REAL, a Lutheran Hour Video plus study! It’s very good! I believe anyone can find it on the internet! It is about “fishing” and the “one that got away”::and other fish stories. Of course it relates to witnessing, how we fish for information whether our friends know Jesus Christ as their Saviour! What kind of “bait” can we use to catch a fish?
I went fishing with my Dad, even though when I was a teen he and I did not get along! My Dad was a EXCELLENT fisherman, a good provider, I believe he used fishing as a means of escaping from the farm, and just rowing his boat, dropping the line and a BONUS when he caught fish! I always cleaned the fish, and the taste! so good! Fishing is a good place for meditation! I find it very interesting reading the Bible stories of the disciples fishing, it was their living!
Well I have rambled enough! Blessings to all, I am very thankful for the Lord removing smokes/alcohol from me 20 years ago and taking my broken leg and turning it into me learning to swim! I am so thankful! It is very important to keep busy as a person gets older, and God has made sure that I do exercise and socialize at the pool! Oops, sorry, I am rambling again! May God bless this website and all who visit and share!
You are a great story teller, sah and the Lord has done some wonderful things for you. Praise God!