Saturday, January 18, 2014


Suggested Reading: Isaiah 61-62

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


An actor at Nazareth Village in Nazareth talks to a group of men and boys in the synagogue. This amazing effort by Nazareth believers in Jesus is worth the trip to Israel all by itself. God willing, I'll be hosting another tour to Israel this coming November. We plan to sit together in this very replica of a first century synagogue to read the words of Jesus' sermon to the people of His hometown (from today's key verse).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Isaiah 61:1-2a

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,

Because the Lord has anointed Me

To preach good tidings to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives,

And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,


Yes, that’s a comma after our key verses, not a period. When Jesus read this prophecy in His hometown synagogue, He stopped in the middle of a sentence and closed the Book; then He proclaimed, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Obviously He deliberately left out reading the rest of verse 2 which speaks of “the day of vengeance,” since the “Day of the Lord” would not take place until His second coming. He made it clear in this way that we are now in the day of grace, not vengeance! (2 Peter 3:8-10). Consider the statements of Jesus recorded in Luke 17:20-37. The judgement day is coming, but in this age the operative words are “the poor,” “healing the broken-hearted,” “deliverance to the captives,” “recovery of sight,” and “set at liberty those who are oppressed.” Jesus identifies Himself as the One who is fulfilling this prophecy. There is no guess work here! This verse powerfully confirms the Trinity…Father God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit!


Lord God, thank you for revealing to Your prophet the text on which Jesus would preach in His first recorded public message. I pray that I will be more like Jesus in ways that I, as His follower, can be and do. In His Name I ask for grace to share His love more and more. Amen!!!


I’ve just learned that my friend and hero in Christian ministry, Rev. Homer Cantelon, has made his exit from earth and is in the immediate presence of his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He’s 15 years older than I am, but I would tease him regularly about preaching my funeral service. Homer is Home!!! This gentle giant of a man preceded me as Pastor of “Glad Tidings” Church in Sudbury, and also succeeded me in that pulpit five years later. He knew me and the ministry God gave me to carry out more than any other Pastor, and without fail, he gave me wise words of counsel and uplifting words of encouragement. He was a World War II veteran who fought in the liberation of Holland. I remember seeing pictures of this big man as he walked down the streets of the town he had helped liberate on the 50th anniversary of the surrender of the Nazis. The people were cheering the Canadians loudly. I write about Homer on pages 129 &130 of my book, This Far by Faith. In my opinion, there is no one I know that exemplified the ministry of Jesus, as stated in our key verses, more than Homer Cantelon. He literally participated in bringing “Liberty to the Captives” in Holland, and throughout his life of Christian ministry he has brought eternal “Liberty” to many, many more (Homer was interviewed on the 100 Huntley Street telecast a few years ago by his son Jim. Click here for part one of the interview…and click here for part two).

Yours for carrying on the ministry of Jesus,


26 thoughts on “Saturday, January 18, 2014

  1. My sympathies for the loss of your good friend and mentor, but I also congratulate him on “graduating with highest honours”! His son Jim is a testimony to the godly life the man lived, a legacy for future generations. You can’t put a price on that estate! I can’t wait for heaven to hear more about some of you giants in the faith and see you get your divine rewards!!

  2. May I extend my sincere sympathy to Jim Cantelon and family, for the loss of his father Reverend Homer Cantelon. You were so fortunate to be his son and to be nurtured in his Godly ways! When you look into the night sky this winter time of year, you may be struck by a certain constellation which somehow reminds you of your Dad. Our prayers are with you and your family.

  3. Dear David
    I’ve wanted to write you for sometime. I met and talked with you each time you visited Quebec City. Give my sincerest condolences to Jim and family. My husband, Elton, passed away Dec. 24, 2013. He is in heaven now but I miss him dearly. Please pray for me. I have been a long time supporter of the Crossroads Ministry. Sincerely, Audrey Smith

  4. What a wonderful interview of two giants in the faith.

    May I extend my condolences to Jim Cantelon and family in the passing of a beloved dad. Also to you Pastor David, Norma-Jean and the Huntley Family………what wonderful memories to treasure.

    Another excellent reading today. How can people not see the truth when we see these prophices are fulfilled. Praise to our Lord.

  5. My sincerest sympathy to the Cantelons–Jim, Murray, Connie, and their respective families, on the loss of their incredible dad, Homer. Thank you so much, David, for posting the videos. I remember having watched Jim interview his father on 100 Huntley Street, but watching it again made it even more special. What a remarkable man of God, and his father, before him! Praying for your comfort and peace in knowing your dad is safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast, sweetly he shall rest.

  6. What a joy to see the love and respect between Rev. Cantelon and his son. How I pray that all fathers and sons would have such a relationship.

  7. Sincere sympathy to Jim Cantelon and his family on his dad’s passing to his eternal home. So appreciated the interviews again. What a wonderful relationship they had.
    So enjoying this blog, which allows us to enjoy our experiences with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

  8. Also my sincere sympathy to Jim Cantelon and his family in the passing of his father. It was my great privilege to meet him in Kenya and sitting at the table with him when he visited one of his former church members. What a gentle, quiet spoken man he was who reflected the love of Christ. And what a legacy he has left to his family and the world. God’s presence and comfort be yours at this time.

  9. My sympathies go to Jim and their families passing of his father he had a good testimony and many good memories that you will carry on.
    I pray that God will give you comfort and peace during this time.
    Thank you David for the link
    Lianne Hogg

  10. My sympathy to all the people at 100 Huntly for the loss of Jim’s father. Watching both of the interviews was very heart warming to say the least. Thank you for sharing them.

    God bless,

    David your daily blog is amazing and I look forward to it each and every day!

  11. My sincerest sympathies to the family and friends of Homer Cantelon. In this life we experience both death and life. A dear saint has gone home to the Lord.

    And life!!! My heart is overwhelmed with Praise and Glory to God !!! My new grandbabies were born last night by C-section. Austin weighed 4 lbs 3 oz and Bentley weighed 5 lbs 3 oz. They are perfect and healthy. Thank you for your prayers over the past months on their behalf. They are in the neonatal ICU until next Wednesday because of their premature birth. Patti is doing well.

  12. Oh Ruby and family what joy must fill your soul!!! Congrats. You have taken me back 7 years ago to the birth of my daughter’s twins. Give them a big kiss from your blog buddies and we will continue to pray for healthy development.

    Praise God for answered prayer.

  13. Ruby congratulations to all the family !!im enjoying being with my daughter kelly…and praising God for her baby born the 15th. Sooo fun to watch these little miracles !
    Please pray for this blended family…his…hers…theirs..Lol
    Love this blog…blessings to all

    Also much sympathy to the Cantelon family.
    p.s. I agree Catherine how can people not believe in in the bible…my brothers think its all written by one crazy man alone and its all hokey….well if they actually opened their eyes and gave it an honest look ! Hey? People just don’t think they need or want to.


  14. So happy for you Ruby Thank you Lord Thank you Jesus for the twins!

    My deepest sympathies to Jim Cantelon and his family and all of you 100 Huntley street.

    Blessed day every one,
    xxx Carole

  15. Thank you Rev. David Mainse for sharing this video with us. I have great respect for both those great men of God. When my marriage was in trouble, it was Homer Cantelon that I was referred to, and his prayer and words of compassion meant a great deal to me. Also his words of wisdom in his radio ministry, helped me and directed me in rearing my three young sons at that time.

    I always appreciated Jim’s ministry when he was with 100 Huntly street.

    Thank you again for your ministry and especially at this time of life.


  16. Our sympathy to the Cantelon family on the loss of their precious Dad. What a godly man! Thank you for attaching to the blog the interview with Jim and his Dad. It is appreciated.

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