Thursday, November 13, 2014


Today’s Reading: Numbers 15

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Orthodox Jews (perhaps the successors of the Pharisees) at the Western Wall or "Wailing Wall" of the Old City of Jerusalem. This wall is part of the retaining wall around the peak of Mount Moriah on which the Temples of Solomon, Ezra, and Herod once stood.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verse: Numbers 15:41

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord your God.


Religion vs. relationship!! There is a very big difference. Jesus brought us into a living and loving connection with God. The Pharisees, one of the denominations within Judaism, is still present. This movement, according to Jesus, practised an intricate observance of a multitude of details. We might do well to read now Matthew 23:1-33. According to Jesus, the Scribes and Pharisees claimed to “sit in Moses’ seat.” Today’s reading from Moses would’ve made them feel so “holier than thou.” Moses wrote of the man who died from stoning. Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone” (John 8:7). James, first Pastor of the Jerusalem Church, wrote, in James 1:26-27, what true religion is.


I’m ever so thankful, Lord Jesus, for the “great exchange,” as Martin Luther put it. I have given You my sin in confession and repentance, and You have put Your holiness, Your righteousness, on my account with God. Please give me Your grace so that I may live in a constant state of repentance and, as a result, a consistent assurance of my salvation. You’ve given me peace and joy. I’m eternally grateful. Amen!


I believe in what James called “pure religion.” The word “religion” comes from the same root word as “ligament.” Ligaments are essential in order to keep our body together. I sought to identify what “religion” is in a presentation I made to the Radio and Television Commission a number of years ago. That hearing resulted in Crossroads being granted licenses for TV stations. “One’s religion,” I said, “is what a person holds as their highest value in life.” If that is true, James, who was also known as “the brother of our Lord,” nailed it right on. Perhaps we could sum it up with the WWJD campaign, What Would Jesus Do? What would He say and do with the man picking up sticks on the Sabbath in today’s reading? I’m thinking about it. I think He would probably lend him a hand. Jesus changes everything!

Yours for rejoicing in the fact that Jesus came to live as One of us,


P.S. Below is a photo from two years ago where I was speaking to our tour group at the place on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus, after His resurrection, asked Peter three times, “Do you love Me?” Each time Peter affirmed his love, and Jesus followed up with “Feed My sheep” (John 21:15-17).

P.P.S. I can hardly wait to meet Norma-Jean, my beloved wife, at the Tel Aviv airport with another group of travellers to Israel. That will happen, God willing, Friday noon (Israel time). In case you missed the reason I came to Israel before Norma-Jean, here is the website to find out more about this gathering……The 822 stands for Zechariah 8:22. I encourage you to read Zechariah 8:20-23. Also, here’s a link to the videos, including the Tuesday afternoon session where I participated in another step in a journey of reconciliation between Christians and Jews (scroll down to the videos marked “Tuesday Afternoon 4” and “Tuesday Afternoon 5”).


17 thoughts on “Thursday, November 13, 2014

  1. I love Jesus. Being unable to attend church on our Sabbath day, I would have been stoned years ago. This blessed bible study is my Sabbath, every day.
    Seeing the photo today of everyone sitting outside makes me realize how big and beautiful this world is. It’s -25 here and there will be no sitting outside.
    Sometimes looks like some of us just ‘put on’ religion for a show. Hopefully God’s true spirit will take over us in time.
    Thank u for the links Rev. What a privilege to go so far and announce your love and servitude to God.
    Blessings fellow saints.

  2. Praise God for freeing us from the law and we live under the Grace of God for our righteousness is as filthy rags without Him we can do nothing Thank You Lord Jesus we Praise You
    We adore You
    God Bless you David and Norma Jean and every nlog buddie
    Something great is going to happen to you all today ♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♥

  3. I am glad we don’t have to follow all of the rules they had in the Ten Comandments
    strictly. What Jesus gave us to follow is alot better then stoning someone.
    Tomorrow the weather man calls for snow I like it just only when it first comes down
    Lianne Hogg

  4. I praise You Lord Jesus and thank you for the grace mercy and forgiveness of my sins. I am so glad that Jesus loves me!

    I can hear the excitement in your blog today Pastor David as you await the arrival of Norma-Jean. Blessings on the tour.

    My husband and I are leaving Friday for Spain, getting on a ship to cross Atlantic for a two week vacation, stopping at several ports . I ask for prayer for safety but also that those we meet will see Jesus in us. We are a party of six Christians.

    Blessings to all. Will keep up with our daily manna on this blog.

    Thank you David Mainse for your faithfulness in extending to us what is in your heart each day, through this blog. May your re-uniting with Norma-Jean be exceedingly joyful!!!
    May The Joy of the Lord fill your hearts this day all you bloggers with His Strength!

  6. Dear Father in heaven thank you for sending your dear son Jesus to die for our sins. Now we are free indeed, if we have accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour.
    What a joy it will be for you tomorrow Pastor David when you see Norma Jean. Blessings to all blogger friend.

  7. Dear Rev. David M.
    I was so very touched by the 822 gathering video and I am reminded again of the words of a beautiful worship song (soon every tongue will confess You are God, soon every knee will bow , but still the greatest will remains for those that follow You now). Thank you Heavenly Father for Your Son Jesus, Jehovah, Yashua .

    Have a wonderful reunion with Norma-Jean.
    Blessings to all the tour, keeping you in prayer.

    PS… dear Catherine, sister in Christ, have a fabulous time and may you be able to witness His Light as you go along, all for His Glory, in Jesus precious name, Amen.
    Blessings to all my fellow bloggers.
    xoxoxo Carole.

  8. Thank you David M for the links to the 822 Gathering videos…the Tuesday 5 was most moving. Blessing to you and those with you on this tour.

  9. please pray for me see yesterday’s comments thank you …I can hardly wait for January to get here…at least we are on the other side of the sun..getting warmer..

  10. I want to thank you Pastor David: I read Zachariah 8:20-23 the scripture the theme for 822 call Gathering. Hope to go into the sessions again.
    I pray your re-uniting with Norma-Jean on her arrival be filled with the Joy of Lord!!

  11. Dear David, You and the word of God have blessed me so much. I was so touch by the 822 gathering per video you showed the other day, how my heart cries for Gods promised people. Your visit to Isreal and all the pictures you share are treasured memories to me as I was in that land with Dr and Mrs Rawlings in 2012 . my prayers are with you all, God Bless you and Keep you. Elizabeth

  12. I checked out the Tuesday videos (822 Gathering) and continued watching a number of the ones that followed. I rejoice at what our Father is doing. Thank you for allowing the Lord to weave you together with this amazing part of Jesus’ body.

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