Read Matthew 1-2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Nativity Church in Bethlehem built over the grotto where Jesus was born. On the ceilings hang chandeliers and on the walls are fragments of mosaic. This building is the oldest standing church in the Holy Land. Originally built by Constantine's mother in the 4th century, Emperor Justinian rebuilt the current structure in the 530's. It was apparently spared destruction from the Persians in 614 A.D. because the invaders saw the depictions of the Magi on the walls. Local Muslim-Christian friendship is believed to be why the church was not destroyed during al-Hakim's rule in 1009. The trapdoors in the floor reveal 4th-century floor mosaics from the Constantinian church.
Key Verse: Matthew 1:23
Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His Name “Immanuel,” translated, “God with us.”
*God was with Joseph, who was instructed to marry Mary.
*God was with the Wise Men, who were told to bypass King Herod.
*God was with Mary and Joseph, when they were told to seek refuge in Egypt.
When all is well, it’s easy to believe “God with us.” When there’s trouble, believe with child-like faith. Whether we feel like it or not, BELIEVE IT! IT’S A FACT!!! God is consistent. He is “IMMANUEL!!!” That kind of solid faith will release the love and provision of Immanuel into our lives and circumstances.
“Immanuel” Quotes:
“I am with you always.” – JESUS (Matthew 28:20)
“Abide in Me and I in you.” – JESUS (John 15:4)
“I will never leave you.” – GOD (Hebrews 13:5)
100 Words (plus a few more) from David Mainse:
Why 100? That number says to me “Immanuel.” I had been hosting a weekly TV show called Crossroads from 1962 to 1977 when I saw the building at 100 Huntley Street in Toronto. The sun was glinting off the stainless steel street number 100. Suddenly, I knew why (over the preceding weeks) when I would open my Bible at random, my eyes would fall on the number 100. For example, “100 fold” in Jesus’ parable of the sower, or the 100th verse of the 119th Psalm. Even page 100 in my Bible would show up. I knew that it was time to move from the weekly show to daily. My wife Norma-Jean was the producer of Crossroads and it took me several days before I ventured to tell her that I wanted to name the new show after the address of the studio in downtown Toronto. Now, almost 10,000 daily shows later, approximately 17,000 people have shared their stories on TV. Almost 10,000,000 calls have come through to the 24/7 prayer lines. Many of these have personally experienced “Immanuel,” opening their minds to believe and their hearts to receive. Call and talk with God together with a prayer partner…a caring, loving, non-judgmental person. The phone number is below. If you should get a busy signal, try again.
I thank You, God, that You are with me always. Please forgive me for my sin and wrong that I have done. I give my life to You for always. I pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
NOW, please tell someone about your prayer. Call toll-free in Canada and the U.S. at 1-866-273-4444 or email us at
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and know that He shall direct thy path. Prov 3:5-6
“Be not afraid, only believe.” And if you are afraid, just look up and say, “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee,” and you will yet thank God for the school of sorrow which was to you the school of faith.” A. B. Simpson, Streams in the Desert 1, Cowman, p. 178
Looking up, looking within, knowing You are with us, dear Lord. Blessings fellow saints.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4
Amen…and Amennn
Today’s blog was here right on the dot of 6 a.m. I was surprised that it came right on time and so early. It is interesting to hear that the beautiful church is still standing and it was probably because of the co-operation and friendship of the people which did not allow it to be dismantled. We just found out that the largest Buddist Temple in North America is being built in cottage county Ontario! Cavan, Monaghan, & City of Kawartha Lakes is the area of this HUGH temple.
It struck me how well Joseph listened to the angel’s action warnings in his dream. Such as “STAY UNTIL I tell you” and “GET up” “TAKE the child” and so, Joseph “GOT up” “TOOK the child” and “WENT.” (vs 2:19,21) That inner voice often does give us direction when we listen. Have a great day!
indeed it does, just that sometimes we refuse to listen due to lack of faith or ignorance. May our Good Lord always help us to recognize His voice and always do what He asks us to do. Amen!
or willpower or physical pain…
Amen and yes what peace and blessing comes when we obey, just like Mary and Joseph did even leaving in the middle of the night to go to Egypt with the young child, Jesus.
hearing the spirit, listening to it, and obeying… amen, Ger!
It’s good to know the geneology of people in the Bible. Helps to understand the different eras things were happening in.
Church pic awesome.
Great 1st study Rev. DM! Thank you.
Blessings on this day to all.
Was curious about the seven churches in Revelations so Googled the subject to see what I could find. Very interesting.
Too beautiful not to share:)>
Thank you for this blog, God, through David Mainse, your faithful servant, who heard the Spirit, listened and obeyed! This blog has been, is and will always be, a saving grace! Amen, amen, and amen!
and Amen!
I am so pleased to be starting over reading the Bible through again. I am looking forward to new insights that will come with this 2nd reading. I have a question that I had at the 1st reading but never asked it, so I thought this time I will ask. It concerns the name of Jesus. Why is His name not Immanuel as the prophecy said? Why was Joseph told to call Him Jesus? Is it just the language in which the names were written? Thank you and God bless you as you go forward with this blog.
I found this in answer to your question:
Thank you for bringing this site to my attention. It looks like it might be one I will return to often.
Sally, in case David is busy and is unable to reply to your question, do you mind if I answer it for you?
My understanding has been that Jesus is His Name, Immanuel is a title. Our Lord has many names/titles in Scripture. It is sorta like if we were to meet the Queen we would have to call Her Majesty and not Elizabeth her given name.
Another Scripture example is when the angel appeared to Mary and he told she was to give birth to a son and to NAME him Jesus and then said ‘he will be CALLED the Son of the Most High’. see Luke 1:26-33 for the exact wording. His name is one thing, what he is called are different things
I hope I explained that properly and it helps.
Thank you so much. It helped make it clear to me.
What a blessing to be joining all of you again, as You Pastor David and all who contribute to this blog, bring us our daily manna from heaven.
Yes Trust and obey. There is Power in listening for the voice of God. Be still and know that He is God. I need to slow down sometimes and be still!!!
Enjoy and rejoice in this beautiful day.
Certain numbers seem to have more significance in the Bible… 3, 14, 40, 100, 1000, etc… DM you were lead by the Holy Spirit to choose 100 Huntley Street as the the new name for your TV show, and now the call name for this Spirit-filled blog…
May the Holy Spirit of God continue to bless His people through the reading of His Word and through this wondrous blog… Praise You Father! Amen!
Quite mysterious about how these numbers happen repeatedly. Amen!
It is a reminder of Philippians 2:3 “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.”
Praise God for David’s wonderful words.
Praise The Lord ! Thank you David for another two year blog. Yes, I will be reading it every day. This morning I woke at 3:20 a.m. Alberta time and the blog was already there for me to read. I love the picture of the church in Bethlehem, it brings back wonderful memories of when my son, daughter-in-law & I went to The Holy Land & Egypt.
The sun is shining, what a beautiful day! “This is the day that The Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it”
Our two year journey begins again. Praise the Lord!
I praise the Lord for you brother David for leading us through an other two year blog and Bible reading, The Lord bless you abundantly ~ Beth
Thank you for the daily devotion through the Bible in 2 years.
Its a great joy to take this journey again with you. You continue to be a great inspiration. God Bless you for your faithfulness to Him and all others who make this blog possible.
Dear David & Norma Jean:
Reg and I would like to congratulate you on this your great grandson. What a lovely angel. Please convey our best wishes to the parents and grandparents. I am following your blog daily and send it all over the world to my friends and relatives. Love in Christ Shirley & Reg