Today’s Reading: Judges 21
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Mount of Temptation above Jericho is said to be the hill in the Judean Desert where Jesus was tempted by the devil. The devil, who had been banished to earth, like Napoleon was banished to St. Helena years ago by the European powers, had direct access to Jesus to tempt Him to act contrary to His Father’s will. How much more would the enemy of all that is good, kind, loving, and true, tempt and attack the people described in the book of Judges.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Judges 21:3a & Judges 21:15
“O Lord, the God of Israel,” they cried, “why has this happened to Israel”…And the people grieved for Benjamin, because the Lord had made a void in the tribes of Israel.
It is gratifying to find that, after the violent war between the tribes, there came a return of tender feelings, efforts at reconciliation and peace. It must have felt like gentle rain after the hurricane of war. Human tears, as they well forth on behalf of others, reveal the existence of the love of God expressed in acts of compassion. There is an old saying that, “Those who act in haste repent at leisure.” In other words, the process of godly sorrow for sin and for the foolish decisions, which sin produces, often takes years to heal. Israel is a case in point.
Following our next readings in 1st and 2nd Corinthians (which start tomorrow), the blog will return to the book of Ruth. Here we will find the most tender feelings, even involving people from Moab, former enemies of Israel. After Ruth, the blog moves into the years of the Prophet Samuel. He is one truly bright star of righteousness who shines for God in his leadership.
Lord God, I’ve read ahead in 1 Corinthians. Some people are still in a moral mess, even after they have believed in Jesus as their Saviour and been baptised as Christians. Help me to learn and communicate the difference You have made in their lives compared to the people we’ve read about in Judges. Teach me, I pray, right from wrong, and teach me how to keep filled with Your Word and Your Holy Spirit, so everything will be better. In Jesus’ Name! Amen!
God always answers prayer!! However, I heard a guest on the 100 Huntley Street telecast say, ” God’s answer may be as follows: NO, GROW, SLOW, and GO!” If it is “No,” that’s God’s absolute right to have other plans and to carry out those plans. If His answer is “Grow,” it means that I must grow in my Christian life before he says, “YES.” If He says, “Slow,” then circumstances must change in order to accommodate His full plan. If He says, “Go,” it’s obvious. I believe that true faith does not try to manipulate God into a “Yes;” it is simply a matter of obedience. Having prayed according to the Scriptures, I now live in God’s will and fully expect to continue living in His perfect will. Whatever happens is OK, because I’m not living according to my own understanding. I’m acknowledging Him in all my ways, and, therefore, His promise is activated. He directs my paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Yours for “Godliness with contentment which is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6),

The Monastery of the Temptation is an Orthodox Christian monastery located in the West Bank, along a cliff overlooking the city of Jericho and the Jordan Valley. It is built upon the summit of the Mount of Temptation, rising 350 metres above sea level. It currently serves as a tourist attraction and its land is under the full jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, but the monastery is owned and managed by the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem.
I attended the “Beauty & the Beast” by our local drama students! WOW! I cried all the way through! All the students were excellent in their singing and acting! I really encourage people to go see the play somewhere! I had a good time and I was soTHANKFUL THAT WE ARE FREE FROM OUR MASKS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! I pray that for all people! There are many lonely and isolated people and they need a smile and encouragement to have a coffeee, hot chocolate or something that will engage a conversation! We all need each other and the world needs to know Jesus Christ as their saviour!
Amen! David and Sah! Please pray for me today as I go to Emerg and check out some soreness in my throat area. Thanks! Blessings David and fellow bloggers.
Praying all will be well with you Ger. catherine
Also Amen to David and Sah
I will keep you in my prayers Ger
Amen as well Sah and David
Lianne Hogg
It is not good that man be alone so when you find a wife you ve found a good thing Praise God for my husband and I pray that there is nothing serious wrong with your throat in Jesus name Amen
What a different culture we have in Canada today than Judges time culture. Praise the Lord!
Praying for a good outcome on your sore throat area mystery Ger.
“It’s been said that you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. When people see the joy of Jesus in your life today, they will want what you have. So choose not to hide your salt in a saltshaker or your light under a basket (Matthew 5:13-16). And step into your day with confidence—your Father is still on the throne of the universe.”
Blessings fellow saints.
Lynda do you recall that song “This little light of Mine” hide it under a bushel bag “NO” I’m going to let it shine!”…i’m sure it is on U Tube…..bloom where you grow…..shine where you are……blessings
Amen Lynda! I agree with your comments.
A couple of days ago,a few blogger were expressing how difficult it was to read the Book of Judges when time after time, without spiritual leadership, the people did evil in the eyes of the Lord. A period of extreme darkness of sin in this period of the Israelite’s journey. The “sinfulness of sin” so obvious. But I went ahead and read the little book of Ruth, thinking we were going there. The amazing thing is that the story of Ruth occurred “in the days when THE JUDGES ruled” (Ruth 1:1) In the midst of all this darkness, God WAS at work through Ruth and, then, Boaz who married her. Here is the miracle or “a shining BRIGHT light in the midst of darkness…. (Ruth 4:13-17, esp. vs. 17.Ruth “had a son and named him Obed.” and “Obed was the father of Jesse, the FATHER of (King) DAVID”…through the line of David would come our Saviour, our Redeemer. Thank God, our God is ultimately Sovereign and working all the time – even when bad things happen in this world or even in our lives. I just wanted to share this blessing about Ruth because it was a blessing to me – something I hadn’t noticed before. It is only when we see the darkness of sin do we really appreciate “the Light of World” – “looking unto Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith:.
May the light of Christ’s presence, joy, healing and abundant blessing be upon all bloggers – especially all who need a little encouragement or a fresh healing touch of God upon our body, soul or spirit. Here is a beautiful little chorus: “Touch me, Again, Lord, Touch me again. This moment I feel that afresh thou canst heal, so TOUCH ME AGAIN, LORD, touch me again.”
A special prayer for you, Ger.
Thankyou Samuel, iit is truly amazing how God speaks to us through His Wotd.
Ger I pray that everything will be fine with your throat. Blessings to all. Eleanor M.
Amen, Samuel. Thank you for sharing these inspiring thoughts and words with us!
What a great picture of the Mount of Transfiguration and the Monastery..thank you for posting these.
Haste makes waste as this scripture has shown. Judges 21:25 “In Israel there was no king in those day, everyone did what was wise in their own eyes.”
Ger,I pray that “the peace of God, which passes all understanding will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus” Ph 4:7
and that the tests will come out negative…with healing in your throat through Christ Jesus our Great Healer.
I am blessed to see how many responded to my request for prayer. Thanks so much all of you. The doctor scheduled me for a test and I will keep you posted of the result. God bless you. Yes David and Samuel, the book of Ruth is good news after reading the book of Judges and our Saviour was born during a very dark and oppressive time under the rule of the Romans which makes Him shine even brighter.
I believe it was “appointed time” for a SaVIOUR…..i’M NOT SURE WHETHER THAT IS IN THE bIBLE….but something swirls in my head about the APPOINTED TIME…..Ger I believe that your throat will be healed, I believe that God will bless you with a great peace……