Suggested Reading: Jeremiah 7-8
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Among the ruins of ancient Ephesus, Turkey, are these larger than usual stone ossuaries, which were used to house people’s skeletal remains. “Bones” are mentioned five times in the first verse of Jeremiah 8.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Jeremiah 7:23
But this is what I commanded them, saying, “Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.”
Jeremiah 7 begins what is known as the “Temple Sermon.” God’s instructions to Jeremiah were that he was to stand at the gate of the Temple and deliver this message as the throngs of people were entering for worship. The people of Judah were still very religious outwardly, but Jeremiah’s message was that they were hypocritical. Several times Jeremiah made the point that “They did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward” (7:24). They practiced what is called “syncretism,” the amalgamation of what otherwise would be two or more distinct religions. In their case, it was an attempt to worship the God of Israel and also Molech. Some of them, including King Jehoiakim, who turned away from the reforms of his father Josiah, had reverted to the practices of his grandfather Mannaseh (2 Kings 21:3-6).
Chapter 8 predicts the coming judgment as a result of their syncretism. Their bones will bleach in the sun. There’s an old hymn which captures the essence of faithfulness to the One and only true God. “Trust and Obey!” Here’s a musical rendition of this foundational truth! (click here).
Lord God of Israel, through Your Son and my Saviour, I pray for the grace of obedience to You, and to the worship of You and You alone! The Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed in Jeremiah’s day, rebuilt by Ezra and Herod, and then destroyed again. Your temple in this age is my body, and may I keep my body pure and in good shape for You, Lord, and may You alone live in my innermost thoughts, attitudes, intentions and actions. Amen!!! (1 Corinthians 6:12-20).
My experiences with people practicing syncretism are many. The most common being church Sunday morning and then a variety of practices common to eastern religions during the week. The most dramatic example happened in the summer of 1976. I was in Winnipeg staying in the home of the pro football player Larry Kerychuk when the phone rang. The local Roman Catholic priest was looking for a Holy Spirit-filled minister to accompany him on an exorcism. I agreed, but conditional on the content of the priests testimony of his personal journey with Christ. I heard a miraculous story of the power of the Holy Spirit transforming his life. We showed up at a home of recent immigrants from Brazil, where manifestations were reported (we didn’t see any) of objects moving around the rooms mysteriously without human help. We discovered that back in Brazil the husband and father had been in the practice of attending mass Sunday mornings and voodoo ceremonies Sunday evenings.We discerned that these spirits were not filling the house, but the man. He wanted to be free of these, and we took authority in Jesus’ Name, cast out these evil spirits, and he was set free. The whole family received Jesus by faith as Saviour and Lord! The last report is that never again did this occult manifestation occur.
Yours for bringing men, women, boys and girls into genuine experiences in a saving relationship with Jesus!
P.S. If you want a blow-by-blow account of the various destructions of Jerusalem, I recommend a book I’m currently reading by Desmond Seward called “Jerusalem’s Traitor: Josephus, Masada, and the Fall of Judea” (here is a listing for it on
It is sad when syncretism becomes an issue between traditional matters, such as who is allowed to receive communion and who cannot, due to religion. When Christ offered His body and blood as a living sacrifice, He offered to all who faithfully believed. If one has personally accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, is repentant in heart and committed in spirit, then communion is faithfully received and revered as The Lord. This issue has been problematic in marriages where one has been raised Catholic and the other Protestant. One God, One Heart. His blessings and strength be yours.
God’s love for us is profound. He is eternally forgiving. Seems like not much has changed since Jeremiah’s time as far as people trying to hide behind false worshiping. Thanks David for helping to keep those of us, who will listen, on a straight and narrow path.
Thank you David
Christian friends, I am so touched, i thank God to be part of this family of 100 WORDS. My country is suppose to be a Christian state, but today we have over 70 percent Islam and Catholics. it is my heart beat to engage in evangelism this year, please help me pray this prayer for today not only for me but the body of Christ in Sierra Leone, that we be empowered by the Holy Spirit to go out and evangelize, I am so blest, God bless you all
Lord God of Israel, through Your Son and my Savoir, I pray for the grace of
obedience to You, and to the worship of You and You alone! The Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed in Jeremiah
Praise God, David, that you accompanied Father Bob MacDougall on that exorcism, the man was freed, Father MacDougall served with you on 100 Huntley Street, Food for Life ministries resulted, and continues to this day. The ripple effect of God’s seeds are so incredible! Thanks for all the links, today. Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday!
Dear David…I have read this week your scriptural offerings, and in response I would like to offer you that as the WATCHMEN OF ISRAEL, are currently poised to give their Witness, their report of their findings will confirm our Holy Father & His Son…who are here in Mission…Love…Our Heavenly Holy Sacred Living Loving Father is here now and His Mission is ‘MORE LOVE”…HE needs to Forgive!..Just as we are BREATHING creatures that breathe oxygen, He is a LOVING Deity, that must GIVE.. FORGIVENESS!…OXYGEN to us is like LOVE & FORGIVENESS TO HIM!! SEE YOU SOON!
I always remember Father Bob had an incredible smile. It is amazing how God brings people together. Thanks for sharing with us today Pastor David.
Blessings to all this day.
Thank you for refreshing our memories on how Food For Life got started. I have always enjoyed this ministry and especially the spirit filled ministry of Father Mark Goring lately. Thanks for the links David; I have ordered the book. The blizzard didn’t miss us this time. Blessings.
Thank you Pastor David for your mention today of Fr. Bob!
Praise God for his life, as he was part of my spiritual journey