Sunday, June 7, 2015


Today’s Reading: 1 CHRONICLES 7

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Camels in Petra, Jordan.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 7:2

“They were valiant men of might in their generations.”


Five times in today’s reading we are reminded of the number of those who were, as the last verse of chapter 7 says, “fit for battle.” They were also called “choice men.” We are coming up to Father’s Day shortly. In today’s battles, we need many more “choice men” who are “fit for battle.” Perhaps the key word here is “valiant.” According to the dictionary, valiant means, “boldly courageous, brave, or heroic.” Our reading numbers over 150,000 such men. In church this Sunday here in Canada, there will be many times more men than that. Let us rise up as “valiant” men of God. The women and children can pray for us that we will be men of character, fighting, not with human weapons, but with the “Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).


Lord God, I ask for the working of Your Spirit in me so that I may be “valiant” for You. Keep me faithful in the discipline of prayer and the reading of Your Word, so that as I exercise and practise with that weapon, Your Word You’ve given me, I may be “fit for battle.” May I today rise up, getting out of the trench and into the face of the enemy, where, by Your might, I will win in the battle of life. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!!!


One of the names mentioned in today’s reading is Joshua, the son of Nun. What a valiant man! Joshua is the Hebrew equivalent of “Jesus.” Joshua met the “Commander of the army of the Lord.” This was likely an appearance of Jesus prior to His birth in Bethlehem (see Joshua 5:13-15). The spiritual song “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” comes to my mind. I’m singing it quietly so as not to wake up Norma-Jean.

As a boy I would read daily the comic strips in the newspaper. There was a character called “Prince Valiant.” He was a knight of great courage and of sterling character. I remember thinking that when I grow up I want to be “valiant.” Here I am at almost 79 and I still want to be “valiant” (click here for a look at that comic strip).

Yours for becoming a person of valour,


11 thoughts on “Sunday, June 7, 2015

  1. From Robin Aldrich, Facebook page: Witness Stand , June 7, 2015
    Please feel free to share my latest original composition.
    Have a Blessed Sunday !


    We were gathered inside;
    some sat and some kneeled.
    We’d come in from the sun
    where so many were healed.

    They came without number
    From the regions surrounding
    the town of Capernaum.
    The news was astounding !

    Healings and Miracles
    and words of sound teaching.
    To the hungry and thirsty
    in Soul, He was reaching.

    We’d followed the Master
    Whose words of persuasion,
    had caused the homes’ owner
    to allow our invasion !

    The doorway was jammed;
    and all windowsills blocked;
    As the throngs to this house
    without warning had flocked.

    Common people and Scribes;
    Pharisees and our leaders.
    ( those knowledgeable people
    with no clue how to feed us )

    Jesus paused, and then spoke
    such words of True Life.
    They pierced each man’s soul;
    He was wielding God’s knife !

    All at once just above us
    the timbers did shake,
    and tiles fell among us !
    Were we having a Quake?

    We looked up in earnest
    as blue skies we could see,
    and four faces stared back !
    Should we stay there , or flee?

    Our view then was blocked
    as a bed, it descended
    to the feet of the Master.
    Just WHAT was intended?

    Paralyzed on the bed
    ( the man trapped all the time )
    But determined to reach Jesus !
    Could you call this a crime ?

    Our leaders weren’t happy,
    and with grumble and grouch,
    they sneered and murmured
    From their comfortable couch !

    Amazed at the hole
    that the four friends had riven,
    Jesus spoke to their Faith
    “Man, your sins are Forgiven !”

    “ He blasphemes”, it was murmured
    “ and this Jesus is odd !
    To dare to Forgive?
    which alone comes from God ! “

    To these men of ‘no action’
    who were so full of theory;
    Jesus challenged their hearts
    as he posed this real Query…

    “ Which words should I speak
    to this man we all see
    … your sins are forgiven ?
    OR ..
    Arise … Walk … Be Free “

    All their mouths then were stopped
    As the Lord spoke a Healing.
    The man got up smiling
    at his friends near the ceiling !

    To all who look Upward
    Whether Gentile or Jew;
    In Christ, there’s no ceiling,
    God’s Grace will break through !

    ( Based on the Gospels of Mark, chapter 2, verses 1-12; Luke chapter 5, verses
    17 – 25 )

  2. Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho by Mahalia Jackson

    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    Jericho, Jericho,
    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    And the walls came tumbling down!

    You may talk about your men of Gideon,
    You may talk about your men of Saul,
    But there’s none like good old Joshua
    And the battle of Jericho!

    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    Jericho, Jericho,
    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    And the walls came tumbling down!
    Right up to the walls of Jericho
    They marched with spear in hand;
    “Go blow them ram horns,” Joshua cried,
    “Cause the battle is in my hand.”

    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    Jericho, Jericho,
    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    And the walls came tumbling down!

    Then the lamb, ram,
    Sheep horns began to blow,
    And the trumpets began to sound,
    Joshua told the children to shout that morning
    And the walls came tumbling down!

    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    Jericho, Jericho,
    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    And the walls came tumbling down!
    And the walls came tumbling down!
    And the walls came tumbling down!

  3. Thank you Pastor David. Praying for valiant men especially in our government.

    I praise God for the valiant men in my family.

    Blessings as we worship today.

  4. Thank for calling as in to battle, I’m turning 80 this year, can’t think of anything better to do then standing fast for the Lord Jesus.

  5. Thank you Sir David for sharing your wisdom and inspiration. You are SO valiant!! I watched the movie Noah last night with Russell Crowe. Very awesome! So so sad at the end tho. Poor Ham doesn’t have a wife so he runs off by himself in anger. Plus Shem’s wife has twin daughters so how DO they multiply? Must be more fiction than fact I guess. Blessed day to all.

  6. My Dad was a good provider, he worked hard, and I do believe when he and my mom married they had good intentions….however, life happened, I was 5, brother died when he was 2 and my sister was born one month after and that almost didn’t happen…. as life went on..
    .Dad began to drink, the marriage was falling apart, my mother never did get over losing a child, her son… life …..became harsh for me and…..then I began acting out in a very strange way around 8-9 years of age, Ioved working with my Dad, I could lift bundles of grain like they weighed nothing, I could throw them on the threshing machines like they were match boxes, I had incredible strength, however, then there were days when I could not get out of bed, so….then my Dad would give me a taste of the strap….I was just a child….so all in all…..without realizing it….I would find the booze and drink and numb the pain even at that young age…..I learned to run very fast, because I vowed I would never get another strap…it hurt….so I became a mouthy kid, something was wrong with me, my Grandfather was kind and I did talk to him about my Dad and he had a talk with my Dad, then one day a nice showed up, he married my Dad’s sister, and he was WONDERFUL! Time went on and he tried very hard to help me in every way, but whatever I had was out of control and then one day, I wound up pregnant!
    Life goes on and finally at the age of 47 I was diagnosed as Bi Polar…..I found out something just 2 years ago and I wish to share;;;;;
    mental illness can be traced along the lines of the female generations;
    alcoholism can be traced along the lings of the male generations:
    WELL, THAT WAS PROBABLY THE BEST NEWS I COULD HAVE EVER RECEIVED! None of this was my fault,. I did inherit the illness, and PRAISE TO GOD ALMIGHTYHE REMOVED SMOKING/ALCOHOL FROM ME 20 years ago, so that was the end of the booze and again I say PRAISE AND THANK GOD.
    I write this because valiant men were lacking in my life and unfortunately lacking in my children’s lives! I am so sorry for causing this hurt to happen to my children!

  7. That was a difficult childhood, Sah. God is our Healer! He is also the Perfect Father! Stay close to Him. He loves you. Sometimes it’s hard to believe He really loves YOU because of harsh or unfair treatment from an earthly father. I pray that He will show you His love. I prayed that for someone and that person told me after that she experienced a real touch from God. That person said, “no wonder we need glorified bodies in heaven. Our earthly body could never stand that much love”.

    • Thanks Doreen I have made my peace with my family and I am so thankful for Jesus Christ in my life! EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO ME WAS A LEARNING CURVE! As I said I am very sorry that my children did not have a valiant father,
      As you may remember I have been praying and have asked for prayers for a financial windfall of some sort! I so desire to clear debts, fix house/car and find someone to go with me and find my children and help them also. I also am praying the Lord will bless me with a B IG financial gain to also help a friend build a suite on their place and then I can sell my mobile home and move into the suite. I only want to own a car and spend these later years weeding in the community gardens, going for coffee, talking to others or like today, spend the day in the park and listen to different musicians. FOR WITH GOD NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE!

  8. Thank You Jesus for reconciling us to Your Father and that through all You have done, Jesus, I can also call Him, Father. Thank you “Abba Father” for Your Great love for the world that you sent your Only Begotten Son to die so that we could live eternally with You!!!
    Thank You Heavenly Father that You chose me to be your child: Lord God Almighty for Your Great Love!!! Amen!

    Appreciate your commitment to bring forth this Manna from heaven every morning, Rev. David. I pray God continue to Bless you and your loved ones in all you do.
    Thank you bloggers for your input in psalms, and song, and words of encouragement and need.

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