Today’s Reading: Judges 14-15
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Tomb of Lazarus is a traditional spot of pilgrimage located in the West Bank town of al-Eizariya, identified as the Biblical village of Bethany, on the southeast slope of the Mount of Olives, some 2.4 km (1.5 miles) east of Jerusalem. The tomb is thought to be the site of the miracle recorded in the Gospel of John in which Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This first photo is of the street level entrance to the tomb…see three more images at the bottom of this blog that will take you down into the tomb itself.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Judges 14:5 & 6a
So Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother, and came to the vineyards of Timnah. Now to his surprise a young lion came roaring against him. And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him.
The Apostle Peter warns us that our “adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (read 1 Peter 5:5-9). This is advice to younger people. Sampson needed this counsel. While he won this fight with a lion, he was already on the path of poor choices. His mother and father knew this but did not stand in the way of their son’s desires. Of course, God knew that this would start Sampson on his road to deliver Israel from the latest oppressor. God often allows us to go our own way, and in doing so, advances His ultimate purpose. God desired to respond to the the cries of His people for deliverance. Sampson chose a wife who did not know the God of Israel. God could’ve accomplished His purposes in different ways, but He chose to work within Sampson’s free-will decisions. How can we line up our decisions with His?
Psalm 37:4 tells us, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” When we delight ourselves in the Lord, we want only what He wants. His delight becomes our delight. Thus we have the desires of our hearts and do His will at the same time.
Lord God, I desire to do Your will at all times. I delight in You! You are my joy! Therefore, I ask for Your guidance in my decisions. I am confident, going forward, that You are directing me into Your plan for me. Thank You, Lord! In the Name of Jesus, the One who always delighted to do Your will, I pray. Amen!
It’s Valentines Day! Sampson’s love life was sad. Contrasted to Sampson’s experience is my relation with the love of my life, Norma-Jean, my wife. We both knew we were in the centre of God’s will. We both desired to please the heart of God most of all, and therefore God gave us the desires of our hearts. Have a happy Valentines day!!!
I found it interesting that my son would choose to share with us the photographs he took of the tomb of Lazarus, the tomb into which Jesus spoke the words, “Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:19-44). Yes, Sampson was a great champion of Israel, but our Great Champion, the Lion of Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ, is Lord of all. He has defeated death, the last enemy of every human being. He has brought us deliverance, not just for 20 years, but forever and ever.
It’s about 30 years ago that a Dr. Eby was a guest on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. He was already an old man. He held the record for being the obstetrician who had delivered more babies that anyone else. I was impressed. He told us of his experience while in the tomb of Lazarus. He had a vision of the risen Christ, and his life was forever changed. I have never had such a vision, but I know that Jesus is right here, right now!
Yours to help us delight ourselves in the Lord, thus finding His perfect will. Amen!!!!

A view from the back of the tomb towards the stairs that Lazarus would have walked up to get to Jesus.
John 13:34…..a beautiful verse from Scripture spoke by Jesus, a beautiful thought on Valentine’s Day….blessings to everyone…….
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even asI have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34
John 15:13New International Version (NIV)
13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Happy Valentines !
Blessings blog friends! May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ permeate our very essence through the Holy Spirit who dwells within… Happy Valentines day… <3
Saw a video of an Irish priest, Ray Kelly, singing the lovely song, Hallelujah, on 100 Huntley St. and how it changed his life. A friend sent me another video of a Brazilian boy and his sister singing the same tune with their own words. Enjoy!
Have a blessed Valentine’s Day dear saints.
Pardon me. This is the link she sent me.
Since it is Valentine’s Day, it seems a love poem would not be out of place
If love could be measured by stars then the whole universe could not contain the love you have for me Lord.
If love could be measured by tears then the whole seven seas could not hold the drops you out pour
If love could be measured by words then you would speak volumes everlasting
If love could be measured by song you would sing without ceasing
If love could be measured by time then eternity itself would not be long enough for you to express your heart
But love was measured by actions when you became like me
Love was measured by sacrifice when you died for my sins upon a tree
Love was measured by hope when you conquered death
so we would never need part
Love was measured by faith when you sealed me with your mark.
So if my love for you could be measured by this simple poem,
if that is all I could do
then I would end it by saying thank you for all the love you give me
and I love you too.
Amen. Love you all too! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day was every day for us. I never liked cut flowers though. My husband used to tease me by saying he was going to give me roses! Cut flowers die. Potted flowers are better! There is so much beauty in flowers. I love to visit the flower department in our big grocery store. Rabbi Schneider says that our God who created such beauty is Beautiful. We don’t think of Him as Beautiful, and we should. I believe he is right on with that thought.
God’s Blessing and Love on this Valentines’ Day!!!
Dear David, loved today’s post. The glory through the door! The other day, I had a dream of a beautiful golden door and Jesus coming through. I asked the Lord what it meant and he gave me Psalm 24. He is the King of Glory! Able to raise dead Lazarus, and our soon coming King!
Love, Anne
Amen Donna M! Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all.
Happy Valentine day to every one , God bless you all ….Rosemarie…
I have been not in touch with everyone for 5 days because of my seizures
,and not being near my computer . I had been at my mother’s which was
nice, she helped me bless her heart could you pray for healing for me these
seizures do take alot out of me, and my mother. ( she is not a born again christian)
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
Lianne Hogg
Beverlee, the song, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” and the devotional really ministered to me today. Keep them coming, dear sister. God bless you.
Happy Valentine’s Day, fellow saints!
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.1 Cor 13:13
This is for you, Ger, dear sister-in-Christ:
In His Time
Thank you Beverlee. Many blessings!
Hi Lianne
I saw a program the other about a lady with seizures and she got a dog who helped her immensely! The dog knew when these seizures were coming and he would lead against her or slowly help her sit down….it was such a moving story….the dog was being trained as a Seeing Eye Dog but as soon the dog saw this woman the dog went for her and jumped and licked her face, so they were made a pair! I was so deeply touched by this dog and I have told a couple of people who have friends who have seizures! I don’t know how a person would get some information but I would contact the Society for the Blind…..I just thought I would pass this on….