Today’s Reading: Leviticus 27
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Jay and Meridel Rawlings are long time personal friends, as well as friends of Crossroads. Now residents of Jerusalem, these Canadians have lead an effective ministry in Israel for over 25 years. They are standing near the Golden Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 27:30
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s. It is holy to the Lord.
Our reading today is the last chapter of Leviticus. Tomorrow we move to the Gospel of John. Remember, if you are just beginning (new readers join every day), two years from today, God willing, you’ll finish reading the entire Bible.
What about the tithe? God owns everything, therefore, it is only reasonable that we pay rent, board and room, etc. We need to recognize that 10% of our gross income, whether in cattle, produce, or money, belongs to Him. In fact, if we don’t pay this sliding scale, depending on our gain, we rob God, according to Malachi 3:8-12. That final book of the Old Testament also gives God’s promises to those who faithfully pay tithes and give offerings (over and above the tithe). New Testament believers not only paid their tithe, but on average gave much more back to God. Why emphasize the tithe when many followers of Jesus gave 30% or even 100% (Acts 2:42-47)? Of course, in today’s reading, under the Law, if someone wanted their gifts back, they paid one-fifth more.
Lord Jesus, I thank You for the freedom of Grace. We give as You have prospered us with joyful and generous hearts. I’ve just read again, Lord, 1 Corinthians 16:2, where the example of the believers was to give every first day of the week for the needs of others. What a blessing You’ve given us, to partner with You for Your great cause. Keep me faithful, I pray. In the Name of the One who gave all, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Reynold has provided a picture of two of our beloved friends who live in Israel. Jay and Meridel Rawlings exemplify the New Testament teaching on giving to God. At the end of the 1960’s, as a young couple with a little son, they gave up everything to follow the Lord’s leading. I was their pastor, and I saw it happen. Jay was assistant administrator of a Hamilton, Ontario, general hospital and Meridel was a nurse there. They drove a sparkling “Sting Ray” sports car. They sold everything and left for the mission field of the Philippines. From there, they were called of God to go around the world to minister with the Jewish people. There’s too much to tell here. Why not check out their web site here, and pray for this precious couple?
Yours for joyous and liberal giving,
P.S. Be sure to watch 100 Huntley Street during the membership drive Monday through Friday, now streamed live daily from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and available on demand after that time (click here). Respond if you are so moved to the great challenge presented. Here is Crossroads Global CEO Dr. John Hull from earlier this week.
Thankyou David forsharing about giving our tithes my daughter is havinga baby boyatthe end of January his name will be Malachi we praise God for all His provisions God has and will provide untilHe return s Praise God
What a lovely pic of the dedicated couple, the Rawlings, and what joy and hope they must bring to others in Israel. I pray for their continued work and example to God’s chosen people.
My sentiments exactly, Lynda. Amen!
In today’s reading we read if they were to consecrate by vow a person to the Lord an adult male was worth fifty shekels of silver and a female was valued a thirty. I wonder if that has any connection to what religious leaders were willing to paid Judas to betray Jesus? Did they chose that amount to insulting, implying they didn’t think Jesus was worth the price of a male? Or is it just coincidence? Is the thirty pieces of silver based on something else in Scripture?
Jesus sharing Himself so intimately with us is astounding. His words make the future appear as though it was the present, so near and so real. Secret strength is our life now hid with Christ in God never letting us be moved from the place near His heart.
Hi David, I posted this last week & if you replied I did not receive the response!
If you Google my name “NES DAVISON” you will find an instrumental recording titled Amazing Walk With Thee which is a combination of Amazing Grace/Just a Closer Walk With Thee that I recorded a year or so ago. I also have CD of the same title containing a number of other selections such as God of the Mountain, Long Black Train, Hava Nagila & a few others. If you like what you hear I can send you a copy of the CD. Maybe I’ll even make a trip to your studio to perform it live, haha.
Best Regards, God Bless & Keep up the Great Work !!
My question is…why a male is valued higher than a female? In this chapter…and through the Old Testament.
I don’t see this in the New Testament, except where Apostle Paul speaks of “wives submitting to their husband”, but he qualifies this by say that they “submit one to another”.
No wonder females are treated as almost non-people by males in many cultures!
I know God is Sovereign and can do what ever He pleases.
Great picture of the Rawlings.
I met them a few years ago when they came through Alberta. I believe she had a show of her paintings, or stories of her paintings…I believe one was of
“Ben Guran” I’m not sure that’s the correct spelling.
Yes, they are a special couple, and their children are a blessing to them.