Suggested Reading: Isaiah 20-22
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In Nazareth Village, a recreation of what 1st century life may have resembled, a 21st century actor playing a watchman stands guard, watching over his livestock and property from a watchtower. Five times in today's reading we read the word "watchman."
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Isaiah 21:11b-12
…”Watchman, what of the night?
Watchman, what of the night?”
The watchman said,
“The morning comes, and also the night.
If you will inquire, inquire;
Return! Come back!”
In Chapter 20, Isaiah, naked while he preaches his message, will surely guarantee that he gets attention! (wearing a small loin cloth was also considered being naked). It’s often not enough to merely speak our message. Our words are useless unless people stop and listen. The new year of 2014 is not on Isaiah’s WATCH! It’s on our “WATCH!”
In Chapter 21 our key verses sum up the message to which Isaiah wants people to pay attention: “INQUIRE”…”RETURN”…”COME BACK!” Let us diligently watch for the moment of a turn-around decision in people’s lives. Let us keep a sharp eye out for that time when our family members and others with whom we come into contact are ready to inquire, return, and come back to God! We must not miss those opportunities; they may come only once!
In Chapter 22 Jerusalem is the focus. The Tyropean Valley is in the very heart of the city between Mount Zion and Mount Moriah. Today, it is filled with the rubble from the destructions caused by numerous invading armies. This filled-up valley is paved over now and forms the area in front of the famous Wailing Wall, where Jews pray fervently for the restoration of the Temple of God and for His coming Kingdom. It may have been in this valley that Isaiah received his visions of the future.
Lord God, I pray that I may be wide awake, watching carefully so as not to miss the moment of decision in precious lives. At that precise instant, may I get attention not for myself but to call for a decision for Christ! I pray for wisdom, because You said, “He [or she] who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30). I pray this in the Name of the One Who never missed and opportunity to call people to “inquire, return, and come back” to God, the Lord Jesus Himself! Amen!!!
For one Bible College year, my roommate was Maurice Fostrey. “Mo,” as we called him, had rebuilt a ’32 Ford coupe. It had an open engine space with shiny chrome heads and the most magnificent maroon paint job. One Saturday evening we drove 21 miles from Chalk River to the city of Pembroke, parked on the busy main street, and proceeded to preach the Gospel to the crowd of admirers that gathered around the car. Mo’s car got attention and drew a crowd. Whatever it takes to get a hearing for the Good News of Jesus, let’s just do it!!! It was there in Pembroke that I first gave the message of Jesus on TV (1962). There was only one TV signal people could receive and Crossroads was there at 11:30 Saturday nights. People paid attention and some inquired, turned to Jesus and were saved. Just prior to this, Syd Healey, a Pembroke businessman, had pushed a cheque for $300.00 across his desk to pay for the start-up of the Crossroads TV ministry. He surely got my attention! I knew for sure that God wanted to use television for His message to all people. I’m very thankful that God did not ask me to do what He asked Isaiah to do in order to draw attention to the message!!!
Yours for making sure we have people’s attention and then for driving home the message of Jesus!!!
P.S. Billions of precious people are watching television, their computer screens, laptops, iPads, smart phones, etc. Crossroads is all over the world in effective attention-getting ways. It’s our “WATCH!”
Yes make us harvesters in the havest field be ready in season and out of season to share Jesus God take me and use me in these last days in Jesus name Amen
Happy New Year to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus the Son of the living God Amen
Amen, Brenda!
Again, the events spoken of are paradoxical to greater. The reference to Eliakim, though he is a man in service to the king, makes me think of Jesus and also of the two candle sticks and two prophets mentioned in Revelations. Likewise, “Babylon is fallen; Babylon is fallen” is said by an angel in Revelations, which was written after the fall of the historical Babylon. Furthermore, I think of Jesus’ reference to the abomination that causes desolation which many “scholars” say refers to the pigs sacrificed by pagans during the time of the Maccabees. It does seem to fulfill much of Daniel’s prophecy. Yet, Jesus said it was yet to come. It also makes me think of the swastica the nazis placed on the alter of the Lutheran church the day they invaded poland and started taking the jews prisoner. The historical events are paradoxical to the apocalypse. However, as David Mainse so well practices, the important thing is to keep our focus on Jesus.
Another great message to us to be bold and do what it takes. If we got the message Isaiah did, what would be our response. Oh course we would say that standing around with nothing on would be crazy and the civil authorities would lock us up…. However, I know that when I am faced with witnessing to someone or am reminded of the scripture verses in Luke 10 and Matt 9 about the fields being ripe for harvest, but the workers few…. Are there really few or are there actually few who are willing to take to be inconvenienced or perhaps embarrassed or often fearful. When we are, we miss the opportunity. It will be a sorry day if someone misses Heaven due to my embarrassment or feeling of inadequacy…. It is not really about us, is it??
I have been using the audio Bible for our walk through Isaiah, then I read the commentary notes available on Bible Gateway in the Reformation study Bible, before reading the 100 words blog. It is helping me gain a deeper appreciation for Isaiah. I prefer and recommend the audio with narrator Dale McConachie.
Thank you and have a great day!
Hey Linda,
Where is the Reformation study Bible on the Bible Gateway web site? I couldn’t find it.
Thank you for you help and blessings to you and all our blog family.
Diane 🙂
Diane, whatever selection of scripture you chose to read, on Bible Gateway, you will notice to the top right these two words “Show resources.” It is there that you will find the Reformation Study Bible.
Thank you very much 🙂
It is said everyone has a God-shaped heart that can only be filled by God. Yet, acknowledgement of God is set aside or hindered by distractions which occupy the mind. I too pray to be aware of times when moments of clarity arise and we are called to share the “good news” found in faith in Jesus Christ. This of course, is often better caught than taught. So in 2014, may we remain persistent and vigilant while we follow our Christian path, get up and shake the dust off our feet if we stumble, and serve our Lord wherever He leads!!! Blessings and His strength, to all!
Amen, David!
PS your story of street evangelism in a beautiful maroon sports car shows life does not need to be dull as a Christian, nor should believers live timidly!
Yes, we need to be watchmen for our families and the nations. The same thought came to me before I read your blog. Right now I need to visit a cousin who is dying with cancer. His name is Walter Jr. and I would appreciate your prayers. I remember hearing a lady missionary from Japan preaching, “Watchman, what of the night?” Your blogs continue to be very meaningful, David. Thank you and your family.
May God’s will be done in his life … Amen
The halocaust was horrifying and so difficult to believe happened such a short time ago in the grand scheme of things.
Poor Isaiah. God always knows what He is doing and Isaiah lived in a different time and age. I believe more people are turned away from ANY religion with bizarre behaviour. I pray that I will never turn anyone away from Christianity by something I say or do.
Mr. Healy sounds like he was a Christian to the max. My brother worked for Healy Motors in Arnprior many years ago.
Many blessings for the coming new year and thanks everyone for your insights on the daily blogs.
Hahahaah ! I am thankful that God did not ask you to do that which Isaiah to do too sir. Because in this day and age, anyone who does that is automatically considered a mad man and taken to the physc home:)
Dear Rev. David M.
The scripture this morning is so very actual . Each of us as christians must not waste any time in bringing the GOOD NEWS of our Saviour soon to return . Let us all be bold,not afraid, confident of the direction that is given to us by the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord , thank you Jesus for making it all possible.
To You all the Glory. Amen.
Have a blessed day and a very happy new year.
xxxx Carole.
The fields remain white and ready for harvest, our ‘exposure’ should be lives lived in reflection of our faith, our lives lining up with our words of being Christians, surrendered and allowing Him to live through us each day, no matter how fearful or how inadequate we may feel we are, we can do all things through Him. He knows what that person will hear and accept, so our words need not sound eloquent or ‘wise’ but if we are allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us, they will be the ‘right’ words for that person, we are to water, the growth is the Lord’s. I find the hardest ones to ‘witness’ to are my family – my children, my husband, each have known and loved the Lord, been baptized, and walked with the Lord but have drifted away, my youngest son once felt the burning desire and call to be a missionary and spent a few months in Africa, the things of the world can hold so much to steal and tempt. I remain in prayer that each will do as you, David M headed today’s blog: Return! Come back!
Hello fellow bloggers, would you please pray for me right now as I went outside to clear snow and my blood pressure was up and have had slight memory loss. I really need your prayers. Thank you so much.
I prayed for you, Ger.
may the healing Power that comes only from Our Lord Jesus Christ enfold you now Ger
and restore you to wholeness I pray in The Mighty Name of Jesus our Great Physician!!! Amen and Amen!!!
I join Irene in prayer for complete restoration of health for our sister Ger in THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES JESUS OUR PRINCE OF PRINCE AMEN
Thank you Irene and Carole, I am restored now and appreciate your prayers and this blog family. Thank you for your prayers too, Patricia. Lord, please continue to touch Catherine’s husband, Ken and Elizabeth and let’s keep believing for our families. God is faithful!
Thank you again and again !Happy new year and God bless us everyone!!!!!!!!
Dave…Very interesting comments re. the Deuce or 1932 Ford Coupe. That car
is still in existence in Dunnville where it has been restored to its exact same color
and engine you referred to. The irony in your Pembroke comments is that I can’t
personnally remember that event. I do remember spending the summer with you
in Chalk River and working in a cement block plant. Maybe I was just too tired
to know what was going on.
I got the forward from Jerry Bergman and I am now in Ancaster as a housesitter
while he and Marlene visit Florida for a few months. Blessings. MoeF