Suggested Reading: John 21 & Matthew 1
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Near Tabgha Beach, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, stands the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. This square building of black basalt, built in 1934, is where Jesus is believed to have made a third appearance to His disciples after His Resurrection. As the event is described in the 21st chapter of John's Gospel, Peter and six other disciples had been fishing all night without catching anything. Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach, though they did not recognize Him. Jesus told the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat, and the net filled with 153 fish. When the disciples dragged the net ashore, they found that Jesus had cooked them breakfast on a charcoal fire. This church is built upon a rock believed to be the place where Jesus prepared breakfast for His disciples (see photo below).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: John 21:18b,19
You will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish. This He [Jesus] spoke, signifying by what death he [Peter] would glorify God. And when He (Jesus) had spoken this, He said to him [Peter], “Follow Me.”
John mentions Peter five times in the final words of his Gospel, and refers to himself only as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” By the time John wrote these words, Peter had indeed stretched out his hands, and like Jesus’ hands, they were nailed to a cross. Early Church history tells us that Peter was executed by crucifixion in the city of Rome. John was there at Jesus’ death. He was the first of the Apostles to reach the empty tomb of Jesus, but he stepped back and let Peter enter first. No doubt John was also there in the High Priest’s courtyard and heard Peter deny that he knew Jesus three times. Now John sets the scene, mentioning that Jesus had fish on a charcoal fire (the only other charcoal fire mentioned in Scripture was there where Peter denied Jesus just a few days earlier). Now John writes of Jesus asking Peter three times, “Do you love Me?” Most likely, as a teenager, John, perhaps 15 years younger than Peter, fished Galilee in a boat next to Peter’s boat. Now he focuses on Peter’s total transformation. John was there when he heard Jesus call Peter, saying to him, “Follow Me!” Now he hears Jesus say again to Peter, “Follow Me!”
Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me!” Jesus says to each one of us, “Follow Me!” “Follow Me!” (read John 10:1-30). It may have been three weeks later that Peter, filled now with the Holy Spirit, preached the Good News of Jesus to Jewish people who had come from all over the world to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, and 3,000 believed in Jesus as their Saviour and Lord (Acts 2:14-24). Some months later Peter was the first to bring the message of Jesus to non-Jews, starting with the Roman army officer, Cornelius, who believed in Jesus, along with his family members and neighbours (Acts 10:34-48).
O Lord God, like Peter, I need to listen to You! I need to follow You so very very closely. I pray for grace to love You more, much more, than fishing for fish or any other legitimate human pursuit. Whatever hours, days, months or years I have to live, may I help feed Your sheep and Your lambs. May I be faithful to give the life-giving eternal food of Your Word to everyone I meet, adults and children. I make a new commitment to You, Lord Jesus, here and now, to FOLLOW YOU more closely than ever!!! Amen!!!
Tomorrow, God willing, we re-start our two-year journey through the Bible once again. Are you with me? A much better question is, are you with Jesus? If you are not sure, start over again with a decision to make a lifetime commitment to Him! Call a Crossroads/100 Huntley Street prayer partner, and have them record your decision. Call toll free, 1-866-273-4444. Ask that caring person who answers to send you literature which will confirm your faith in Jesus. The only way to know what Jesus thinks is to read His Word. God’s Word expresses His thoughts. I know of no other way to get God’s thoughts to be my thoughts so I can do His will at all times. John wrote about his reason for writing portions of God’s Holy Word…”These things we write to you that your joy may be full!” (read 1 John 1:1-7).
Today on the 100 Huntley Street telecast, I’ve been asked to do a Skype call live. Today is the 52nd anniversary of the first Crossroads telecast on which I had the great honour of sharing the Good News of Jesus, June 2nd, 1962, at 11:30 p.m. It will be two years tomorrow, June 3rd, when my first blog was posted in this two-year journey through the Bible. Please, please come with me once again. Walk with me through the pages of God’s message to His human family.
Yours for commitment, consistency, and consecration to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Thank You, Father God, for the call to do this blog, and for health and strength to complete the first two years. Thank you to all others who have helped me do this. I could not have succeeded without you!
Prepared to start all over with a fresh open mind and leading by the Spirit. Today’s readings clearly show the human side of Peter and Jesus’ followers. Sometimes the Holy Spirit asks us the same questions repeatedly, as did Jesus with Peter. Our minds can be clouded, yet when we take a hard look at spiritually pertinent questions, the answer begins to form with greater clarity and personal conviction. Lord, bless and help each of us as we give our best these next two years to build upon Your foundation of love and purpose in our lives. To share as living vessels, Your kindness, Your generosity and Your redemptive Spirit throughout the world we live. Amen!!!
Great information in John and Matthew readings today.
Looking forward to going thru the Bible as didn’t start ’til half way thru this study.
Love the pic of the rock in the church as well as the others.
Have a blessed day everyone.
Ready, set,…go! Will be there. Love it.
I remember reading that if you add up in all four gospels the number of people Jesus blessed directly that number adds up to 153, which was the exact number of fish John stated was caught that morning. Just further proof nothing in the Bible is there by accident or without purpose or meaning. I wish I could remember where I read that so I could give everyone a link but I don’t– perhaps if one just Googles 153 fish meaning in the bible– it will lead to some website that will give more details than I can.
Heavenly Father we pray you give your servant David Mainse the strength and inspiration to embark on another two year study of your most precious Word. May his efforts, those who help him and your Spirit bless all those who read this blog as long as You will it to continue. Amen.
Donna: I googled it and found this site:
I never realized the significance of the number before. Very interesting!
Amen, David M. and David!
Thank you for this morning’s message. It was a blessing. So glad David will continue with this blog dedicated to God’s Word. It is without a doubt the best part of the day!
Thank you so much David Mainse, Reynold, Ron and Ann for this wonderful blog which has taken us through the Bible in 2 years. Your explanations and insights are so helpful in studying the Bible. Looking forward to doing it again…..fresh bread each morning! Thank you!!
I am already for another round of Biblle reading we need it daily like food thankyou all ….R…..
Thank you so much – have enjoyed following your blog daily and look forward to your new venture!! As a senior I am thankful for all help in staying close to the Lord through the Word !! Thankful God is giving you good health to continue the work He has called you to do !!!! Thanks and God Bless
May God bless you and protect you on your motorcycle ride from Florida to Canada!
I am grateful to you and to the Lord for these precious blogs! God bless you even more through the next series!
Years ago I went through the Gospels studying Jesus’ miracles. Three things stood out: 1) He never said “No” to anyone who came to Him. 2) Sometimes He didn’t even wait to be asked, as when He raised the widow’s son 3) People glorified God as they saw his works. He paid the ultimate price! What a Savior!!
Amen, Rae, amen!
Looking forward to another two year bible study with you, David Mainse! Thank you for your faithful servanthood and praise God for your renewed health!!
Yes, we declare, as saints of the Lord, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. We say we have fellowship with Him, therefore we practice that truth by walking in the light completely. For when we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. The precious blood of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses us from all sin. Amen, amen, and amen! (Jn 1:5-7)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear Rev. Mainse for your tremendous gift to us, to me personally, through your daily blog. The Lord has blessed me tremendously as I’ve been on board these two years and am so thrilled that you will continue. You and your whole family are simply amazing! Have so appreciated all the wonderful photos and descriptions of them. What a treasure. May The Lord of all hope and grace continue to bless you with good health and zeal for Him as you continue to inspire others!
Looking forward to another 2 years! Thank-you David, Ron, Ann and Reynold! You are all such a blessing!
in yesterday’s block…I meant to include that Pastor Arthur’s message included and ended with emphasis on “The soon coming King” for us to be alert and ready and be discerning so that we are not deceived in any way.
Looking forward to the upcoming blog Pastor David Mainse…the Angels of the Lord keep you safe on your motorbyke journey.
Dear Rev. David M.
What a joy it was to see you this morning on 100 Huntley Street via skype ,looking so fabulous , getting ready to travel on your motorcycle from Florida to head home . I am left with so much gratitude to our Heavenly Father for I remember the oppurtunity of meeting and praying with you in Montreal while you were doing your 50th Canada Tour .
As I saw you from my wheel chair heading for your mobile home looking frail but quite determined , I was filled with a desire to ask the Lord to pour out His blessings on you and He has done more than I ever thought possible . Thank you Lord , Thank you Jesus for letting us be witnesses to this miracle and let us show others who dont know you, how Loving and Alive Youtruly are if only each of us will repent and give our life to the One and Only Our Shepherd, Our Messiah. Amen.
Looking forward with all my brothers and sisters in Christ to our journey of 2 years of GOD PRECIOUS WORD.
Be blessed everyone.
xoxoxo Carole.
I’ll walk with you, David. Thank you very much for committing to walk with everyone else on this blog, and me.
The Gospel of John closes with the most overwhelming expression of God’s Infinite Love possible, i.e. the Resurrected Lord just before His Ascension gives Peter the opportunity to express his love for his Lord in front of his friends: “Do you love Me, the Agape way of Love, with all your heart. soul, mind and strength?” The importance of that is found in Matt. 10:32,33 He who confesses Me before men, I will confess before My Father in Heaven, but he who denies Me before men, I will also deny before My Father in Heaven. Before John 21: 15 Peter would not have his Lord Jesus as his Intercessor, his Advocate and his Mediator before God. He had denied his Lord and the consequences of that would have been terrible. That last appearance, especially for Peter to be reconciled to God is the greatest expression of Christ’s earthly ministry. Often use John 21 to encourage young people to confess their love for the Lord before their friends or in church is to be aware what happens in Heaven just at that moment. You now have the Assurance that Jesus claims you as His Own before God, from now on He defends you, from now on He pleads for you.
What a message of Salvation to close this 2 year journey through God’s infallible, inerrant, verbally inspired, authoritative Word. The study of God’s Word is always so precious and inspiring. Even reading through the Bible in two years with one chapter each day is too quickly, two verses often are so full of blessings. We spent the past 10 years in a study one morning each week and covered less than half the Bible. Have enjoyed our daily reading a lot these past 2 years.
Was up north this past weekend and no Internet but have caught up now.
All ready to start our new journey through The Word and just know I will learn something anew, or something very new. Thank you Pastor David and family for your steadfastness and faithfulness in getting our blog out each day. It has been such a blessing and I pray The Lord will continue to strengthen you Pastor David as you share with us.
Thank you to all our blog buddies for their ncouragement and prayers throughout this past two years. I personally have been uplifted and truly blessed.
Today’s reading was a culmination of so many blessings from Our Lord and Saviour.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Dear David: Thanks so very much. I am thrilled that you are doing this all over again. I have known you and Norma Jean and the rest when you were here at 100 Huntley St., Confederation Bldg. We used to come on your set and bring so many of our members from st. John Fisher P.g., Bramalea to you. We help in serving St. John Fisher p.g. again, with Rev. Fr. Grima as our pastor. I send your blog out to groups over here and all over the world. Please pray for us and we have come to Burlington, several times as well. God bless you, Norma Jean and your whole family.
Hi David Mainse: Thanks you for continuing another two years reading through the Bible. May God give you health, strength and inspirational as you continue to love and serve God and be a blessing to the multitudes. Just to confirm that “I am in for another two years”. I started a bit late in the last cycle but actually had been reading many of the scriptures on 100 Words. com but was glad to jump aboard about 25% into the cycle and have thoroughly enjoyed it. This time, I am starting at the gate with you and all bloggers. Yesterday, I extended prayers and blessings to many but forgot to mention Ron & Ann for the way God is using them and also helping with the Bible Reading Process,. Love and blessings to all, Also, once again, thanks to Reynold for the great photos which are a great blessing and the comments are informational and inspirational. Also, remembering different ones to requested prayer. It would be great to know how they are doing – Doreen’s health, the teen, Angel, Chris – to name a few. Blessings to all. Samuel
Praise God for healing you David; was good to see you looking so good and to hear you have gained about 40lbs. Angels guard over you as you travel.
Looking forward to starting the 2 yr blog with you.