Suggested Reading: Psalms 74-76
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Key Verse: Psalm 75:8
For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup,
And the wine is red;
It is fully mixed, and He pours it out;
Surely its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth
Drain and drink down.
We should always remember to let the Bible interpret the Bible, comparing Scripture with Scripture. Concerning the CUP in the hand of the Lord, we may consider the words of Jesus in His prayer of agony just before his arrest. “O My Father, if it is possible, let this CUP pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39b). The contents of the CUP are spoken of in Revelation 16:19, “The CUP of the wine of the fierceness of His [God’s] wrath.” God’s anger against sin, damned up since the sin of our first parents, is in the CUP which our Saviour drank. “We implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For he made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:20b & 21). For a New testament reading check out 2 Corinthians 5:9-21. The Apostle Paul urges us to have an aim to live our lives well pleasing to God (2 Corinthians 5:9).
In Psalm 74:10-11a there are three questions asked by David’s worship leader, Asaph. Asaph has found the answer and records in Psalm 75:2, “When I [God] choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly.” God will put the final period to the last history book of our time on earth. We can trust God to fulfill His complete purpose for us. We are His creation and the object of his love. Amen!!!
Lord God, the first verse of psalm 75 speaks to me and for me…”We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your Name is near.” May I show my thankfulness by living a life which is pleasing to You. Amen!!!
I learned something new to me last Sunday. The present Pastor of the People’s Church, Toronto, Charles Price, said on Television that we do not find prayers in the Bible which begin with “Please.” He taught us that prayers which are of faith say “Thank You!” I checked my concordance and sure enough Charles is right, as usual. Our new leader for the Crossroads Ministry, Dr. John Hull, as Pastor of the People’s Church from 1993 to 2000, also taught me much on that Sunday morning telecast. I’ve asked John to give us 100 words or more here on the blog. Here are some thoughts from John on today’s reading… -David
Many in our media culture are growing increasingly accustomed to defaming and mocking the One we love. And while we must love them and pray for their hearts to soften to the things of God, the writer of the 76th Psalm makes very clear just who God is — and the fear and respect He deserves and demands. In this Psalm, God is described as a mighty warrior who breaks down the weapons of human warfare (verses1-3). God is depicted as “resplendent with light” and “more majestic than mountains rich with wild game” (verse 4). As the most valiant of men and warriors may try to position themselves as superior, by comparison, not one of them can even begin to lift their strong hands to an even stronger God (verse 5). A healthy view of the very character of God includes not only His love and mercy, but His justice and majesty. When attacks on God persist all around you, never forget that God in His wisdom and grace is in control and in all of eternity will have the final say…and humankind will listen and tremble. -John
Yours for getting to know our new Crossroads CEO, Dr. John Hull. God willing there will be more from John tomorrow.
Thank you for your insight, Dr. John Hall. You have put into words what I have been feeling about the absolute majesty, power and love of God. That, we need not ever feel it necessary to “win” Gods battles, as He has already declaired VICTORY. Time shall reveal the many souls whom have come to the Lord through the power of His Holy Word, repentance and salvation. Thank you Lord that we may all have access to living our lives in renewal each day, in accordance to the scriptures and by the annointing of the Holy Spirit! Have a great day, to all!
Dr. John Hull
Indeed, our Lord has already declared the victory over sin and death! We just need to believe it!
Thank you Lord for using us in these last days and meeting the needs and help us to be ready for your return and be looking for your glorious return , it is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me HELP US GOD to do your will and follow your word and I know you are leading paster John Hull in making the decisions by the Holy Spirit , thank you that you are working in the lives of David and Norma Jean and all the nloggers meet all there needs and heal all their bodies as well as their friends and families we Thank you in Jesus name Amen
I found this blog back in May and I have been diligent in following it almost everyday since. This past three weeks everything seems so very extreme and I have struggled to continue with it. I have felt so very drained and tired to follow it and to pray. I don’t know how I kept on it this past week but perhaps I found something today that never occurred to me. Pastor David mentioned something Charles Price had said, “that we do not find prayers in the Bible which begin with
I am praying for you Michael!
Copy and paste don’t usually work, unfortunately, Michael. 🙂 Your comment is exactly what struck and lifted me up, this morning, too.
We do not find prayers in the Bible which begin with “Please.” He taught us that prayers which are of faith say “Thank You!” Charles Price
Praising You, God, and thanking You for all You do for us, Your children on earth… and in heaven. Amen! God bless you, Michael!
Yes, let us not take anything for granted.
Please keep up your own personal comments. We do enjoy others but
we like to Pray for you and your healing while reading your own comments.
Yes ! I like that, instead of please, I will start saying THANK YOU! Replacing all my “please God” with “Thank YOU LORD” by His grace, amen… This is indeed joyful faith:) I enjoyed psalm 75:) God bless you all and have a victorious day
I have a note in my bible that my BIG God loves little me!!!! And realize that all that I can be is because I plug into THE ONE who is majestic in very way. Thank you Dr. Hull for your input today and for you Pastor David in sharing this blog with others and giving us an opportunity to hear from our new CEO of Huntley street. It is a great privilege to pray for Huntley and all the saints who bring us THE GOOD NEWS of THE GOSPEL of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May we all learn to live as Paul urges us to please the One who gave His all for us. We are blessed that God will have the final say!!
Thank you so much David M. for once more sharing your private reflections of Pastor Prices wonderful discovery . Our Heavenly Father for sure should be approached with THANK YOU and not please for we know that whatever we need or long for we will always come to turn . SO LORD THANKYOU IN THE NAME OF THE ONE AND ONLY TO WHOM WE CAN GIVE ALL THAT WE HAVE , ALL THAT WE NEED NOT IN OUR WILL BUT HIS IN JESUS NAME AMEN .
Looking forward for more guidance and preaching from Pastor John Hull , the two of you are such a blessing for all of us .
Have a blessed day everyone
xxxx Carole .
Thank you for all your reflections today, our leader David M, also for your input Dr. John Hull and Pastor Charles Price whose sermon, “Giving Thanks” was enlightening. It is always good to pray” Lord, help us to be pleasing in Your sight today.” Amen? Looking forward to more insights in the future from 100 Huntley St. God bless everyone.
Thank you one and all this has been a wonderful and blessed blog this morning
I’m so thankfull to all the bloggers , God bless and keep youall….R…
A meaningful reply was written on October 8th from (Retired Pastor) Samuel Fame about his life, grandson Jacob, and Jacob’s pet cat Daisy.
(Written today on October 8th).
Amen! Thank you Lord for all circumstances, for You have overcome the world and for it is in them we get the privilege to know You more and meet You there! Thank You for Your indwelling in us!
We are forever grateful!