Suggested Reading: Joshua 2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

St. Stephen's Gate is located in the northeast walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, leading to the Via Dolorosa. It is so named because of the tradition that the first follower of Jesus to be killed for his faith, Stephen, was stoned outside this gate. Like the walls of Jericho, the thickness of the walls are such that people's homes were often located right inside or on top of them, as was the home of Rahab in Jericho.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 2:21
Then she [Rahab] said, “According to your words, so be it.” And she sent them away, and they departed. And she bound the scarlet cord in the window.
Scarlet wool is mentioned in Hebrews 9:19 (read Hebrews 9:19-22). Rahab’s scarlet cord is mentioned twice in our reading, and it pictures safety through the blood of a sacrificial lamb. Rahab’s name is found in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). This Gentile woman becomes the mother of Boaz, who is the great-grandfather of King David. God’s long-term plans are amazing.
Rahab’s house was, according to verse 15, “on the wall.” This explains how the men escaped through the window, and how, as the Israelites marched around Jericho, they would see the scarlet cord over and over. German archaeologists excavated Jericho from 1907 to 1909 and confirmed the historical record by finding a section of the wall with houses still intact where the outside walls of several houses were formed by the wall itself. Again and again the archaeological digs confirm the historical reliability of the Bible record.
Lord God, Your amazing grace is, well, amazing. To think You cared so much for the prostitute Rahab. Lord Jesus, You also cared so much for the woman taken in adultery (John 8:1-11). Thank You, Great Creator, that You care for me too. I pray that I will appreciate Your care more and more every day. “God be merciful to me a sinner” is a prayer You guarantee will make me right before You (Luke 18:9-14). As Rahab said, “So be it.” Amen!
Our daughter Ellen, now Ellen Shaheen, mother of six wonderful children and grandmother of three, studied in Israel before her marriage to Rev. Nizar Shaheen. Norma-Jean and I had not seen her for seven months when, right there in Jericho, she came running to meet us as we emerged from our tour bus. It was a joyous reunion. I’ll never forget the excitement I felt. It was in Jericho that on one occasion Jesus healed a blind man, and on another, two blind men. I can only imagine the excitement in Jericho then. I feel sad when I pass by Jericho these days on our tours because it is in the Palestinian Territory now and the walls (figuratively and in some places literally) are up again. I pray fervently for lasting peace in that region.
Yours for the “scarlet cord” of redemption through the Blood of Christ, which is wrapped around the world. The saving blood of Jesus reaches everywhere!!! A few days ago, my friend, Andre Crouch, went to be with his Lord Jesus in Heaven. As I meditated on the symbolism of the scarlet cord, I’ve been singing Andre’s song, “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power” (click here for this blessed song!).
P.S. My son Ron and his wife, Ann, are scheduled to lead a tour of the Holy Land this May 16-28. I invite all my blog partners to join their tour. Be thinking and praying about it. Detailed information is online (click here for tour info). I’m attaching a video message from Ron on the subject of “Overcoming Fear.” As I thought about the challenge the Children of Israel faced and the challenges of today, it occurred to me that all of us could use this message (click here). Jericho is open now for Ron and Ann’s group to visit, but when Reynold was doing the photos for the blog, it was closed to visitors from outside the Palestinian Authority.
My heart is full of thankfulness!! “God be merciful to me a sinner”, amen! Thank You Lord, for caring for, loving, and saving me! “The “scarlet cord” of redemption through the Blood of Christ, is wrapped around the world. The saving blood of Jesus reaches everywhere!!!” The truth of that is a powerful symbol to envision–thank you, David! A huge AMEN to Andre’s song “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”!!!! Filled me with POWER!!! Amen!!! I look forward to watching Ron’s video. Thank you, Reynold, for the excellent photos, today! Blessings dear saints! Praise God!!!
well there is some positive sides to the fact that I am still awake while the rest of the town is getting up! I got to read this blog and the piece Overcoming Fear is very timely! I needed to hear that talk! Thank you Lord and thank you to Ron.
I wrote a letter to First Nation Chief who was injured almost a year ago in a car accident. I had the newspaper article on my “fridge” and today I wrote a letter and said that I am very sorry for the way the First Nation peoples have been treated. I just wanted to do that and also I told the Chief if I ever see him I will apologize in person! Time and time again, I hear the words “if you want change, it has to start with you!” That wasn’t my fear! My fear is to hang on and keep swimming and keep trusting God to supply all my needs! If anyone suspects that someone could be dealing with depression please let the person know that you are available to talk, walk, maybe go have coffee, or just to talk to on the phone! Please don’t judge! Every person has a chemical imbalance! Some people have it more than others! We all are blessed with hormones and when these hormones are a bit off, it can cause some very serious issues!
That’s another blessing from going to the pool! Meet alot of people, young and younger, suffering from depression! Lord bless my sleep and bless each person’s day!
May the peace, love, and joy of our Lord Christ Jesus, settle upon you and to the others that you speak of Sah. Amen!
Andre’s link was not available when I went there, however here is another popular song of his, “Soon and Very Soon.” He is on the other side now and soon we will all be there too!
Thank you Brother David for your precious blog every morning, it’s like fresh Manna, the Lord bless you and Norma Jean and your whole family have a blessed Monday, praying for you.
This parable of the talents, as with all the parables, carries with it an underlying meaning for our lives. When we hear the gift of salvation in the gospel, we are not to bury it in ourselves but share it and make it multiply many times over so many more can receive the gift of salvation through us.
Praying for Israel. Can’t understand why John Baird would go to the West Bank when he knows Hesbola controls those people. What a courageous man.
Thanks again Rev. for today’s study. Really enjoying studying our bible.
Found this hymn I liked as a child. God bless one and all.
I Am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me – Owen Gray:
Thank you David and family…I am one of those people who through your encouragement of daily reading of the word had been brought back into a daily devotional life with our LORD. I started back in June/ in Matthew with your continuation of another 2 years and look forward to reading God’s word everyday and seeing those beautiful pictures, and a follow up with application and prayer…Just wanted to take time today to thankyou all, It had been an answer to my prayers. Also today’s focus on Rahab in Jericho reminds me of another song…called Scarlet Cord done by gospel group called Southern Raised…a truly great message. You can google it. Full of gratefulness for the Scarlet Cord of Jesus Christ that brought salvation!
David although I know I cannot go on the tour with Ron and Ann
tonight at our church I can go to the Holy Land without leaving home.
Pastor Doug Rollwage is coming to speak about his recent trip maybe
I’ll see some picture but not as good as Renold’s pictures
Lianne Hogg
Thank you David for the blog and songs. I had the privilege of singing some of Andre’ Crouche’s songs in other countries church services. Praise God!
One of the verses that stood out for me was that Rahab’s whole household was included. And that the spies agreed to the request, emphasizing “only is they did not leave the house during the time the “scarlet cord” was out, during the battle.
Loved Andre Crouch’s music, always ministered to me.
Thank you Rev. David placing the link for us to hear.
URGENT PRAYERS REQUESTED PLEASE! A family went to visit other family members and when they returned all their items in their home were taken. Please pray the Holy Spirit will convict the people to return the items, all of them, in good condition. In Jesus name We Pray AMEN