BLESSING GOD!!! AMEN!!! (the last 3 words of Luke)
Suggested Reading: Luke 24
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This is the exterior of Saint Lazarus Church built just 50 metres from where Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus. Special thanks to Reynold Mainse for two years of photographs. He spent over three months in the lands of the Bible just to bless us with his profession. He is also an ordained minister of Jesus Christ. The cost of his travels were covered apart from any offerings sent to the Crossroads charity. These photographs are a gift of love to Jesus and to us. "Thank you, David Reynold!"
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Luke 24:47
… and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
What was Luke’s reason for writing his Gospel? Here it is! “That you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed!” (Luke 1:4). Amen!!! Luke had two whole years to travel in the footsteps of Jesus. He was an assistant to the Apostle Paul, and Paul spent two years as a prisoner in Caesarea under the authority of two Roman Governors, Felix and Festus, as well as under King Agrippa (Luke was also writing a major portion of the book of Acts during those years…read Acts 23:23 to Acts 26:32). Luke’s writing style in his Gospel is obviously the result of personal interviews with people such as Mary, family members of the Bethlehem shepherds, several of the Apostles, perhaps Zacchaeus, people who participated in the celebration on Palm Sunday, Jewish religious leaders who later came to faith in Jesus as their Messiah (Acts 6:7), and the women who first visited Jesus’ empty tomb. Just imagine Luke trying to write down the stories of many of the approximately 500 people who saw the risen Jesus!!! (1 Corinthians 15:1-6).
Now, here comes the orders to all of us from Almighty God, the risen Christ! Preach (this includes one-to-one personal witness…probably the most effective way of preaching) “TO ALL NATIONS, BEGINNING AT JERUSALEM!!!” True Christians have no alternative but to proclaim to one and all by direct witness, by public preaching, and by sacrificial giving so others can share the Gospel in person or by the media (TV, radio, print, the world wide web, billboards, etc. etc.). Let’s do it together!!! Ready! Set! Go!!!
Lord God, I join the prophet Isaiah who wrote so very much about a person who could be no one other than Jesus of Nazareth (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, chapter 53), and I say to You in answer to Your question recorded in Isaiah 6:8, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? …’HERE AM I, SEND ME!!!'” I’m available now, today, and every day until I die or until You return in glory and the work is done! I pray for the grace of total obedience to Your will for my life. Amen!!!
I know, first hand, the interview style of writing. It has been my privilege, since 1962, to interview approximately 15,000 people. This is why I can assert with certainty that Luke interviewed the people who told him the facts of the life of Jesus! I have 100% confidence in these many eyewitness accounts. Of course there will always be slight variations in the way witnesses see an event. Take a court of law for example. People look at things from different angles and choose to emphasize certain elements over others. If their testimonies were identical, it would prove collusion and would destroy the credibility of the witnesses. This explains why the four Evangelists sometimes recorded different views and memories of the same events…yet there are no contradictions. Put all the testimonies of the Gospels together and we have the fullest possible description of what really happened!
I’ve just read an e-mail from Toronto Lawyer, Stevan Novoselac. Norma-Jean and I had visited with Stevan and his wife Marianne a few days ago. Stevan met this past week with my hematologist/oncologist/cancer specialist at the Cancer Centre, and here’s what Stevan wrote in his e-mail to tell us what the good Doctor said: “In reference to David’s recovery, he said he can’t explain it, that David was in his prayers and, ‘If I wasn’t a believer before, I am now.'” Stevan and Marianne have committed to be with me every Sunday evening from July 6th through August 24th. That’s eight Sunday evening healing services at 6 p.m. for one hour, or however long it takes to pray according to James 5:13-18. Therefore, God willing, we’ll do this at the Crossroads Centre Chapel, 1295 North Service Road, Burlington, Ontario. I expect to be there along with others who will join me to pray for each individual requesting prayer for healing. All the faith God requires of us is just enough to obey those instructions from the Pastor of the Jerusalem Church, James, the one who is known as the “Brother of our Lord” (James 5:14-15). God can say, “Yes,” “No,” “Wait,” or anything He chooses to respond to our prayers. We don’t demand anything of God. We simply “trust and obey!” The Crossroads Chapel also houses the congregation of St. Georges Anglican Church. I’m inviting any of the elders of that congregation to participate. These healing services are one of my ways of saying, “Thanks” to God and to all who have prayed for my healing from MDS acute leukemia. Whether one shows up or one hundred and one, God willing, I’ll be there!
Yours for never, never, never keeping the Good News of Jesus to ourselves!

Inside the Saint Lazarus Church is a beautiful mosaic of Lazarus coming forth from his tomb. I've spent time in that tomb. "LAZARE VENI FORAS" is Latin for "Lazarus come forth!" This event is recorded in John 11:44-45, "And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, 'loose him and let him go.' Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary (sister of Lazarus), and had seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him." The "Mishna" (minutes of the Sanhedrin, the ruling council of the Jewish leaders) records the arrest notice of Jesus of Nazareth, but nowhere in the official records of religious or secular governing powers are there any denials of the mighty acts of Jesus. Jesus is the most thoroughly documented figure in all of ancient history!!!
Yes Lord use me in the harvest field speak through me and that many be saved before You return Dear Lord inJesus name Amen
thank you David as a servant of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may God use you in a mighty way and bless you and your family and evryone that reads this blog ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Amen to that message, David Mainse!!! So very happy to hear of the healing services that will take place Sunday evenings throughout the summer. I will be down in August for a shower and will make a point of coming with full anticipation to receive healing. How powerful!!!
The account given in Luke is perhaps the most fascinating of the four gospels. It is most personal and reflective and allows us to really feel what the disciples were experiencing with Jesus in their midst. How truly divine!
Open my ears that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
And while the wave-notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear;
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see.
Open my ears, illumine me,
Spirit divine.
Clara H. Fiske Scott
Wishing all saints a most splendid day in the Lord!
Amen sister Beverlee!
Amen! Will be good going through the next two years with familiar writers (and new ones too)!!
I believe the Crossroads chapel will be too small David. Would the Founders Hall not be a better choice? I do plan to be there with family.
Praise God, David!
Was wondering which day was considered the first day of the week when Luke was alive?
Seems to me I’ve read another witness account where Mary saw only one angel in Jesus’ tomb? Guess that might explain how different people see and remember events differently.
Thank you for your encouragement to share God’s message DM. Will do my best. You were blessed with a very special father which has made it easier for you to spread God’s Word. We weren’t all endowed with such devoted parents but nevertheless God can be such a strong, loving influence in our lives;take for example Sheila Walsh.
May your healing sessions go well Rev. Mainse.
Great pics again Reynold. Looking forward to two more years of them.
Blessings on us all this fine Sabbath day.
Very interesting points made about witness accounts with no contradictions of Jesus’ resurrection. This ties in so well with those celebrating Resurrection Sunday today! Many thanks to David Reynold Mainse for all your photo’s and especially how they were so appropriate to our daily readings!!! Have a great day, everyone!
This morning our 83 year old Pastor preached a powerful message on “Bible signs for our generation” all through scriptures God gave us signs…Pastor Arthur concluded with the sign of “the baptism of the Holy Spirit”
How blessed we are to have men of God who will present the truth without compromising!
Pastor David Mainse thank you for being one of them!
Thank you David Mainse for your guidance, encouragement, testimony, prayers & inspirational words through 100 I will be continuing with the next 2 years Bible Reading Plan. Also, letting others on my contact list aware of the the Bible Reading Plan. Am on the West Coast so can’t be with with you for the healing series inJuly & August but trusting God to work mighty miracles. Will join with you in spirit to pray for those I know who need encouragement, healing, deliveance and freedom in the Spirit. I really like your Text today: Luke 24:47. I was captivated by the last three words “beginning in Jerusalem” as I have made a new commitment to “start at ‘my’ Jerusalem” in praying for my immediate family, extended family, friends I have communicated with over the years and so on.. making a renewed effort to pray for them and taking every opportunity to share the love of Christ with them.. especially family – claiming the words of Paul to the Philippian Jailer: “and thy house”. Thank you again for a great year and enjoying the conclusion of these days as we read the a chapter from each of the gospels. Blessings to you, Norma-Jean, your son Reynold and excellent insprital photos and your/his descriptions or explanations and ongoing support and prayers for 100 Huntley Street and the diverse ministries of Crossroads. It was also good to hear other bloggers request prayers and I continue to pray for some of these request as the Lord brings them to mind and lifting each other up in the Name of the Lord. “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised for His greatness is unsearchable” Ps. 145:3 KJV. Blessings to all bloggers.
Amen Samuel!