Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 27
Click scripture link to read online orΒ HEREΒ to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This plaque is on the door of the oldest Protestant church in Israel, Christ Church. The church is situated just inside the Jaffa Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. The plaque is written in Hebrew, Arabic and English. Jerusalem is the only city mentioned in the Bible for which we are specifically urged to pray. But what about your city and my city? Let’s pray fervently for our neighbours to come to know Christ. Pray that the soul-winning ministry of 100 Huntley Street will be more and more effective as we give to keep the ministry strong.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 27:26
Cursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law by observing them. And all the people shall say, “Amen!”
It is understood that the laws to be written on the stones erected after crossing into the Promised Land were only those found here in Deuteronomy 27. To write all the laws of Moses in this way would be impossible. Whitewashing the stones and then writing on them, possibly with charcoal, would not be permanent as would engraving in the stones, as was the case with the Ten Commandments. Jesus gave us two laws which sum up all the Law. First, love God, and second, love our neighbour as ourselves (Luke 10:27). When the young man came to Jesus to ask about eternal life (Matthew 19:16-22), Jesus said, “Keep the commandments.” The young man replied, “Which ones?” Jesus gave only six and then went directly to the heart of the young man. Jesus said, “Sell what you have and give to the poor.” This revealed what was written on his heart. What commandments are written, not on tablets of stone, but on our hearts? (2 Corinthians 3:3). Let’s meditate on this throughout today. Amen!
Lord God, write on my heart Your Word, I pray. Grant me the grace to love You more, and to express this love by loving my neighbour more. I ask for grace to love my neighbour by making sure that the Good News of Jesus and God’s Word is available day and night. Please provide through me and others the much needed year-end financial giving for the Crossroads Ministry. In Jesus’ Name I ask these mercies. Amen!
Throughout my childhood, I thought I understood that unless I kept certain rules, I was not going to Heaven when I died. By the time I was 15, I had given up on keeping the rules. Then at 16, in December of 1952, in a high school auditorium, I went forward at the invitation of an Evangelist. An older man opened his Bible and asked me to read John 6:37. I read the words of Jesus, “Him that comes to Me I will in no way cast out.” The man said, “You’ve come to Jesus, right?” I answered, “Yes.” Then the man said, “What does Jesus do when you come to Him?” I answered, “He receives me!” Instantly, I knew that my salvation was not about keeping certain rules, but about believing that Jesus would not lie, and that His Word is true. At that moment, I was transformed; I became a new creation; I was born into a new life in Jesus! I’ve just paused to sing the song, “Tell Me the Story of Jesus, Write on My Heart Every Word” (click here to sing along). My heart is filled with joy.
Yours for our hearts to be filled with Jesus!
P.S. I will be forever grateful that someone paid for the gasoline and gave me a ride from Pembroke, Ontario, to Ottawa (100 miles) the night I was saved. Lots of people gave in the offering that night to pay to rent the auditorium and to pay the cost to bring Evangelist Jack Wrytzen from New York City to Canada. Syd Healey, my boss at the garage where I worked part time while I was in high school, gave the first offering of $300.00 to start the Crossroads television ministry in 1962.
Tonight, God willing, at 8 p.m. Eastern time, please join me for the streaming of a LIVE webcast (just for my blog readers and Crossroads/100 Huntley Street financial givers). I’ll be sharing the urgent need for each of us, if possible, to give a special year-end offering. I believe that God has given me a message just for my blog partners and for those supporters whose e-mail addresses I have. I’ve never done this before, and I pray for God’s support most of all! Check me out! It’s a personal message just for our members. Go to 100huntley.com and click on the green banner that reads “Year-End Live Stream with David Mainse.” Again that’s LIVE at 8:00 p.m. EST (5:00 p.m. on the west coast right through to 9 p.m. in the Atlantic provinces of Canada – 9:30 p.m. in Newfoundland). Please join me in fervent prayer for a great miracle of God’s abundant financial blessings. If you are unable to call in live on air, please give me your thoughts about the webcast on tomorrow’s blog. The team will highly value your counsel. Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.”
Thanks David, for your P.S., today. A perfect example of faith in action and giving to God’s kingdom and how God works miracles (in response to Sah’s question, yesterday, about tithing). God was and is working behind the scenes because of your faith and dedication to work for Him–amen!!! Thank you, fine sir for the Crossroads Ministry. 100 Huntley Street, this blog and the on-line resources have been an incredible blessing to me! I supported your end call with a donation this week. Praise God through whom all blessings flow!
Praise the Lord for giving us rules and regulations to live by.
May your programming continue to bring souls to salvation.
1 Timothy 5:17English Standard Version (ESV)
17 Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.
Praying for the families and friends of those who are missing in the Malaysian flight. How devastating this must be for them.
God bless.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us pray for the continued success of 100 Huntley Street and the Crossroads ministry. Let us also pray for God’s wisdom to continue to bless the Crossroads leadership and Brother David Mainse with this blog. Let our hearts, minds, and souls continue to pray for them. Let our wallets and financial offerings continue to bless them.
I pray in Jesus name for your needs brothers and sisters, your needs that God knows and will answer one way or another, and that your spritual gifts will increase to bless others!
Last but not least, please pray for Ottawa and its safety. We just had our 48th gun/gang shooting of 2014 yesterday. By a miracle and I believe by our Lord’s intervention there have been no innocent bystanders killed or wounded in all of these attacks. Lord, thank you for your mercy!
Peace be with you all wherever you live!
Still feel safe in Ottawa, but after the shootings up on the hill awhile ago it is a little creepy living here. I thank Jesus for this ministry, I thank Jesus for holding up all who are going through though times this time of year (He always carries us), I thank Jesus for His continued protection over Ottawa and everywhere. No fear necessary, we only have to look up at Him. Amen. No fear!
Amen Susan + God bless you!
Good message and blogging. We never loose when we give to the Lord in any way. Looking forward to hearing your message this evening, David.
I love the format that Huntley St. has right now. It is a blessing. I pray about the finances also but me being a Sr. I have only so much on a pension to give anywhere. I have always supported Huntley St.. Lately I have been inundated with desperation from many wonderful causes and I cannot give anymore. I need to support my church as we all do. I pray David for wisdom for you in asking your blog partners to give more.
Dear Mr. Mainse,
I have the link open and ready for tonight’s live webcast.
I have prayed that this webcast will be all that God wants it to be and more with reaching people to open their hearts to Jesus and to financially help the ministry.
Diane π
We’re you able to get it? I wasn’t.
Yes, I watched it through 100 Huntley.
The website.
I have supported Crossroads faithfully for decades, but must confess that over the last while, though I have continued my support, I have lost my enthusiasm for supporting the program. The new leader seems to have swelled up and taken over, and his constant begging is a turn-off. The main message needs to be more than “Gimme”; it needs to be Jesus. Is He being lost in the shuffle?
agree with this observation I watch less now
Dear Rae C,
I am sure the requests are for the new media ventures that Crossroads is using to reach people all over the world to learn about and receive Jesus.
Dr. John Hull appears to be sincere to me with his requests for donations.
Would you consider perhaps God has anointed him for the Global CEO position?
Diane π
The ministry of Crossroads is truly worthwhile to support financially. I have not found it to be, “Giveme, Giveme,”. In fact I find it totally opposite to that. I trust that tonight God will give people who can give, with a generous heart so that they will give cheerfully to this great work of God.
May God continue to richly bless Crossroads and the leadership there. MAy they have wisdom from God in carrying on this wonderful work. Amen
I must confess I was put off increasing my giving when asked for $1000.00.
I am a senior and do not have the income to support that kind of giving.
I felt disappointed and possibly angry at being asked for more.
I give to my church, and Huntley street as well as other ministries. Do I drop other worth while causes? I did not think I could do that.
God knows my heart, and He gave us a substantial gift at Christmas. He also put in my heart the need to tithe my gift, so yesterday I called in my tithe to Huntley street.
I am commenting at length because I think sometimes people don’t know the burden placed on those of us who have limited funds. It does make us more aware of all the times we are asked to give. Perhaps people with more money do not see it in the same way. I do hope you will forgive me for my comments, but be assured I would give more if I could. I am committed to Huntley Street.
I give what I feel God places in my heart to give.
Some people are more blessed financially and can give more.
The little I can give will make a difference.
It is more than nothing.
Giving nothing contributes nothing.
Diane π
It is a little daunting to see ones small amount next to $1000.00 but I think we should remember that God blesses each who gives no matter how small. Maybe we can remember the widow who gave all she had.
I have always heard those on Huntley St. Say no amount is too small.
May a God give the increase needed as we pray together for this wonderful ministry.
Praise the Lord! thank you for those raising concerns about a few things! I to am not impressed with the new leader! Have not been impressed with Mr Mainse and his talking about our government and our leader
just heard the commerical sponsored by the Salvation Army””””let’s clean up poverty in Canada”””””help those at home!””””” I absolutely agree! Governments are not going to that job! The people have to start and it begins with each one of us! I have decided to give only in my community first!
Love the web cast !
Diane π
Watching the narrowcast and want to say Praise The Lord for all you have done David. Thank you
Watching and enjoying the podcast.
Hello David & Ron, Greetings from Renfrew, Ontario
Thank you for doing this narrow cast. God bless you all for the many years of serving the Lord through this and many other ministries. When I received your email yesterday, I was moved through prayer to make a donation. I am so thankful to this ministry and the work that you do. It has helped me personally more times than I can count. Kudos, to Norma Jean on the superman onesie, it rocks! Lisa
David Love this podcast thank you lets do it more often in 2015!
wanted to call in but was working. Thank you for the invite!
You are family to me. Praise the Lord that you are healed in Jesus name! Glad too see you.
Love always David from my heart to yours…..
Happy New Year to all of you at crossroads!
So pleased to watch tonight’s narrowcast with a Superman who represents our Super God so well.
Looking forward to reading Dr David Jeremiah’s latest book and pray for success in the current fundraising endevours.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
I have just donated & I join in prayer for over & above what you need.
I am honored to be able to to give to such a worthy cause . I know many people have come to know JESUS so that is why I give.
I have been blessed reading the WORD with you I appreciate you getting up early to prepare the WORD our daily manna . This is the first time I have kept going & I find I want to learn more.
I PRAISE JESUS for your healing.
I just watched your first narrowcast .Thank You and God Bless .
enjoyed the narrow cast….you are all appreciated Huntley Street Family…
will be sending my donation tomorrow and be part of this challenging time
I caught the last 10 minutes of the web cast. I am watching from Zephyrhills Fl. I was first introduced to David and Norma Jean, as a child, while visiting my aunt in Sudbury, On. I can still remember you, David playing your accordian on their small black and white tv. I wondered why many times that memory has always been with me. I have been a supporter of Huntley Street from almost day one. I will continue to support you. God Bless you all.
Got the webcast and liked it. Phoned in my donation and may the Lord bless all your efforts in the ministry.
Thank you so much for your narrowcast and I pray that God will do a miracle in reaching those who will respond according to his will so that the ministry can reach their financial goal before tomorrow night. I so appreciate you David, how you allow yourself to be let by the Holy Spirit. May this be the first of many more narrowcasts to follow.
God Bless you, David and the whole ministry staff of 100 Huntley Street.
Was able to watch most of the webcast. Good job, David and Ron. The Father knows our hearts and how much is wise for us to give. I trust I was hearing the amount that was wise for me . it was given shortly after the end of the webcast.
I was not able to get the webcast, I do not know why, I tried many times and all I got was it would start at 8p.m. I am sorry I did not see it. But at least I was able to donate yesterday.
I watched the narrow casting
with Ron and David Mainse.