Suggested Reading: Matthew 28
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Garden Tomb is a rock-cut tomb which was unearthed in 1867 and has subsequently been considered by many Christians to be a possible site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus. Could this be the place where the stone of which today's reading speaks, "Was rolled back from the door, and (the angel) sat on it"? The groove in which a stone could be rolled is still there, but the stone is no longer there, as it was likely used in construction elsewhere. The angel said, "He is not here; for He is risen as He said. Come see the place where the Lord lay!"
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
Today is the first day of a four-day series in which we will consider the final chapter and the final verse of each of the four Gospels. On June 3rd, God willing, we will start our two-year journey through the entire Bible once again. Please keep on keeping on!!! “Consistency thou art a rare jewel” is a statement often attributed to William Shakespeare. Wherever it came from doesn’t matter. What does matter is that it is true! We can be sure that the latest “Man of the century,” Winston Churchill, said, “Never, never, never give up!!!”
Matthew begins with, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Messiah), the Son of David, the Son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1), and he ends with our key verses, which is clear that the Person to which Matthew introduces us is also One with “The Father” and “The Holy Spirit.” He is the Eternal Son of God!!! And this is where we come into the picture! Our job is to “Go (‘you’ is understood) and make disciples (Hebrew talmudim – school children in Israel today are called ‘Talmudim’) of all the nations.” We who believe and take our commitment to Jesus with utmost sincerity have no other choice. We MUST do this, “baptizing them,” “teaching them” as Jesus in His final Words said, “TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE COMMANDED YOU!” Matthew recorded the commands of Jesus. Therefore, as we start our daily readings in Matthew on June 3rd, we’ll find out in a fresh way what those commands were so we can daily bring ourselves under the rule of the Ruler of the cosmos. Does that seem important to us? Yes! Yes! and Yes!!!
Lord God, I am absolutely committed to carrying out Your direct orders. You are my Sovereign Lord. I place myself completely under Your command. I pray for the courage and willingness to sacrifice my life for Your cause. You have stated, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age!” You, my King, are right here with me! There is, therefore, “NO FEAR!” May I make disciples directly, and indirectly may I support those who are doing this in places and in ways where I cannot be. I obey your command to “GO!” Amen!!!
My Father obeyed Jesus’ command to “Go!” He travelled to Egypt from Canada in 1922. My mother joined him in 1924, and they were married there. Together they obeyed Jesus’ command, and while mother taught music and preached the Gospel to women’s groups, father preached evangelistic missions and baptized many “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” I arrived in 1936 here in Canada. Because of the events leading up to World War II and during the war, Dad was separated from his family with no possibility of being reunited with us until December of 1944. The command to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” is in my DNA. I must serve my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ! My mother died in 1949, Dad returned to Egypt and my older sisters and I remained here for our education. It was in 1952, as a 16-year-old, that I carried my father in my arms out of an airplane at the Ottawa airport. He was not the big and strong man I had known. He had poured out his life in obedience to those final Words of Matthew’s Gospel. God restored his health. He served as a Pastor, a college president, and as a strong supporter of world missions until 1972, when God called him higher. It was probably around 1970 when he said to me after watching me and my guests witness for Jesus on a Toronto TV station, “David, it seems that your call from God is to reach the whole world with the message of Jesus!” I wept and asked him to pray over me, which he did!
Yours with assurance that there are thousands of us who will do the same!!!
P.S. I want to thank Jim and Kathy Cantelon for allowing me to place here their commentaries on the book of Revelation. I’m attaching the last interview that Jim did with me for the 100 Huntley Street daily TV show. It was on air in the Spring of 2012, leading up to our 50th anniversary on Television. I did not look too healthy in that interview. I believe that God healed me last Fall. My condition was diagnosed in March of 2012 as MDS acute Leukaemia, and I was given 2 years to live. My wonderful oncologist, who discontinued chemo a year ago now because positive results were not evident, said in January 2014, “Jaw dropping remarkable” and gave me permission to quote him. Anyway, here we are May 30th, 2014, and I’ve gained over 40 healthy, energy-filled pounds. Over the next three days, I plan, God willing, to share here a new call I believe I’ve received to “GO!!!” God did not give me new health and strength to sit around and twiddle my thumbs (click here for part one of the Jim Cantelon interview, and here for part two).
Absolutely committed to carrying out my life for You and Your GLORY, LORD! Thank you for continuing on with this blog’s work, David Mainse. Looking forward to posting a longer reply, later. God bless ye merry saints!
I am committed as well to the call of Jesus Christ on my life
and all for His glory.
David, it was such a nice surprise to automatically turn to
your blog and find a message to all of us today. God continue
to give you health and strength for each new day.
Blessings to all today.
Amen! He is risen, He is risen, Amen Amen!!
I have a client that is interested in serving God. She went to church last Sunday and the pastor preached about the condemnation of tattoos and piercings in the bible. She has a very big tattoo and a piercing. Now she is condemning her self saying there is no way she can get rid of the tattoo and it’s wrong to have it on her. I have tried to explain to her that she had the tattoo before she knew Christ so it’s no longer about having the tattoo but weather or not she is repentant or still shows it off. I would really appreciate a few verses and comments I could show her to make her feel better. Thank you all and God bless us all
Patricia, I believe in Leviticus you can read about your concern for your friend. I just talked to someone yesterday and t heir understanding is the tattoo should not have the name of any dead person or be related to a religious cult. You can google what the bible says about tattoos and piercings
Thank you ! I began reading scripture with you each morning a few months ago. I am so happy to begin with you from the beginning. How beautiful that Jesus is with us always !!!
More of you Jesus and less of me. May I strive to wholly commit everything I do to the glory of The Saviour.
Enjoyed the interviews with Jim today.
You look so much better now Pastor David, praising God for your healing and that it will continue.
Thank you David for sharing your resolve to carry out the Great Commission in your life and you inspire me as I have been given a new beginning as well. The Lord called me back in 1972 through a series of three car accidents in Ontario. Please pray for me as I am deciding on a short term mission trip at this time and I need an extra boost of faith and affirmation. Back in the late “70’s and early ’80’s I did four and a half years of overseas mission work then the Lord showed me that I needed to work in my own family and strengthen the base which I did and Dad got saved as well as siblings and my Mother was lovingly cared for for fourteen and a half years which she greatly deserved. One of those acts of love was a trip to the opening of the new 100 Huntley St. building in Burlington. I remember you smiling at us so sweetly Norma Jean and thank you for your part in this two year journey through the Bible. Looking forward to your sharing tomorrow, David.
Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain, Revelation Song (Handel George Frideric) Bethel Music — POWERFUL!!!
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by his
blood, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour,
and glory, and blessing. Blessing and honour, glory and power, be unto
Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever.
(Revelation 5:12-14)
Focus on the past is guilt-ridden, Patricia. Having one’s heart body mind and soul in Christ in the present and future serving our lives to Him is the key. If your client has received Christ, is dedicating her life to Him, becomes baptized in His Spirit and keeps on the straight path, that is what is important and should be emphasized to her. She is a blessing to everyone who sees she has turned her past life over to Him and has been saved by Him. It is all for His glory! I am not an expert on anything you question in this post; I am a humble Christian. Leading her in Bible study and to receive water baptism is what is important. The Holy Spirit will begin to work through her life. She needs to be encouraged to move forward not to worry about her past when she was not saved.
Here is a video of Amanda Cook with Bethel Music–one of the most powerful worship singers and leaders. She has tatoos on her body; they may not be the same type or of the same nature your client’s body speaks of, nor were made with the same reasons behind them. Does God love either Amanda or your client less? No, absolutely not! He loves them both in the same love and manner as all His children. He walked talked cared for and blessed the sinners and down trodden, did He not? The woman you speak of is such a blessing, Patricia!
Here is Amanda Cook, You Make me Brave–WOW!!!!
wow!!! you are always very helpful by His grace:) thank you very much and may God continue to bless you sister Beverlee
What a delight to meet Jennifer and Jared Erhardt on your program yesterday. Quintuplets, wow!! Looking forward to listening to Sheila Walsh today. What a special, blessed lady.
Your dad was right DM. What an honour to do this study with you at the helm.
Can’t believe I can say my grandmother was born in 1868. Jesus tomb was found a year earlier. Can’t believe I can say that either.
Winston Churchill is one of my heroes too.
Have a blessed day fellow Christians.
Thanks for Matthew 28, David, and beautiful photo of the ‘Garden Tomb’ which truly existed where our Lord Jesus’ physical body lay and He was indeed risen! Amen!
Matthew 28 falls in line with Luke 7:38-50, Patricia. Jesus received the gift and love Mary Magdalene offered Him when she washed His feet. His love and forgiveness healed her from her past sin, blessed and saved her. He did not condemn her for using the expensive perfume, her tears, or hair on Him, as the Pharisees did. It does not speak about tatoos; it does not condemn, but rather lifts her up. In Matthew 28, it was Mary Magdalene who came to Jesus’ tomb and was blessed by the message from the angel. She was transformed by her relationship with Jesus and was chosen by Him to be the first at the tomb.
Amen! Christ is ALWAYS here and now!
Good morning bloggers in and for Christ Jesus…
I thoroughly enjoyed Jim’s interview with David Mainse… and how our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has inspired David through the Holy Spirit, with the Crossroads ministry, to reach out to the entire world, bringing all peoples (young and old) the opportunity to hear about Christ Jesus… AMEN!
May the Holy Spirit of God move through the body of Christ (His Church) and this amazing blog to continue His WORK hear on earth… for His Honour and Glory! AMEN!
Have a joyous day beloved…
Thank you Father God for your faithful servant, David Mainse. Thank you for the healing in his body and I pray for continued healing.
Thank you, David for the daily bible study for the past two years. I am sure you have reached thousands of people encouraging them to read and study the bible every day. I am looking forward to the next two years of study. Thank you so much.
God Bless You!
I’ve enjoyed the study with Mr . Mainse…the only thing I found a bit difficult was somedays there was a lot of reading and I had to break it up during the day….I so appreciated the Revelation study, it was one chapter a day and I am so thankful for this…so something to think about….blessings
Appreciated viewing the interview with Jim Cantelon…and Praise God, David, you look much healthier now that the Lord has healed you…I’m glad you will be with us much longer than the doctors had predicted….because the Greatest Physician was and is the only One who knows the beginning from the end!!!
Dear David & Norma Jean:
Sorry about our congrats. I realized it was a girl not a boy.
Love & God bless
Shirley & Reg