Today’s Reading: Matthew 1:18-25/ Matthew 2:1-12/ Luke 1:26-56/ Luke 2:1-20
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).
![December 25, 2014](
Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity is built over the place traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus. A silver star in the floor is said to mark the very spot where Christ is believed to have been born. The olive oil lamps are like those that provided light in the Temple at Jerusalem.
Key Verse: John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
The “Word” is one of the many names given for Jesus of Nazareth. God has essentially one “Word” to say to humanity: “JESUS.” Yes, we have many words in Scripture, but the Person and work of Jesus, the Christ (Messiah), sums it all up. “WE BEHELD HIS GLORY.” Pilate, the Roman Governor, said to those gathered in his courtyard, “ECCE HOMO!”…”BEHOLD THE MAN” is the translation of Pilate’s Latin tongue. Behold Him in the word pictures contained in today’s readings. Let us make this Christmas Day in 2014 A.D. (Anno Domine, the “Year of our Lord”) a day when we “Behold” Him with new insight. Almost 1,000 years ago, the 14 point star pictured above was placed on the floor of the cave, 17 feet below the level of the floor of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The points of the star represented the 14 Stations of the Cross in Jerusalem, which were marked for middle-ages pilgrims to remind them of the passion of Christ. We cannot separate the birth of Jesus from His suffering and death. The prophet Isaiah made this clear. Isaiah 7:14 (a virgin shall conceive), Isaiah 9:6 (a Child is born, a Son is given, and another of His Names, Mighty God), and then it’s well worth the time to read Isaiah chapter 53 (click here). These Scriptures will help us to “BEHOLD the MAN.”
Lord Jesus, I am beholding (gazing at intently) You now with a fresh comprehension of Your Glory! Surely You are the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth!!! I ask for an ever-increasing flow of grace so that I “may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height…to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge…” (Ephesians 3:18-19). Amen!
I’ve taken the liberty to go well over my goal of 100 words to comment on today’s Bible reading. So I’ll just take this time to lift my heart and hands in worship. I believe I’m beholding His Glory. Hallelujah!
Yours for a truly Merry Christmas,
P.S. Here’s an extra photo for today from Bethlehem….and if you missed yesterday’s interview videos on Christmas locations in the Holy Land with Moira Brown and Dr. Craig Evans, here they are again (click here).
Merry Christmas David to you and your family. Thank you for the wonderful gift you give every day of the year to all your blog readers. Marry Christmas fellow blog readers!
Merry Christmas
May you and your family experience the JOY of CHRISTMAS this year again!!
The LORD bless you for your faithfulness!
Merry Christmas David, and dearest saints! What an honour to share it with you on our blessed blog. I leave you with the poem I was prompted to write yesterday, and read at our Christmas Eve service:
No Greater Love than JESUS
It’s just as beautiful, as it can be,
The precious birth, within a manger.
No other day, holds majesty,
The Christmas blessing, of our Saviour.
Let peace on earth, reign in the world,
Our Messiah’s greatness, kept alive.
There is no other name, that we proclaim,
With greater love–than JESUS.
This day that calls us, to forgive,
And put our differences, behind us.
To give to neighbours, strangers, friends,
To rejoice in all we have, that binds us.
For celebrating, new wedding bells,
And strong family ties, with loved ones.
For new babies, that carry on,
The next generation, that leads us.
A stronger church, that’s built on love,
And rests on God’s gift, from above.
For the goodness, of all mankind,
And lost loved ones, that come to mind.
To You, we glorify and praise,
The holy bliss, of Christmas day.
There is no other name, that we proclaim,
With greater love–than JESUS.
Beverlee Kay, December 2014.
Merry Christmas !
Diane 🙂
Merry Christmas to the entire Mainse family and everyone at 100 Huntley Street and the Crossroads Ministry. God’s continued blessings to you in 2015!
Christmas is a message– a message of hope to a lost world–a message the echoed from the dawn of time, there is a Creator, He loves us, He wants to help us, He wants to be with us always. And despite shouting it in His creation, in His chosen people, ultimately He had come down to be one of us, to deliver the message directly. Today we remember and celebrate the arrival of Emmanuel– God with us. Today as we busy enjoying our holiday, may we all listen to hear the message— God loves you.
Joyous Christmas Greetings to you and yours David and to all you read this blog
Thank you Beverly Kay for that beautiful poem. Thank you Lord for the birth of your son! Merry Christmas to the Mainse family and all my fellow bloggers. Gods blessings and peace be with you!
Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
The English hymn writer, Isaac Watts, wrote this hymn in 1719 and based the words on Psalm 98. The hymn was not originally intended to be a Christmas hymn about the Nativity, but rather a hymn about the final coming of Christ at the end of the ages. It is then that Jesus will rule the world with truth and grace.
Thanks for this wonderful study today Rev. M.
We seem to glorify some people after they are gone. May Jesus be eternally glorified as our heavenly Father.
Merry Christmas to one and all.
Continued thanks to the entire Mainse family for this wonderful blog and Bible study. To you and all faithful Blog followers may you each have a happy and joyous Christmas as we celebrate the Birth of “God with us in human flesh and blood” – Christ Jesus. Merry Christmas.–6430.html?utm_source=GodVine%20Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12/25/2014–6355.html?utm_source=GodVine%20Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12/25/2014
Thanks David. Both very beautifully done songs. My sister-in-law and her husband were missionaries in the middle east many years ago. They put me in touch with The Godvine website which has so many great presentations.
Merry Christmas and God’s blessings on you and your loved ones. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks David for sharing! Moving music. Merry Christmas!
Thanks David for sharing the links especially the a-cappella version of Mary Did You Know.
Thank you Father for sending Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus that you came. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”(John 3:16). Merry Christmas to the Mainse Family and all my fellow bloggers!
Merry Christmas everyone!! Thank you David for the scripture references and your love and kindness extended to us all! May Our Lord grant you, Norma-Jean and the entire Mainse family, joy, strength and health throughout the New Year and beyond!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!….may The Lord continue to lead and guide and bless throughout 2015……
Merry Christmas to all my dear friends on this blog…R…
Merry Christmas to all and a special thank you Ron for stringing the links together. What a wonderful way to read the story of baby Jesus!
As we celebrate The Greatest Gift ever given……JESUS may I wish everyone A Very Merry and Blessed Christmas.
Thank you to all at Crossroads for their continue fauthfulness in sending out our blog each day.
Blessings to all!!
I just want to take a moment to thank The Lord for your life. You have been an inspiration to me through out my lifetime. I truly appreciated accompanying you for a few days on your ‘Thank you’ tour thru Alberta. You come to my mind often, and I think ‘humility’ is the first word that comes to my mind when I think of you. May you & Norma Jean & your entire family continue in the favour of ‘The Blessing’. He alone is worthy of all our worship
Merry Christmas Everyone, and thanks so much for this wonderful blog David that keeps me on track, you are greatly appreciated!
Merry Christmas to the Mainse family and to all fellow bloggers!