Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Today’s Reading: Genesis 24

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Camels are mentioned 17 times in Genesis chapter 24. In some parts of the world these unusual creatures are still very important in travel and commerce.

Key Verse: Genesis 24:58

Then they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” And she said, “I will go.”

Sarah, Isaac’s mother, had passed away three years earlier. No doubt Isaac was lonely. In fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, it was necessary that Abraham become a grandfather to Isaac’s children. God’s purposes in the human family are developed by human co-operation. So Abraham’s right-hand man travelled from present-day Israel, through Jordan and Iraq to Kuwait (Mesopotamia) to find family and a bride for Isaac. What a beautiful story of God’s choice…a faithful servant, an amazing young woman (watering those camels was not an easy task), and willing parents. The words, “The camels are coming” (verse 63), speak to the fact that people, even animals, may do God’s will if they make the right choice.


Father God, just as the faithful servant worshipped You every time another step was taken in fulfilling Your plan, so I worship You for Your will being done in and through me. Amen!

May I suggest that we all pray the “Our Father” or as it is known, “The Lord’s prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13)?


There are sermons that I’ve heard which I’ve never forgotten. One was by Rev. Anders Nisbel, assistant to Lutheran Bishop, Martin Lonebo of Linshepping, Sweden. Anders was a student at our Crossroads School of Broadcasting and Communications in Toronto. I team-preached with Bishop Lonebo in Sweden and he spoke of the absolute necessity of using TV for Jesus’ message. In his message to our staff, Anders said, “Have you ever met a camel? They smell bad. They have a bad temper. They can be unpredictable and they never forget. They are like television, it may be a big challenge, but we must ride the camels. The reason Christian North Africa became Islamic was that the Muslim missionaries were on camels winning the desert tribes to Mohammed, and the Christians were comfortable in their coastal cities, unconcerned about those in the interior who did not know Christ.” I say, “Let’s get on those camels and ride.” (Our School of Broadcasting now has graduates in over 80 countries).

Yours for all our grads and those now in the Intern program at Crossroads,


P.S. Below is a photo from my first of eight summer healing services every Sunday night at 6:00 pm at the Crossroads Centre Chapel. Each person who wanted prayer I anointed with oil, as we’re instructed in the book of James. Then each one was individually prayed for by a team of ministers and church elders. It was a wonderful time in God’s presence and exercising “mustard seed” faith! Here is more about my summer healing services. 

20 thoughts on “Tuesday, July 8, 2014

  1. Pic of the camel is adorable. I love animals so much even if they have some undesirable attributes.
    How exciting Rebekah left all familiarity, her family, her country to join Isaac in a new life and to be a comfort to Isaac in his sorrow. Those were the days.
    It’s not a good idea to become complacent about winning others to the Cross. We must be brave and climb on our proverbial camels in Jesus name to win generations to come. Thank you Rev. DM for all the stories you share. Great blog!
    Have a blessed summer day from the West dear saints.

  2. Great shot of the camel. Rebekah was kindhearted to draw water for Abraham’s chief servant and all his traveling camels. This gesture would certainly signal compassion and empathy. The same compassion and empathy our Lord holds for us. We are never alone with our circumstances in life. Our Lord understands what we are going through and promises to be with us in every trial of life. Isaac now has a bride and a future filled with promise and hope. Have a great day, to all!

  3. I believe God had prepared Rebekah’s heart too as she said “I will go.” Difficult to leave the security of parent’s home and go with someone she had never met and to a strange country. And Issac too as he met them and took her as his wife. Praise God for His plan for each of us. A plan we can trust when He leads.

    Blessings today fellow bloggers.

  4. I love the picture of the camel too.

    Blog buddies could you please say a prayer for me. I have had a very bad neck pain for 3 months. I am in constant pain and have tried X-rays, chriopractor and acupuncture. Being in pain all the time is making me so weary. Thank you.

  5. … heard a great saying today…
    “I’m spare change in his pocket, he can spend me any way he wants.”

    A quote from John Wimber… He passed away in 97

    Have a great day for the Lord everyone…

  6. Genesis 24 carries such a strong messsage that centers on the essence of God’s covenant and digs to the deeper roots of obedience, faithfulness, trust and dedication–from Abraham to his servant, Rebekah, Isaac, and even the camels! Every word in scripture is there for a reason. When Abraham’s servant rose to return with Rebekah the next morning, her brother and mother suggested she wait. The choice was given to her to make, and as Catherine pointed out–God had already prepared Rebekah’s heart. When we follow our Lord with the same dedication, we become rich from the Spirit that grows within, and from effects that boomerang in every direction. He surely guides us and His love calms any fears we may be holding onto over the struggles we face. Because God is in our lives doesn’t mean we won’t encounter rolling hills, plunging valleys and devasatating mountains that may seem insurmountable to overcome.We cling to our relationship with God, our faith, and the old rugged cross–for we know we will make it somehow. Thank You, dear Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, for washing away our sin, cleansing us with Your purified blood, and blessing us with Your divine grace, presence and mercy. We are renewed by Your amazing love and faithfulness to us.

  7. The news tonight is reporting “war” in central Israel and the Gaza. Please keep our friends in your prayers and prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. I read yesterday that a red calf, without blemish, has been set aside for the 3rd Temple! Who knows how close we are to Jesus return. The gov of Israel has approved 40,000 reservists may be called as needed. God has people on both sides.

    • Donna, I am also in agreement for your healing. May God release His Healing Touch to you and strengthen you. Amen.

  8. Yes Donna I join with the above healing prayer that the pain in your neck be released …and its cause be exposed…for a quick release…Father in heaven I pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

    The camel appears to be smiling…and at rest

    Again…I’m amazed at God’s divine order in fulfilling His purposes and plans!!!

  9. I sure would like to go to a healing service! Our communities need these services! I am in desperate of increase to my income. When God speaks I feel very comforted! A friend told me that the Holy Spirit enables us to do more than we ever dreamt! I quite smoking/alcohol exactly at that time! Have been so thankful. I pray Holy Spirit breathe financial prosperity into my finances! Thank you. In Jesus Name I pray! AMEN!

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