Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Corinth Canal connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea. It cuts through the narrow Isthmus of Corinth and separates the Peloponnesian peninsula from the Greek mainland, thus effectively making the former an island. The builders dug the canal through the Isthmus at sea level; no locks are employed. It is 6.4 kilometres (4 miles) in length and only 21.3 metres (70 feet) wide at its base, making it impassable for most modern ships. It now has little economic importance. The canal was envisioned in classical times and an initial effort was made to build it in the 1st century AD, but the project was aborted. Construction finally got underway in 1881 and was completed in 1893.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:1, 3
And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ…for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
“Behaving like mere men?” Jesus said to Peter, “You are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” (Matthew 16:23). A paraphrase of that is, “You think like men think and not as God thinks.” God’s Word is the expression of His thoughts. In order to think and behave as God would think and act, it is of ultimate importance to stay consistent in reading and meditating on God’s Word. God has called and equipped pastor/teacher servants and put them in the pulpits of our local churches. We need this ministry gift. God put these people in our home congregations. Some of us unwisely run after big name ministers, or even think we can grow in our Christian life without the local church. If we think that, we’re wrong, and we, our families and friends will suffer negative consequences.
As I think on today’s reading, it occurs to me that indeed, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Paul’s pen penetrates deeply into our innermost beings. The church of Corinth provides an understanding into what eventually became our many denominational divisions. Paul’s has cut away (ouch!) at our careless attitudes toward those things that are harmful to the temple (our bodies) in which we live… overeating, smoking, etc, etc, and laziness or failure to work. All things which harm us are dealt with. It may be repentance time right now!
Allow me this personal prayer today…
Lord God, I repent of my laziness. Recently, I’ve twice slept beyond my early morning prayer time. Please help me as I grow older, and have certain physical challenges, to remain faithful to the disciplines to which You’ve called me. I can’t do this on my own. I need Your supernatural strength 24/7. I believe with all my heart, mind and soul that You will impart Your grace to me at all times. Amen!
Several years ago, one of my fellow ministers introduced me to a book by Campbell McAlpine called, Alone with God. The author points out that our spiritual maturity is determined by the answer to this question, “How well do I know God?” He goes on to ask, “Do you believe your spiritual growth is commensurate with the time you’ve known God? Have you neglected the means of growth? What adjustments do you believe are necessary in your life to correct this?” I received a call from a person who is reading through the Bible with the 100words reading pattern. She said that she had read through the entire Bible once before, but could not remember reading of the horrible crimes recorded in the last chapters of Judges. My response was that in an attempt to read quickly, our eyes often glaze over and our minds go into neutral. Thus the extreme importance of a well-ordered reading schedule. The two year program will make sure that we don’t miss anything and that our minds will stay sharp each reading time.
Yours for finding that rare jewel, according to Shakespeare, “CONSISTENCY,”
Yes Lord let Your perfect plan for my life and my husband and children s lives be what You have planned before we were born use me today in your pkan and help David to wake up at 4 am to spend that time with You Dear Father and help him to be strong as he does Your will in Jesus name Amen
It amazes me how a canal can be dug through rock way back in the 1800s. I would have loved to see how that was done without the incredible machinery we have today. I have never missed a day of the blog from the beginning but I do not remember the horrible things we have recently read. I think it is because we don’t want to remember them. There were some terrible times in my childhood but I don’t feel the pain or remember much about them. I’m thankful for that. I’m on a day trip today to see the Aquarium in Toronto! I was going to cancel because of the cold and the expected snow but I got a call on my new Smart phone (given to me by my kids) and I was not familiar with all the avenues of the phone. The tour guide called and I didn’t know how to cancel, so off I go! Have a good day all.
Thank you Pastor David for your closing comments today “God has called and equipped pastor/teacher servants and put them in the pulpits of our local churches. We need this ministry gift. God put these people in our home congregations. Some of us unwisely run after big name ministers, or even think we can grow in our Christian life without the local church. If we think that, we’re wrong, and we, our families and friends will suffer negative consequences”
I have quoted them in my own comment to a TV Interview shared on Facebook today by a single lady from my own Western nation, who sadly seems to have been an isolated young Christian ( from any local congregation and Pastoral care ) when she embarked on a Fast to ‘draw closer to God’. In this effort, she lost much sleep and heard herself ‘invite Satan to take over her life ! ‘ ( my paraphrase ). She then spent many years in Fear and Deception , believing that she’d committed the ‘unpardonable sin’ and that there was no hope for her. After years, she tuned into a world-wide TV satellite Christian Ministry and was able to gradually exit her fears. Sadly, she still made no mention of any connection to a local congregation of Believers ! It reminded me of my own journey as a 17 year old boy ( 50 years ago this coming October ) from an isolated family and home situation, to seek out such Care and Christian fellowship some 12 or so miles away. God is Faithful and will ALWAYS lead if we will excercise obedience.
Thank you David for your help in understanding what I am reading each day in the Bible. I look forward to your blog each morning.
Also, I enjoy all the comments from fellow bloggers.
Have a very blessed day everyone!
Wow! What messages and photos today! Thank you. Your obedience to God’s call and tenacity are an inspiration David. God bless you saints!
Thank you Pastor Mainse, your words have sliced through my habitual inconsistent reading of God’s Word. Reading here and there has it’s temporary merits but reading through and through is where the lasting jewels are gleaned! Thank you for your obedience, it is very refreshing.
May I ask for prayer for my 85yr. old independent living active farmer mom, please… she has recently been hospitalized with a heart condition, and is in palliative care at this time. Myself and three of my adult children are driving through this snowfall to get to her hospital north of Cornwall, ON. God is good and His mercy endures forever!
I joined with your prayer Rev. David for myself as well as for you to be strengthened in all the Lord has for you.
Lord Jesus, thank you for Your word in Philippians 4: 2-6. And I trust and am “confident of this very thing, that You who have begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”
Spectacular pictures of the Corinth canal!
How true the words in this morning scriptures of the way of man! and the Greatness and faithfulness of God!!
Thanks for the reminder – consistency…so crucial. Thank God for His mercy when we fall down.
Reminds me of another man’s take on jewels – The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment – by Jeremiah Burroughs – available free on-line.
Pastor/Teacher I wept through your prayer this a.m.
If your load can be lightened by not doing a blog on Saturdays and/OR Sundays. Your readers would understand. I am a senior as well – we have limits even through the heart is willing. Don’t let my comments stop you from sharing your heart and being transparent with your readings. Continue to be you. We love you and appreciate you. My response because I care as Norma Jean cares about your well being and at times limitation. I don’t call you lazy dear – just a moment when the Temple may need more rest. Thank you for you CONSISTENCY, obedience to the Lord and faithfulness to us. May God continue to give you disearnment and wisdom during the day how your time and where your energy is to be spent.
Sorry, correction …that word is from…. Phil: 1:2-6… not 4
I Join with you as well David I want to / need to wake up earlier , to spend time with
God . Thank you David for your obedience Alexandra I will pray for your mom
, and your family.
Lianne Hogg
just wanted to let you know that I still have my full set of the day by day series