Suggested Reading: Joshua 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the area of the Jordan River, near Jericho, where the Children of Israel crossed into the Promised Land. It is also the approximate location on the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized. Visitors have the opportunity to follow the experience of Jesus in these waters.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 6:27
So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country.
Joshua’s dramatic encounter with “the Angel of the Lord” (5:13-15 & 6:1-5) must have been a powerful confirmation to him that God’s call on his life was as definite as that of Moses. Also, the specific instructions for the defeat of Jericho gave Joshua great confidence in moving forward. This was no ordinary angel. This was the Lord Himself as evidenced by Joshua’s worship.
The Gospels record that Jesus received worship. At the visit of the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12), through to eternity (Revelation 5:1-14), Jesus is worshipped. None of the great prophets and apostles ever received worship. In Lystra (Acts 14:11-18), people tried to worship Paul and Barnabus who were horrified at the thought of being worshipped. Let us worship the Lord alone. He is worthy! Let us join now the hosts of Heaven in worshipping Him. Here is a choir singing “Holy, holy, holy” (Revelation 4:8-11). Let us join with them in worship (click here).
Lord Jesus, You are my commanding Officer. Give me grace and willing obedience as You did for Joshua. I worship You! You alone are worthy! Hallelujah! Glory to Your Name forever and ever! Amen and Amen!
Throughout the years, as one who seeks to follow Jesus and to listen for His instructions, I’ve been blessed with His guidance. This daily, two-year journey through the Bible is an example of my willingness to obey what I believe He tells me to do. When God asked the people to march around the walls once a day, and then seven times the last day, it must’ve seemed foolish and tedious to some people. It may have been a mile or more around the walls. Some would’ve wanted to give up, I’m sure. Nevertheless, they persevered. The archaeological digs around Jericho seem to indicate that the walls did not simply fall over but that they imploded into the ground. The Lord works with an infinite variety of methods. I think I’ve learned to expect the unexpected!
I enjoy reading the comments of my friends. Keep them coming! And thank you to everyone who joins me! To post a comment or read comments from others, click on the “Comments” bubble at the top of
P.S. Here’s a video clip that shows that God is at work. Yes, there is violence and war. God does not diminish men and women by robbing us of free will, but He draws us to Himself in such a way that we find delight in doing His will! (click here).
My heart is filled with joy from the scripture reading and this blog post! I love you David Mainse and all the saints! When God’s call is on our lives, He is for us, and nothing can stand against us! We lift up our hearts to You, oh Lord, as we give You all the thanks and praise and glory! Amen!
David, I appreciate how you have occasionally provided scientific ways on how some of the biblical events may have happened. The destruction of Jericho and the saving of Rehab and her family certainly affirms Gods love and order. For me, this blog is like referring to course guidance every morning and keeping focus on the importance of remaining in our Lords light. Thank you, and His blessings to all!
watched the video clip PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! It is the Holy Spirit that calls, gathers and enlightens all people to the Gospel. All we need to do is plant a seed! Scripture does say that “every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus CHrist is Lord” I really appreciated the grace of the 2 people in the video. What a love story! What a life story! Yep and here we go again, I’m going to sleep when others are waking up! I have learned so much about this sleep disorder and I have to thank the Lord because it’s easier to understand and deal with the situation. Have a good day everyone!
Appreciate you too David and your faithfulness to this Bible Study and blog. And we worship you, our Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour, Healer and Friend. Amen. Blessings, saints!
Looks like Joshua’s prophecy has come true about anyone being cursed who tries to rebuild that city. So enjoy this bible study Rev. and thank God in Heaven for your good health.
My husband is still sleeping so I couldn’t play this hymn and will have to watch your videos later. There’s other renditions there to choose from.
“This is my Father’s world”:
Blessings fellow saints.
Okay, husband is up! Loved the video of the Buddhist and Christian wife. Praise God for mixed marriages. Loved the hymn also….Holy, Holy Holy.
Our Lord is continuing to bless you and your family David. Thank you for your drive to fulfill His calling through you to continue this wonderful Spirit-Filled blog and Bible Study. It is truly a blessing to wake up, have my morning devotion, have my first cup of coffee, then read the fresh bread that you provide each and every day…
May the Holy Spirit of God permeate each of our souls as we continue in faith to follow your Inspired teaching each day. Blessings blog friends…
Amen God Bless you David and your families
I am so thankful for and the comments.
Thank you David for keeping the blog going. I joined in 2014, and am totally blessed by the blog. I enjoy getting up early in the morning and having my quiet time with my Lord and Savior. What a great time of fellowship this is. Praise and Glory all go to the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit. Blessings–David Block
Thank you, David, for your faithfulness in doing the blog every morning and
I so appreciate the photos, added scriptural references and videos that you include.
May God be glorified and worshipped forever and ever!
Dear Rev. David M.
Thank you so much for your guidance . These 2.5 years of Bible Study , have been such an example of the Power of Gods Words like perseverance, courage, repentance, gratitude, rightiouness, forgiveness, discernement and I could go on and on .
Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that You have put a servant like David M. in our path to show us the truth, light and the way, for it is after all about Your Son, our Saviour, our King, Jesus Christ. So Holy Spirit guide each of us to do Your Will until the return of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.
Have a blessed day everyone.
xoxoxo Carole.
Dear David .M.
I to am so Blessed with this Holy Blessed blog… My day would not be complete
without this blog, I will keep on God being my helper…Thank you so much
for your strong effort stick to it ….R…..
What is most amazing about this blog is that you are a living example of God’s faithfullness, His healing power, His ability to use an obedient follower, and His assurance that He is with us every minute of the day. Thanks to the Lord Jesus.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Words hardly explain my joy at being part of this blog with you, pastor David and our fellow saints. You have been such a blessings and I can say I have never stuck with a study this long ( been with all of you from beginning) and blessings have been abundant.
How Great is Our Triune God and Worthy to be Praised.
Blessings to all.
Enjoyed Worshiping with the song “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!!
Also the DVD interview Moira Brown did with the former Budist, turned Christian!!!
Jesus died for all peoples. His desire is that none should perish but come to Him and receive salvation and eternally live with Him!!!
This week-end I will be attending a conference to learn about Muslim; praise God many have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!!
Loved that Joshua made sure that Rahab and her family would be taken care of.
I am still here but have not contributed lately. I do love the readings. I have difficulty singing though. I just cry. I don’t know why. I found, in church that if I just mouth the words I can get by, but if I try to sing, I just cry. Embarrassing. I guess it will just take time for me to recover from the great loss of my husband at Christmas. Friends are great and I keep busy but I do miss him so.
Tears that spring from a heart that loved are a form of worship- never be embarrass by them– Go in the grace God
Doreen I think in Scripture it says to make a “joyful noise unto the Lord” so, you keep doing what you are doing and the tears that come, let them flow, the Lord sees and knows what is in your heart. Never give up! Praise and thank God that you have tears! We are praying for you Doreen! these darker days will soon give way to sunlight!. God loves you very much! It’s ok to just read and sing as you feel fit to do so! Blessings
Doreen, I pray the comfort that only comes from the Lord Jesus Christ enfold you, as He holds you in “The Palm of His hands” at this time of grieving and fill your aching heart with His anointing oil of Love.
“Tears are a process of healing”
The Peace and comfort that comes from our Lord, be with you this day Doreen in this difficult time of your life.
Would love to havethis blog sent to my email l