Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Suggested Reading: James 1-2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Dormition Abbey, a grand German Benedictine building, is located on top of Mount Zion in Jerusalem. It commemorates the Virgin Mary at one of the traditional sites of her death (the name means "Eternal Sleep"). This complex was built in the beginning of the 20th Century over the ruins of a Byzantine church. It is also called Hagia-Maria-Sion Abbey, named after the great Byzantine church in present day Istanbul, Turkey.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.


The book of James is filled with very practical applications of divine principles. The first principle is that of faith! The Jewish Christians in Jerusalem and James, known as the brother of Jesus, were under severe pressure to deny their faith in Jesus. While thousands of Jews were believers, the Roman-appointed Jewish authorities, who instigated the arrest, mock trial, and crucifixion of Jesus, were still in charge of daily life. The Apostles left Jerusalem in order to share the Good News of Jesus with Jewish communities all over the known world. James (not the brother of John) is now Pastor of the Jerusalem Church. Approximately 20 to 30 years have passed since Jesus arose from the grave and His Church was born. Tradition says that Pastor James spent so much time on his knees in prayer that they nicknamed him, “Camel knees.” Camels kneel a lot and develop callouses on their knees.

James would approve of our emphasis on reading God’s Word! He writes of “the implanted Word,” and of being “a hearer of the Word.” He declares that “He who looks into the perfect law of liberty (the Scriptures) and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work [yes it is work], this one will be blessed in what he does!” (James 1:25). In 2:8 James writes, “If you really fulfill the Royal Law according to the Scripture, ‘you shall love your neighbour as yourself’ (Leviticus 19:18) you will do well.” He sets a pattern here for Pastors everywhere and at all times in his emphasis on God’s Word! In 2:21-26 the Pastor references two Bible characters, Abraham and Rahab. His point is that “The Word produces faith which produces good “Works,” not a faith without works, but a faith that works.


Lord God, please continue to plant the seed of Your Word in me daily, so that I will produce a harvest of good works consistently. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!!!


I’ve often struggled with the word “Religion” (James 1:27a). That word comes from the same root word as “ligament.” It’s what holds my body together. It’s the practice of ministering to the needs of others and of living a holy life. It definitely does not mean my particular denomination. This past Sunday I found myself singing over and over an old chorus which I had not heard for probably 30 years. It goes something like this…”I know the Lord will make a way for me. I know the Lord will make a way for me. As I live a holy life, shun the wrong and do the right, I know the Lord will make a way for me.” James teaches that our profession of faith is only valid when manifested in practiced faith. As a boy I remember conversations that would include the words “he professes.” I drew the conclusion that, while I may claim to be a believer, my life, my works, keeping “unspotted from the world,” and failing to “bridle my tongue” were proof that professing and possessing the real deal were two very different matters.

Yours for “pure and undefiled religion,” which will bond us together in Christ,


29 thoughts on “Tuesday, January 21, 2014

  1. Yes, we are all one in the body of Christ!!!! I do not like it when people say that I am religious. I say instead that I have a relationship with Christ.

    Enjoy your warm weather in the sunny south. It is bitter cold here this morning in Eastern Ontario.

    Blessings to all today!!!

  2. Yesterday was Martin Luther King day. I read a quote about what Dr. King said was life’s most persistent and urgent question, “What are you doing for others?” How we treat others was illustrated by James admonishing us to treat the poor with dignity and support and refrain from idolizing the wealthy. Also how Rahab and Abraham’s faith, combined with action, pleased God. Help us Lord to ask of ourselves daily, “What can I do for others?” Thank you for giving everyone of us the ability to serve you, which could simply be cheering another up with a kind word or giving our support. Blessings and His strength, to all!

  3. Wow! I got so much out of today’s readings. It took me on an investigation between James and Paul’s teachings in the NT and Genesis and Proverbs in the OT. And it all came back to the same conclusion! In James 2: 21-24, he stressed the act of Abraham taking his son Isaac to sacrifice as God ordered him (Genesis 22), as proof of his trust and faith in God and his action exemplified this. Subsequently, God sent a lamb in place of Isaac; the Lord declared him good. I have heard this argument used by atheists. “How could a God who supposedly loves his people order Abraham to kill his son, Isaac, in an act of sacrifice?” If only people took the time to study and learn the Bible, that is made available, here, they would learn to understand the truth behind it! The words of James complement Paul’s writings that stress our faith in God. Faith is our root and our good deeds are the stems which grow from it and lead to our righteousness. That is how we blossom and grow as Christians, indeed. You are a blooming garden, David Mainse!!!

    The other problem I have witnessed too many times is Christians arguing over salvation and confusing it with good works. By God’s grace and Jesus’ sacrifice dying on the cross for us, we are saved. Our salvation is because of our Lord. In James 1-2, our righteousness depends on our faith and good works–giving help to the poor and being kind to our neighbours. This adds to the teachings of Paul. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Gal. 5: 22-3). The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise (Prov 11:30) It all comes together! It always does with God! It doesn’t stop at doing good things for people as Christians, for some of us, it means giving our personal testimonies as a testament. We have a purpose for sharing how our lives matter to God, how we have grown because of Him, and how that can help others who go through the same struggles. The stories on 100 Huntley Street always validate this. Thank you so much, David Mainse! You are an example of shouting your love out to the Lord that we may be witnesses for Him and bring others to know him. God bless you, and all the saints, today! And to our mighty God be all the glory and praise!

  4. Had an opportunity to reach out and witness to a cousin of mine, Walter Junior who is dying with cancer. Told him he could talk to God as he would to his father. Hope to visit him and explain the Gospel more fully. Lord, I pray that his heart would be softened, and he would surrender his will to receive the truth of the Gospel and his need of Jesus in a prayer of repentance. Would you please pray for him? Thanks!

    • Heavenly Father, we pray for Walter Junior who is dying from cancer, would you ease any pain he is in, but more so, would you prepare his heart to receive the words of the gospel that you will give to Ger when she visits next, and remove the scales from Walter Junior’s eyes and heart that he may see JESUS and the salvation HE offers. Amen

      Bless you Ger as you minister to Walter Junior

  5. Thank you Pastor David for your continued perserverance in feeding us. We might be in Lakeland in first week of Feb. We love you and your blog. George & Mariilyn Whitrow Isreal 2012

  6. Dear Faithful Father…we pray the heart and eyes of walter would be opened to you and receive a gentle salvation message. Amen
    Hey Ruby…I hear you…it’s been a deep freeze here in Saskatchewan !
    When I drove to Tisdale from my home in outlook 2 weeks ago it was – 36

  7. It may be bitter cold, but the warmth of reading our blog, thank you Pastor David, and the encouragement of my fellow bloggers, enriches my soul and fills me with warmth.

    Blessings to all. Where are you Scott? We miss you brother!!!

  8. I’ve always thought of myself as a Christian, but never did kind acts in Jesus name so I probably in fact wasn’t a Christian. Always just loved people so would be kind to them out of plain old love. Now I will credit my kind acts to God and feel twice as good about them:-)
    Thanks Mainse’.

  9. Heavenly Father as the same way You opened my eyes years ago when I was in darkness I pray for Walter Junior giving Ger the oppurtunity to witness Your Unfailing Love and The Great Hope in being reunited at Our Saviours table. In Jesus Name Amen.
    Keep warm everyone…
    xxxx Carole.

  10. We pray Rev. Mainse and Norma Jean God will bring you enjoyment, protection, and in your complete healing through God’s love,grace and power during this time in the south. I pray that God will place on your heart to compile100 Words one day in a book form for so many needing Your great teachings through the power and leadership of the Holy Spirit. May God’s hand and His oil be continually poured out over you, as we see the Day approaching. The harvest is great and faith workers are so much needed for Salvation which is our mandatory command. We thank you greatly for your pastor of pastors heart, leadership and encouragments. We do love you very much! Thank you! Bill

  11. THE WATCHMEN OF ISRAEL-JACOB, the incarnated soul of the ancient Patriarch , the Host to the Living God in their semi undercover Mission in Canada, in associative awareness of Governments of Canada & Israel, are ready to confirm the presence “the Coming”of the Jewish Messiah, & “the return” of Christ Jesus-are one- in Mission with our Heavenly Father!

  12. I pray for Walter Jr. Open his eyes an d heart to you Oh Gentle Savior .
    May he see You and know You, in a very special way Gods will be done….R….

  13. We were listening to jack van Imke
    the other day and I caught him saying something about Rick Warren that he was compromising wih the Muslim, maybe Jack needs to be corrected on this?

  14. Thank you Catherine, Carole and Rosemarie for your prayers and any others. Was just in prayer also and feel the Lord is going to answer some prayers in 2014 as we wait on Him. God bless you. Inspiring reading and blog today David and like the song.

  15. Speak when the opportunity is there. My sister’s roommate died suddenly over the weekend. I had given her a Christian book and she knew where I stood with Christ but I thought I had more time. There never seemed to be the opportunity (or maybe I should have spoken anyway). It was a shock. She was a lovely lady and was always looking out for my sister. I do hope that her earlier experiences in the United Church had caused her to call on the Lord. She had pneumonia. My sister, Donna, is heart-broken. It is extremely difficult in nursing homes right now. The cold weather keeps people inside and often in their rooms. Long days, more illnesses, and some passing away. It is hard on staff too.

  16. Thanks Brenda ..here is the other part of that song:

    “There is only One God,
    There is only One King,
    There is only one Body,
    That is why I can sing…

    Bind us together Lord
    Bind us together Lord
    with cords that cannot be broken
    Bind us together Lord
    Bind us together Lord
    Bind us together with Love!!

  17. The book of James is so practical. My prayer is always that I be a doer of the Word and not a heedless hearer.
    A prayer has gone to the Father that Walter Junior’s heart be softened to hear the Word of The Lord through Ger. May He come to know the One who truly loves Him and is his Healer and will give him eternal life with Him.
    Another storm on at present here in The Atlantis Provinces.
    Blessings everyone!

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