OF HIM, THROUGH HIM, TO HIM (Romans 11:36a)
Today’s Reading: Romans 11
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).
![January 12, 2015](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/20121210-IMG_2327.jpg)
In St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, this statue is probably the world's most famous religious sculpture. Michelangelo carved it when he was 24 years old, and it is the only one he ever signed. He called it "Pieta" (meaning "pity"). The beauty of its lines and expression leaves a lasting impression on everyone, as it portrays Mary holding the lifeless body of Jesus after he was taken down from the Cross.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 11:33
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
We might want to read the key verse at least twice more, stopping and meditating on the words, “depth,” “riches,” “wisdom,” “knowledge,” “unsearchable,” “judgments,” and “His ways.” There are many ways to describe God, but let us think of just three of them. (1) omnipresence, (2) omnipotence, and (3) omniscience. These are fairly common words amongst believers, but we may need a reminder: (1) being present at all times. (2) all powerful. (3) all knowing and all wise. (1) He is everywhere and sees everything, and we have a very limited perspective. (2) He creates and sustains everything, and we are weak in every sense. (3) He knows all, and we know very little. Colossians 1:9-18 is an excellent expansion of these thoughts. We should not judge ourselves too harshly if we do not understand some things we read in Scripture. We simply need to rely on our ever-present, all-powerful and all-knowing God to teach us the things we need to know.
Lord God, I pray with King David, “Teach me Your way, O Lord…” (Psalm 27:11). As Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice,” and I’m doing my best to listen to Your thoughts. I’m a slow learner, but I believe I am learning. I ask for more of Your presence, more of Your power, and more of Your wisdom, at least as much as You know I can handle. Thank You, Lord. Amen!
When Norma-Jean and I went to plant a congregation in Canada’s atomic energy centre (Chalk River – Deep River, Ontario), one of the first things I did was to buy an old school bus to pick up children for Sunday School. On one side I painted, “Teach me Your way, O Lord,” and on the other, “Study to show yourself approved unto God.” I had taught public school in Chalk River seven years earlier, and I learned some valuable lessons. For example, I met almost daily for several months at 7 a.m. with a boy who some would say was a slow learner. I knew that was not true. He was very intelligent, but totally distracted from his studies by other things. With the school inspector’s permission, this boy gained two whole years’ worth of lessons in six months, and as a result he caught up with his age group. I’ve been easily distracted throughout my life, but God has given me “special ed.” It happens early in the morning and has become a pattern in my life for decades now. This blog is part of the personal tutoring God gives me. Another area of learning for me has been interviewing for TV about 14,000 people. I’ve learned so very much. Below is a link to one of those interviews with a former criminal and maximum security prisoner, Ernie Hollands. God was so pleased that He moved my friend, Stan Watrich, to put that interview into Russian and distribute it in the prisons in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Ernie and I have the Russian language recorded over our English words. How amazing is that! (click here for part of the interview – the English version). Talk about God giving special attention. WOW!!!!!
Yours for experiencing God’s special attention,
I remember that interview way back then. Amazing. Truly amazing. God can do anything according to His Perfect Will.
Praying your Prayer for Today Rev. M.
Thanks for the great study and explanations.
Blessings fellow saints.
Just watched the George Foreman interview. How glorious that a youngish man would come to Jesus as his saviour. Never liked boxing and never understood anyone who did. Understand men so much more since reading the book, Love and Respect. God has truly blessed u Rev. M. in meeting such blessed souls over the years. Yes, Jesus is alive.
P.S. I bought a George Foreman grill years ago:-)
Thank you for sharing that interview David. The Holy Spirit of God turned Ernie right around. … a modern day version of being released from jail through the POWER of GOD. Amen and Amen!
Blessings dear brothers and sisters…
It was great to hear Ernie Hollands again and it made me laugh and shed tears. Oh, what God can do if we surrender. Thank you David; that rejoices my heart this morning when the ploughing gets tough and it encourages us to keep praying. Also we thank God for Brother Bailey for his love, dedication and vision he had for Ernie. Praise God for His Unfailing Love!
Was good to hear Ernie Hollands once again…what a powerful message…and ‘WHAT A SAVIOUR IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! Yes, this confirms Roman 11:33…GOD’S WAYS ARE PAST FINDING OUT!!! AMEN! and AMEN!!
Thank you David for this link. and for the explanation of the sculpture.
Thanks for sharing about picking up the children for Sunday School…your early ministry…which has continued to grow through the years…in many different ways: including this blog every morning!!
I remember Ernie very well, how the Lord redeemed him!!!
And the Lord is still redeeming people! P.T.L.
col. 1: 13&14
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us “into the kingdom” [of the son he loves]. In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. This is amazing to me. How often we have welcomed into our homes, those our children love. It could be a friend of theirs, a stray cat or a mangy dog. We welcome them, feed them and befriend them. We don’t know them. but welcome them because “of our child that we love”. What an amazing picture of the Fathers love. Love so amazing, so divine——. My first, was a bouquet of dandelions, that got a special vase and a place of honor on the kitchen table.
Great you add these old interviews of amazing testimonies . Wonderful to just be able to use the link. I also look at each scripture link, thank you , Carol
i need some help! On Biblegateway.com I used to be able to hear one chapter at a time and then when it would end, the website went on to the next chapter, I have clicked the area that says : continuous listening but it doesn’t seem to work, so I have to manually set the next chapter,. I was able to sit and listen to the Scriptures and with the continuous play I didn’t need to be sitting in from of my computer….I was wondering if I am doing something wrong…can anyone help me??????thanks.