Sunday, May 11, 2014


Suggested Reading: Revelation 4 

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


There appears to be a "throne" in the back room behind the altar of Saint Paul's Church in Tarsus, the home city of Saul of Tarsus, now known as the Apostle Paul. In today's reading we get a glimpse into Heaven through the eyes of the Apostle John, and we see "A throne set in Heaven, and One sat on the throne."

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Revelation 4:11

You are worthy, O Lord,

To receive glory and honor and power;

For You created all things,

And by Your will they exist and were created.


Jim and Kathy Cantelon take us from the 7 churches here on earth through “The door standing open in Heaven.” They write,

Jim & Kathy Cantelon

The vision continues. Here we see the “throne room” of Heaven. It’s a key description for a number of reasons, not the least of them being that this “throne room” is the main “set” of the drama. For interest’s sake, you might try drawing the set as it’s described in verses 1-6. Probably you’ll do what I did – you’ll draw in two dimensions (a flat picture, rather like a disk). But try something else: try drawing it, or imagining it, in three dimensions (like a sphere) – the difference will be rather like that between a square and a cube. And don’t forget, our interpretations will always be less than satisfactory, for John is attempting to describe something that’s indescribable.

The main elements of the description are:

(a) A throne

(b) Someone on the throne

(c) A rainbow around the throne

(d) 24 other thrones around the throne

(e) 24 elders on these thrones

(f) Seven lamps before the throne

(g) A glass sea before the throne

(h) Four creatures around the throne

Add to this the colours of jasper, carnelian, rainbow, white, gold, and crystal – all lit with flashes of lightening and vibrating with peals of thunder, and you have three-dimensional description. It’s an awesome picture.

But the key factor in this picture is the verbal message: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is, and is to come” (verse 8b). We’re dealing here with God the Father, Himself. The only adequate response is prostration (verse 10). No description can even come close.


Lord God, bless Jim and Kathy Cantelon and their family in every way, I pray. Thank You for Your call on their lives and for blessing me with their insights through the Day Unto Day series published in the mid-nineties, and now here on the blog for a few days. Thank You, also, for this look into Heaven which Your servant John has shared. I pray that my gaze will focus, not just on the surroundings of Heaven, but primarily on You, “LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME!” Through the Lord Jesus Christ, who opened up Heaven for all who call on His Name for eternal life. Amen!!!


I know I will be blessed by Jim and Kathy’s commentaries every day for 19 days here on my blog. After that, I expect, God willing, to finish off the first two-year journey through the Holy Scriptures with four blogs focusing on the final Words of Jesus recorded in each of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then the plan is to start again for 24 more months! I’ve shared here before, but I think it’s worth repeating, that I promoted a one-year through the Bible plan during the 1960’s and 1970’s, and discovered that the majority of those who started with me in January each year got discouraged somehow and left the plan somewhere around the third to fifth book in the Old Testament. I prayed many times for the answer as to why this was so. I believe I heard from God something like this, “David, you need to expand the readings to two years. Start with Jesus in Matthew, then move to Genesis. This will encourage My precious people to maintain a consistent reading pattern and a majority will read every Word of the Bible with time to meditate on each day’s readings.” I began to promote this plan through the 100 Huntley Street TV show throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s. It worked! I knew this because readers would ask for the next instalment of the written commentary materials. Eight books we published in the 1990’s were called, Day Unto Day. Jim and Kathy Cantelon wrote the New Testament commentaries in that series. After the completion of these eight books, I learned that over 70% percent of those who ordered the first volume also ordered the last one, proving that the new Bible reading program was much more conducive to actually completing reading the entire Bible.

Yours for continuing to do the same now on the World Wide Web!!!,


P.S. It’s Mothers Day! I honour all the mothers who are with me here on the blog!!! May God bless and keep you. Over the years, particularly in the early years when our four children were still at home, I would tease Norma-Jean by calling her by the name of the head person in a convent, “Mother Superior!” Every Fall, as she mothers those who travel with us to Israel, I refer to her by that name. Every caring, nurturing mother deserves that name! Ron played on 100 Huntley Street this past Friday a Youtube video that was hilarious and true. It has had over 18 million views on Youtube (click here to watch it).

The exterior of St. Paul's Church in Tarsus. Tarsus was the university city of the Roman province of Asia Minor. Today Tarsus is in eastern Turkey.

The interior of St. Paul's Church in Tarsus.

15 thoughts on “Sunday, May 11, 2014

  1. Wow–John’s glimpse into heaven! The visal picture, the colours, the sounds, the worship–“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” We bow down, we give glory and honor and thanks to You, Lord God Almighty, who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever. For “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things,
    and by Your will they exist and were created.” There is sanctity in the written Word, amen!!!

    Thank you, David Mainse, for the two year blog format and to Jim and Kathy Cantelon for your explanation of Revelation 4; it helped me gain a different perspective. So looking forward to the remainder of the book, and then, God willing, the start of the book of Matthew for the next two year study. Wishing all saints a blessed day worshiping our Lord and Risen King!!

    Praise God, praise God, praise God, through whom all blessings flow! Here is:
    I Bowed on my Knees and Cried Holy by Michael English and the Gaither Band:

  2. The book of revelation has been this complicated and scary book that I have always had to read not because I wanted to but because I thought I had to. Reading a book because you think you had to can mostly lead to one result, lack of understanding. But with the way you are breaking all this down Sir, I actually tend to envision what I am reading when I am not a lot more sleepy than awake. Jim & Kathy Cantelon’s explanation actually tends to put a picture in my mind and I know it will be more visible if I was to draw it and try to colour it. The Lord is indeed “Holy, Holy, Holy”. “He is The Lord God Almighty!” I feel much more better now, I seem to be getting a Sore throat, but my voice is clearer and cough is still deciding weather or not to stay:) thank you all for your prayers, I love you all and God bless you all. One of the Revrend Fathers at my church was killed from the shooting I talked about yesterday. May His soul and the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace…

  3. I am a visual person so I can visualize what Jim is talking about
    with these images it is hard to understand but we try.
    Thank you David, Jim and Kathy for explaining this difficult
    book. You know even though I am not a mother I wish every
    mother and mother to be Happy Mothers Day I am looking
    forward to seeing my mom tonight

  4. After reading today scripture, I tried to recall all the elements of John’s vision of Heaven. It was helpful to see Jim Cantalone’s summary and his insight and challenge to even try and visualize painting this in 3D! God’s Will from which all creation exists, is a truth beyond comprehension! Someday, we too shall see and hopefully have the capacity to understand. Happy Mothers Day!! To our Mothers whom have passed on, may we hold true to all you have taught us to love and value. Praise God, from Whom all things were created!

  5. To all mothers on this blog as well as in the Mainse family. Happy Mothers Day!
    Blessings upon you and your families this special day. Amen!

  6. Wasn’t sure what ‘jasper’ was so ‘Googled’ it and it said it was a stone of brilliant and transparent light, like crystal. I live near Jasper so it’s nice to know that meaning.
    Does anyone know what the seven spirits means in today’s reading?
    Jim and Kathy Cantelon’s input is what I was thinking of doing as I read Revelation 4. It is such a busy description that trying to draw it out makes sense.
    How delightful you are beginning another two-year study of our bible. I’ve been blessed by this. Thank you so much Rev. Mainse.!!
    May God bless us all on this special Mother’s Day.

  7. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers reading this blog. Am continuing to enjoy “Day unto Day” and thank you Jim and Kathy Cantelon. I thnk God also for a good mother.

  8. Once again, thank you David for your presentation of this block! and for Jim and Kathy Cantelon’s illustration of the Throne of God”. In reality too awesome to absorb.
    Thank you Reynold for those wonderful and expressive photos!
    Thank Ron for the presentation of the “Moms” Job…how true!!
    God Bless you all!

  9. Love and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all who receive this blog and to those of the Crossroads Family. I had afternoon tea at a Historic old house with my daughter and her two young daughters, such a blessing, and a beautiful sunny day here in Brampton.

    The reading in Revelation was awesome, and I can’t imagine what it was like to view the vision John received, but Jim and Kathy’s explanation made it so much easier to understand. Thank you.


  10. I just can’t help but repeat that I am so happy that this blog will continue for another two years. Thanks so much David and Norma Jean.

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