Friday, January 17, 2014


Suggested Reading: Isaiah 59-60

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here is a panorama of the southern wall of the Old City of Jerusalem. In the distance you can see the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem seems to be the focal point of the war between God and all the forces who oppose Him. Isaiah writes of a time when they "Shall call your walls Salvation and your gates praise!" (Isaiah 60:18).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Isaiah 59:1-2, 60:5a

Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened,

That it cannot save;

Nor His ear heavy,

That it cannot hear.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God;

And your sins have hidden His face from you,

So that He will not hear.

…Then you shall see and become radiant,

And your heart shall swell with joy…


Sin is a wall which keeps God out and destroys us from within. When the people of Jerusalem were without hope, except for Isaiah and a remnant who cried out to God for Salvation, God Himself took the initiative. The great “Intercessor,” the One to whom Isaiah refers in dozens of personal pronouns throughout his book, appears. “His own arm brought Salvation for Him” (59:16). The Lord signed into the law of the universe a covenant (He cannot break His covenant!). What Hope! Isaiah 59:21 is one of incurable optimism. God has put His Spirit upon His people and put His Word in their mouths from generation to generation, and this promise includes us almost 3,000 years later, “from this time and forevermore!!!”

Chapter 60 begins with a direct command from God! “Arise, Shine; for your light has come!”Jesus, the Messiah (Christ), has dispelled the darkness and has come as “The Light of the world.” Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the Light of life” (John 8:12). What makes us “Shine!” is, as the moon reflects the sun, spending time in Jesus’ presence, in His Word and in prayer, and we cannot help but “Shine!” Most of us are “Gentiles.” Isaiah 60:3 is an encouragement to us all. Isaiah 60:5 is the result, “Then you shall see and become radiant, and your hearts will swell with joy!”


Swell my heart with Your joy, Lord, I pray! Make my heart big enough for people everywhere. May your Spirit be upon me in a greater and greater way, and may Your Words not depart from my mouth. I ask these mercies in Name of “the Light of the world,” Jesus Christ. Amen!!!


I’ve read ahead into Isaiah 61. I simply couldn’t resist reading again the very words which Jesus read in His introduction of His Light, as it burst forth in His public ministry (Luke 4:16-21). But I’m getting ahead of myself. The key verse says, “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save!” I’m reminded of a TV series I hosted back in the early 1970s which was sponsored by approximately 15,000 “Assemblies of God” churches in the USA. The communications director suggested that the average person watching would not understand the word, “saved.” However, after the first show where I interviewed a medical doctor whose life had been an absolute shambles, and for whom the Lord had done an amazing transformation, I used the word “saved.” Everyone understood what this great word meant. A lifeguard understands exactly what it means when someone in going under and cries out “Save me!” Our readings in Isaiah show a world going under for perhaps the last time, but God’s long, long arm reaches out to humanity and we are saved! The Scripture says, “For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Read Romans 10:8-15). I ask every reader, “Have you been saved?” If not, or if you are not sure, read carefully those words from God through the Apostle Paul and call out to the Lord, “Save me, O Lord!” Then call the 100 Huntley Street prayer line toll free at 1-866-273-4444, and ask them for help in understanding how we can know we are saved.

Yours with determination to “ARISE” and to “SHINE” during this new day and every day,


21 thoughts on “Friday, January 17, 2014

  1. Thank You, for saving us, dear Jesus! You are the King of Kings, Son of God, the saviour of our lives, redeemer of our hope, and answer to our prayers. We worship You and praise You and thank You for the peace with which You fill our hearts. We call out Your name and crave the day when we shall see Your shining face, in the glory of heaven! The very thought of it, is as sweet as honey and precious as gold. There is no greater joy than spending eternity with You!

    “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
    who bring glad tidings of good things. Rom 10:15b

    Wishing fellow saints a blessed day! God bless you, David and Norma-Jean!

  2. Beautiful, encouraging chapters and verses again today. I wonder if the shepherd boy who found the book of Isaiah in 1947 is still alive here on earth.
    May God bless those of us who love and honour him and work on those who haven’t come to know Him yet. Amen.

  3. Some will thank the lifeguard who saved their lives with heartfelt appreciation and then, leave. Moreover, others will identify the need and ask for swimming lessons! Thank you Lord for Your Redeeming Love and Light for our paths! I pray our light reflects the life we live in You. His blessings and strength, to all!

  4. Arise and Shine and give God the Glory!!!!

    Today, my daughter-in-law, Patti is having a C-section to deliver identical twin boys. She is scheduled for the C-section at 2:00 p.m. I am believing and praying for healthy babies and I will give God the Glory. With the birth of the twins, I will be the grandma of 10 (7 girls, and 3 boys) PTL!!!! Thank you all for all your continued prayers for Patti and the twins.

    • I pray for your daughter and her twins that are about to be born. May the Holy Spirit be upon all involved in the birthing of these babies and upon the Twinnies (that’s what I use to call my twins when they were babies). May God bless and keep you all.

    • Praying right now Ruby for God’s mighty hand to reach down and cradle Patti and deliver those precious boys into the loving arms of godlyparents and grandparents and that they will thrive in the days to come. Thankyou for allowing us this great privilege to bring this family before you Lord.

  5. it’s been a wonderful journey thru Isaiah, made even more so thru your ‘teachings’ David M.
    there is comfort in knowing the Lord’s hand is not shortened or His ear too dull to hear. that He can straighten crooked paths; shine His light into our darkness, leading us as we grope along like blind men; bringing us Truth and Peace. Yes! Arise! Shine! Our Light has come!

    Scott has been MIA for some time again. Missing your comments. Praying.

  6. Hoping Scott that all is well with you.
    I enjoy and learn from all of our blog family with their comments
    and miss yours.
    Praying for all of our blog family and their families and friends.
    Blessings to all 🙂
    Diane 🙂

  7. Dear David Mainse: I have wanted to thank you, for many years, for leading me to a personal relationship with Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour. I was brought up in the church and, as far back as I can remember, I had a firm belief in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and I knew he was there for me, but not until 1982, when I layed my hands against yours on the TV screen, as you requested, did I have a special bond with our Creator.
    Oh, I have had my ups and downs over the years, but God has always been faithful and he has drawn me closer to him year after year and especially in the past few years.
    I was just watching your son, Ron, (he has come along so well, praise the Lord). I get choked up thinking about how much I missed you when things changed on 100 Huntley Street and when I heard of your health issues, I prayed for you a lot and asked God not to take you, because we need you to stay on earth and continue God’s work. I even made the sign of the cross on you on the TV screen a couple of times while I was praying. I knew it was in God’s hands and I knew that thousands, maybe millions were praying for good health for you and I was very interested to see what God was going to do. Then, I heard the good news. You Go David!! God kept you for His purposes. I love “A Living Witness to Amazing Grace” and everything you put your hand to. God has given you much wisdom.
    Back to where I said I was watching, your son, Ron on 100 Huntley Street. The idea jumped into my mind that I could send you a thank you message via your blog. Then, it hit me. I have always been a sensitive spirit to the needs of others and, like yourself, I can tear up easily, but just this week, in prayer meeting, an overwhelming feeling came over me for lost souls and I called out to God for all lost souls. Most people in the prayer meeting were confused and a shadow student of our pastor, started speaking of healing for emotional issues. This has been bothering me and then today, the Holy Spirit led me to you. If David Mainse can be sensitive, then it’s alright for me to be sensitive to issues that the Holy Spirit puts upon me. Again, Thank you, David and God Bless.

  8. Dear Rev. David M.
    How very encouriging again this morning Isaiahs promise for our children and their descendents and thats what I pray diligently without seizing , knowing that the Lord sees my tears and my heart for all my unsaved loved ones . Thank you Lord and thankyou Jesus for saving a sinner like me and let your Light shine through everything that I say , that I do.
    Will be praying at 2.00 pm. for Patti and praying for you Scott that all is well .

    Have a blessed day everyone.
    xxxx Carole.

  9. Thank you for this today. 🙂 It was my first time reading your page and it caught not only my attention it touched my heart. God bless you and may many more pages shine through you onto the page.

  10. HALLELUJAH yes I am saved by the precious blood of my Saviour and Lord JESUS CHRIST?

    Oh how I love Jesus
    Oh how I love Jesus
    Oh how I love Jesus
    Because HE FIRST LOVED ME!

  11. I just wondered what the cost of the daily scriptures is. I can’t find this anywhere. Thank you for your anticipated response.

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