Today’s Reading: Judges 9
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Mount Gerizim is one of the two mountains in the immediate vicinity of the West Bank city of Nablus (near the ancient city of Shechem), and forms the southern side of the valley in which Nablus is situated, the northern side being formed by Mount Ebal. Gerizim is sacred to the Samaritans who regard it, rather than Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, as having been the location chosen by Yahweh for a holy temple. The mountain continues to be the centre of Samaritan religion to this day, and over 90% of the worldwide population of Samaritans live in very close proximity to Gerizim, mostly in Kiryat Luza, the main village.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Judges 9:21
And Jotham ran away and fled; and he went to Beer and dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech his brother.
Jotham’s parable shows wisdom. He may have been able to become a judge of Israel, replacing his father Gideon, but he chose to run away because of fear. His power-hungry brother had no such fear. Abimelech became the first Israelite to claim the title “King.” How sad that the people chose the bramble to rule over them. Jotham’s prophecy came to pass in the fires, the millstone, and the sword of the armour-bearer. We should encourage the best leaders, people of integrity and wisdom, to step up for leadership in the church, the government, and in every field of human endeavour.
The Gospel says of Jesus in John 4, “He needed to go through Samaria” (read John 4:1-42). The woman at Jacob’s Well pointed to Gerizim and said, “Our fathers worshipped on this mountain.” The Samaritan religion still flourishes. An annual sacrifice is led by their high priest on the top of Gerizim. Jesus did not run away from His destiny like Jotham. He stepped up to the Cross. He is our fearless Judge, Prophet, Priest, and King.
Lord Jesus, You are my King! Your rulership is one of complete authority. I yield to You! Please grant me constant willingness to follow Your leadership in all things. In Your Name I pray, Amen!
I shared a taxi some years ago as I travelled from Amman, Jordan, to Jerusalem, with the Samaritan High Priest. He was dressed in an impressive robe and turban. His religion seemed to be a mixture of modern Judaism and an ancient form of Israelite worship. It seemed to be a very general approach to God, with a great deal of superstition. He was well aware of the story of Jesus at the well at the foot of Gerizim. The Samaritan religious leader, who lived in Jordan, was on his way to make the annual sacrifice on the top of Gerizim. How thankful I am for the final, once and for all Sacrifice of Jesus, and for the Living Water, which is not in the well at the foot of the mountain, from which I drink deeply every morning before doing this blog.
In the matter of leadership, I knew God called me to His cause. Some people around me encouraged me, but I had to step up and lead in the direction God was leading me. I am not one to run away like Jotham did. I may be 78 years old, but I still have the strong conviction that I can do much as long as I move boldly forward, and I’m confident that the task ahead is God’s will for me. Amen!
Yours for all that God purposes to accomplish through those who serve Him,
P.S. I have the honour of being live on the 100 Huntley Street TV show in 3-1/2 hours from this posting! Please pray for me and watch live on the Canadian Global TV network at 9:30 a.m., or on repeat showings on “YES TV” at 11:00 a.m. or 9:00 p.m. Also this morning’s show will be online by this afternoon at (click here and watch the February 11th program later today).
Praying for wisdom and strength for you as you appear on 100 Huntley St. Can’t watch at the time, but will watch later.
I will pray for you as well
Lianne Hogg
Looking forward to viewing when you are on today’s broadcast. God be with you.
I too am glad I have the saving grace of Jesus. Blessings everyone
…looking forward to today’s telecast David. God will bless this time with you on 100 Huntley Street… Praise our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!
Gosh! Today’s reading makes my stomach queasy. Seems like people in that area haven’t come very far from thousands of years ago. and maybe not just in that area. If only they would get to know and heed Jesus of his eternal love before it’s too late.
Regardless, I am printing out your study every day now and putting it into a binder for my dear grandson to study when he is able. He’s a beautiful baby boy right now but looking forward to seeing him as a grown, God-honouring man. Your words will live on Rev. M. Thanks very much for such a legacy.
Blessings fellow saints.
Ezra Levant of Sun News is informing Canadians of what is happening in our country.
Canadian Jihadi:
He has made up a website with a petition we can sign asking police to investigate.
This is the website to sign the petition.
May God bless you David. And all my fellow blog readers. Please, Lord God, give us all your courage and wisdom to follow Jesus and do what’s right in your sight.
Praying for you too, David and looking forward to seeing today’s telecast.
Praying for you, and hope to watch it later, as I am off to a Bible study, and some volunteer work now.
I will be watching via the internet. I do pray that all goes well. I’m off to volunteer jobs. (my birthday today and the first one as a widow). The government sent me a form listing me as “widow”. I can’t believe how they got that information so quickly. Just got a call from a church member staying in Florida. She sang, Happy Birthday”! Have a good day all.
Happy Birthday Doreen!! God bless you.
A very happy birthday Doreen and praying God will bless your day and give you much happiness and good health in the year to come. Catherine
Happy Birthday dear Doreen. May you feel the Lord’s presence continually.
Pastor David I was wondering about the Samaritan religion, thanks for enlightening me. Plan to watch you tonight. Bless all bloggers.
Happy Birthday, Doreen, dear sister-in-Christ! May you feel the blessing of God’s love and your husband’s spirit and know how much the saints love you!
I will certainly tape your 9:30 am broadcast since I am off to Bible Study at 10 am today.
I know that you will be an encouragement to Dr John Hull, Ron and their 100 Huntley team.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Amen Robert Slimm!
Happy Birthday Doreen.
I will be watching ,God bless you David and all who watch 100 huntley
Watched today’s telecast on internet: Ellen’s wedding in Cana must have been a very emotional time for you and your family.
bless your time in Israel this May.
Thank you for not running away from putting forth this blog, and all other events the Lord has placed in your pathway.
Just watched the 100 Huntley Street segment! So enjoyed seeing you David Mainse–you look fantastic. Loved your “green hornet” flashback!! 🙂 To see your reaction to your daughter Ellen and Nizar’s wedding video, was so special! What a great show! I especially enjoyed the segment on Crossroads Relief and Development. The gardens in Turkana, Kenya, are amazing! Praise God for ending the cycle of food aid and implementing the drought proof garden for life! AMEN!
Blessings dear brothers and sisters in Christ!!