Sunday, September 13, 2015


Today’s Reading: Psalms 9-10

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Even the desert is marvellous to behold as you travel throughout Israel. Looking from Israel inside Timna Park, you can see on the distant horizon the mountains of Edom. This mountain range is now part of the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordan is not a wealthy country and yet because of the disaster of middle east political and moral realities, Jordan has had to care for millions of refugees. Let us do whatever we can to help!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 10:17

Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear.


Yes! God will cause His “ear to hear.” Let us make personal the prayers found in our reading. Here are examples of what we may say when we pray. The shepherd king begins his prayers with praise and worship. He writes in the first two verses the four actions he is taking. For our devotional exercises today, why not meditate on these statements, expand on them, and do as it says.

The cries of the needy stand out! David speaks of “the oppressed,” of people in “trouble,” of “the cry of the humble,” of “the needy,” of “the poor,” of “the helpless,” and of “the fatherless.” Let us name before God the names of people we know personally who may fit these descriptions. Most certainly those in war-torn lands where it seems that human cruelty knows no boundaries.

Let us never forget that Jesus issued a press release in advance of His second coming. The words this King of the Universe will utter when He will sit on “the Throne of His Glory” have to do with way we have, or have not, cared for the needy (see Matthew 25:31-46). We pray fervently and then we are moved to help! God answer our prayers. Amen!!!


“Arise O Lord! Do not let man prevail” (9:19a). “Arise O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand!” (10:12a). “Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may oppress no more” (10:17-18). Amen!!!


This morning, God willing, at Wesley Acres where I have the privilege of speaking, I want to emphasize “Missions.” Along one side of the auditorium are pictures from Egypt. My parents are there from the 1920s (pictures below). I believe that God is more interested in His cause here on earth than all of us put together could ever be! Let’s pool our resources and get the job done! Amen!!! My Mom and Dad would be 117 and 119 years old. The prayer in our reading is “Arise O Lord!” Their generation faithfully served. Now it’s our turn to “Arise” with the Lord, and do the job that He has called us to accomplish!

Yours for reaching a needy world with His love, His provision, and His Gospel,


Some of my parents' brothers and sisters in ministry in Assiout, Egypt, in 1929 (close-up photo below).

Some of my parents’ brothers and sisters in ministry in Assiout, Egypt, in 1929 (close-up photo below).

My father Roy Mainse is the one with the Bubles in front of him, and my mother Hazel is beside him.

My father, Roy Mainse, is the one behind the Bibles and my mother, Hazel, is beside him.

12 thoughts on “Sunday, September 13, 2015

  1. Dear Lord help us to hear the cry of the poor and the refugees that are living in rainy cold weather help us to reach out and clothe the naked feed the hungry and bring them in inso much as we do to these we do it as unto Jesus our Lord and Savior and soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords help us to reach out and help in Jesus mame Amen

  2. Dear David
    Thankyou for sharing your heart for the lost for us so eloquently through your stories, testimony and exhortation this weekend at 50+ at Wesley Acres! Your passion for the harvest and the great commission, your boldness to ‘get er done’ even when it seems impossible, your humble heart, your voracious appetite to know and obey God’s word with such encouraging desire for others to be the same, and your courage to speak at 4 services even when you have been weakened with pneumonia and this horrible MDS Leukemia that keeps robbing you of your strength! A true warrior you are and the beauty and fragrance of Christ remains on you through it all. I am blessed to know you and your family and to be your friend!
    Praying for you as you bring us a charge to Missions this morning. May God speak powerfully through you and give you the strength and stamina you need, and then may you be able to rest and relax and renew in this beautiful campgrounds. Also that we would take up the charge and put into action what God has called us to do .

  3. O Lord hear, O Lord listen, hear our cry, for the fatherless, the needy, the afflicted, I pray Lord Jesus in Your Mighty Holy Name!!!!Amen and Amen!!!

    Thank you Pastor David for those pictures. You are blessed with a great heritage through the ministry of your parents.

    God Bless all you saints.

  4. Amen! Help us Lord never to forget the poor, oppressed, hungry and needy. Thank you for sharing your wonderful heritage with us and inspiring us in this generation. Had a good service this morning crying out for the unsaved in our community.

  5. I pray that you are feeling better David and that you will get the rest you need after this busy weekend. World Vision Canada is on the ground in Syria and also Lebanon, Iraq, and Turkey. (12.2 million people in Syria – 5.6 million are children). The government has now said it will match any donated amounts for the refugees. I worked for WV and two of my adult children have (one overseas). I have a son working there now. I know the work WV does is wonderful. Our hearts are heavy for all the great difficulty in these countries.

  6. What a joy it is to read this daily blog. I learn so much from the scriptures and the comments from fellow bloggers. Thank you so much for sharing each and everyday.
    I pray Rev. Mainse you will rest after your busy weekend.

    Blessings to all!

  7. I am in favour of World Vision working in the middle east and other locations in Europe and other countries.
    I am in favour of Christian churches in Canada and USA sponsoring one (1) family in each church from Syria
    I truly believe that God has a plan to end these wars in the middle east and I believe that God is calling on all Christians to fast and pray for His Will to be done in these matters;
    I am in favour of Canada putting in place proper safety measures for our children to be natured, protected, cared for and for services for new parents, for education on birth control, on how to live drug free lives, on how to live a life of integrity, with a moral conscience, on how to live a life as a valuable member of the community, to be respected and loved as a human being!
    I am in favour of Canada taking care of Seniors, providing a proper Old Age Security cheque of $1700.00 a month AND if there is no investment monies then a Guaranteed Income Supplement of $400.00 a month so that a Senior who has no investments of any sort or who had an illness which prevented them from working in their younger years, an illness such as a Mental Illness, would be receiving $ 2,100.00 per monthl. This would enable a Senior to buy decent food instead of eating dog and cat food, it would allow a Senior to buy things for their family or grandchildren; and it would allow a Senior who at the present rates and if the Senior female is still attractive from getting involved with an escort service just to make ends meet,. then and only then, when the children and the Seniors are taken care of, then allow a few refugees to enter.
    I have seen the above two circumstances and it makes me cry; THIS IS CANADA AND THIS COUNTRY HAS TO LOOK AFTER THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HERE ALREADY!
    There is more than enough money in this country to cover pensions and medical for seniors, BUT it takes people with a responsible attitude and a trustworthy manner to deal with budgets.
    There are a number of politicial offices that are just taking up space and costing the government tons of money; these places can be closed; they are not serving ay purpose.
    Above all, I pray and sincerely wish to encourage everyone who is a believer to pray daily for our governments and people in charge to begin to seriously look at what is happening in our country!
    Let us not blame anyone but rather begin to pray!

    Father God I lift up our children and our Seniors in Canada and I ask that You dear Father would guide those in charge to look at policies and practices and procedures and to bring about changes that will protect our children and Seniors and encourage people to look at their communities and implement any positive changes! Lord God I pray that You would grant wisdom, insight and strength to those people who make policies and grant encouragement to the people in our communities to work and share in these policies. Thank you dear Father, In Jesus Name I Pray AMEN

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