Monday, March 31, 2014


Suggested Reading: Hosea 13-14

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This olive tree may be 2,000 years old. It is located near the vicinity of the ancient capital of Israel, Samaria, in the West Bank. This photo was taken in the Palestinian village of Sebastia, which today has a population of almost 5,000. This was the heartland of the northern tribes to which the prophet, Hosea, delivered God's messages. Throughout the Bible, the olive tree is the symbol of the spiritual life of Israel. It is said that once rooted, the olive tree never dies. It may be cut down when it is not producing fruit anymore, but it grows again from the roots.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Hosea 14:4, 9

“I will heal their backsliding,

I will love them freely,

For My anger has turned away from him.”

…”Who is wise?

Let him understand these things.

Who is prudent?

Let him know them.

For the ways of the Lord are right;

The righteous walk in them,

But transgressors stumble in them.”


It’s amazing!!! After being rejected, and after God’s great heart has been broken by the sins of His people, the words, “ransom,” “redeem,” “return,” “heal,” “love,” “grow,” “beauty,” “help,” and “revived,” stand out in today’s reading. Yes, we bring judgment upon ourselves, and in this life we reap what we have sown for good or evil. And yes, we may need reminding that the most often-repeated sentence in the Bible is, “His mercy endures forever!!!” God always responds to our sincere prayers. His answers may be, “Wait,” (circumstances must change first) “Grow,” (He has a work to do in us first) “No,” (it’s not best for us), or “Yes.” Here’s one prayer to which He always says “Yes.” This prayer is taken from Dr. John Hull’s book on prayer, Pivotal Praying (page 217, the closing words in his book). Let’s pray this together, “Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned and cannot save myself. Please forgive me. I believe You died on the cross for my sins. I thank You for that. And I believe that You rose from the dead and that You live forever. I truly desire that You come into my life. Right now I open the door of my life and ask You to come and live in me. I receive You now, Jesus, as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You for answering my prayer. Help me to live for You. Make me the person You want me to be. Amen.”


Lord God, I pray that by Your grace I will be “on fire” for You! May I burn with a passion to do Your will on earth as it is done in Heaven. May I give light in dark places, illuminating Your loving eternal purposes for having created me. In the Name of “The Light of the World,” Jesus Christ, I ask these blessings. Amen!!!


From the olive tree, oil is produced which fed the flames rising from the menorah, a seven-branched candelabra, which provided the only light in the Holy Place in the Tabernacle of Moses, and later in the Temple. The fires burning from the oil-drenched wicks and the offering of the smoke of the incense symbolized the prayers of the people. I’ve just finished reading a great book on prayer, and I’m challenged as never before to consistently spend quality time in prayer. The book is called, Pivotal Praying! The subtitle is, Connecting with God in Times of Great Need!

Dr. John Hull, our Crossroads Global Chief Executive Officer since last September, is one the two authors of this book. He writes every second chapter and does the last three chapters, which are so very powerful. The book was written before he came to lead Crossroads and it reveals his heart. The final chapter is called, “The Most Important Pivotal Prayer You’ll Ever Pray!” It’s a prayer for Salvation! After completing his book, I think I understand in a greater way John’s ministry and his passion to bring people to Christ. For seven years he Pastored the great People’s Church in Toronto (1993-2000), and preached God’s Word across Canada on TV every Sunday morning. His Sunday evening evangelistic services saw many people respond to the call to give their lives to Christ. Attendance grew greatly during his ministry at what has been called the greatest missions church in the world. I say all that to urge all readers to call, write or click to get John’s book on prayer. Be prepared to have your prayer life and God’s answers to your prayers become all that God would desire. Amen!!! (click here for John’s book).

Yours for listening to God (reading His Word) and then having confidence that God listens to us as we pray!!!


Rev. Rick Heibert, portraying the High Priest, prays in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle. He stands between the Golden Lampstand and the Altar of Incense. Olive oil feeds the flames which symbolize prayer which ascends to God and light which comes from God.

17 thoughts on “Monday, March 31, 2014

  1. Will you ever have the Tabernacle in
    Burlington again? I so enjoyed my day and know that it would be a great church outing. Thank you.

  2. Yes I agree David that is a wonderful book on prayer. I am reading John Hall Pivotal Prayer it helping me in my time with the Lord. Thank you David your blog is so inspiring each morning I can’t wait to read it and be connected with God before I start my day. Wonderful to see how great you look and feel
    Blessings Irene

  3. Looking forward to reading Pivotal Prayer! The transition in Hosea was inspiring! Thanks again David for your valued insight and reflection. A beautiful spring day here. Blessings to all!

  4. Hosea readings illustrate God’s unending forgiveness of His people’s sins. What hope and joy that brings to all the world.
    The olive tree is a marvel. Thank you for such a beautiful pic. of its strength and endurance.
    God bless us all this lovely day.

  5. Yesterday as I was looking out my window to my great surprise I saw a robin. It filled me with such joy because I knew seeing that bird meant spring has really arrived. After the very long and cold winter we had, this typical sign of spring was most anticipated, I looked every day for that bird and yesterday when I wasn’t really looking there it was right in front of me.

    Seeing that robin filled with me with hope that warmer weather and nicer days are ahead. I still see snow on the ground and the air is still nippy but that bird is the sign of things to come.
    Likewise, our Lord, is a living sign to our dark world of the world to come. We Christians wait in anticipation for His return like many are waiting to see their robin. And if the return of a robin brings such joy to winter weary land, imagine the joy the world will know when our Lord returns to a sin weary world. Can all the saints say Amen to that.

  6. What a blessing to be God’s child and to walk in the light. Praying brings us closer to Him and reading His Word gets us started each day to follow the path He has for each of us to follow. Thank you Pastor David and everyone who participates in getting our blog out each day. What a wonderful way to start the day, blessed by The Saviour.

    Enjoy the day everyone wherever you are!

  7. Good Morning All. Amazing to be looking at a 2000 year old tree. Imagine, Jesus might have played in this very tree when he was a boy. Got lost in my imagination there for a mi. ( Jesus grew up in Egypt didn’t he! ) Oh well as a grownup he maybe sat under it playing with children. Back to reality, I admire trees. Such wonder and aw, God’s magnificent creation. I recently read the book by Hugh Ross More Than A Theory Now there Is food for Thinkers.
    Father God I pray for your creation today. It is an ongoing process ,and to think you have allowed us to be part of it. Help us Lord to understand what our part in it is. Give us wisdom and your unconditional love , for you first and your people. Breath into us what you breathed into Adam .
    God, bless us today, every one.

  8. Spring is coming -> -> around the corner, the snow is melting fast, with these warm March days. We have it so beautiful here In Canada. I pray with all that is in me for the oppressed people of this world. God have mercy on them. You say that you wont give us more than we can handle , send your comfort to your hurting world Lord . Yes, I know there oppressed people right here in Canada. God show us each and every one, what you would have us do. Give us wisdom Lord and show us your will. God we need you!!

  9. The God of the universe is still begging his children to return to Him. We should be humbled. He is a indeed a God of mercy. May those who do not know Him turn to Him before it is too late. Please God give us eyes to see and ears to hear and soften our hearts toward you, so we can worship you in your Majesty. You alone have our best interests at heart, the world and the flesh do not. Thank you for your enduring patience and love. Amen.

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