Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 15
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Bedouins set up their transient homes wherever it is best for their livestock. Here they are located just below Mount Nebo. The promised land is seen in the distance.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 15:22
So Samuel said:
“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
As in obeying the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
And to heed than the fat of rams…”
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Lord God, You have taken the judgement I deserved. Dear Lord Jesus, You suffered far more than King Agag and King Saul did for the evil of their sin. All I can do now is cry out to You, “God, be merciful to me a sinner.” I say this with my whole heart, mind and soul. You’ve said, Lord Jesus, that I am now made right in the sight of God. I have no excuses for my sin, and like King David, I have found forgiveness. Amen!
I was compelled just now to meditate on God’s mercy. In the Virgin Mary’s prophetic utterance, she spoke these words: “He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:49-50). Later in his Gospel, Luke records the prayer of repentance and cry for mercy which God hears and answers with His assuring “Yes” (Luke 18:9-14). What comfort! I’ve also just read Hebrews 8, the entire chapter is my New Testament reading for today.
All who are in leadership, particularly Christian leadership, must be warned that God will never take excuses for sin. He only receives sorrow for sin…that’s being sorry enough to quit sinning…and that’s called repentance! Christian leaders have built memorials to themselves, as Saul did. I fall on my face and cry out for mercy. I take most seriously the Words of our key verse, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” Once again I pray the sinners prayer, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” I remember clearly the words of John, who included himself, writing, “If we say that we have no sin [present tense] we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9). What assurance!
Yours for constant cleansing from all sin (1 John 1:1 – 2:6),
Thank you Lord for the forgiveness of my sins! Thank you for removing smokes/alcohol from me 20 years ago in April. Thank you for swimming! Thank you for the Christian people I meet at the pool. Please pray for my friend Judy. she is having a difficult time right now! God bless a gal and her 2 boys visiting her mom! Thank you for the lifeguards!
I am in a very difficult financial situation! I need an increase in my finances! Please pray the Lord will bless me abundantly!
I also pray that the Lord will send me the right people to help me get my place ready for sale. This is going to take awhile, please pray that I find a little apartment uptown. I vision a place where the owners are away alot and would like someone reliable around. With God all things are possible! thank you for praying for one another! I find it very uplifting and very loving! God bless this ministry and all who post blogs!
I will pray for you Sah
Just finished praying for you Sah. Be encouraged as you witness to those around you. God has a plan and wait patiently (which is not easy) but He knows your needs.
Blessings to all and may we learn to obey as we hear God’s voice. It could have been so different for Saul but he was more interested about how people perceived him. Let’s learn from this.
I said a prayer for you Sah. Just continue to rest in his arms. He has always provided for you and will continue.
Have a Blessed and Wonderful Day Fellow bloggers.
Prayed for you Sah, and your needs.
Thank you for reminding me to pray for the life guards and other staff members, as they keep us safe!
Blessings to all.
Prayed for you sah as well. Looks like a very impressive view of the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo. Thank you David and for the continued photos Reynold. This is the third consecutive Sunday I have not been able to get to church because of a storm. Blessings on all!
thank you for prayiing! I burst into tears!
Here is another prayer request please: should I advertise for someone to rent the back portion, I used to do this years ago, it went well, the ad was room, bath, own entrance for busy mature working male, n/s,n/d, no pets/no parties the room is clean and quiet, a bedroom, small fridge, tv, microwave, I never had a problem and when they phoned I had a million questions and STRESSED no criminal record, and it worked out ok…I just don’t know what to do….the pressure is very harsh..I have asked God why I am feeling this pressure so much..His Word says he doesn’t give us more than we can bear! I don’t understand! Yes my deam would the Lord grant me a financial windfall! I know what to do with that and I would celebrate His goodness just like I celebrate the swimming and other things He has done. Lord please show me what do do? Send me the right person if that is what I am supposed to do! thank you again to everyone for praying………
Lord God Your word says that You provide ALL our needs, and that you delight in giving us the desires of our heart…Jesus I pray that You provide the the financial needs for Sah, as well that her home sells at the proper price…and that the place for her to live in is exactly what she has hoped for!
Lord God, I pray that I hear and am quick to obey as you guide me through each day.