OLD AND GRAY HEADED (Psalm 71:18a)
Suggested Reading: Psalms 70-71
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The fortress of Masada stands high above the Jordan Valley floor. It was here that Herod built his highly protected palace to which he could escape if necessary. Later it was used by Jewish freedom fighters who, for a time, resisted a Roman siege. I suggest that everyone should try to view the movie, "Masada." It was in this area where David hid from those who sought to destroy him. He may have had this scene in mind as he sang, "You are my rock and my fortress" (Psalm 71:3b).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 71:18
Now also when I am old and grayheaded,
O God, do not forsake me,
Until I declare Your strength to this generation,
Your power to everyone who is to come.
The words, “Let God be magnified” (70:4b) are what this blog is all about. Our meditations are a magnifying glass which enlarges our vision of God.
God is with us at every stage of life: in mother’s womb, at birth, in our youth, and in “Old age when strength fails” (71:6-9). David even declares his confidence that he will be resurrected from the dead! “You…(God) shall revive me again and bring me up again from the depths of the earth!” (71:20b). Our key verse magnifies our vision so that we can see clearly that old age is simply a continuation of our service to God and of our relationship with Him. Would to God that none of us, when we reach old age, will fail to reach out to the next generations with the Good News of God’s provision for the human family. Who is more equipped than an older person with years of experience to relate to those who are younger the facts of God’s faithfulness and unfailing love? “No-o-o-body!” With the word “nobody,” some of us will think of a former mayor of Toronto, Mel Lastman, who puts his special spin on that word in an appliance commercial currently on television.
Lord God, I pray that my old age will be productive in blessing those who are carrying the heavy responsibilities of middle age and by inspiring children and young people with my stories of Your involvement in my life. In Jesus’ Name I ask this request, Amen!!!
I’m 77 now and that prayer and the key verse fits for me. It may not be a fit for all who read this blog, so I encourage everyone to offer a prayer to God that fits age, family responsibilities, and other considerations. I’ve just published a book of my stories, but I find that many young people may not take the time to read it. Therefore, I take the time, whenever I know I’m not unwisely intruding, to tell my stories as briefly and effectively as possible (if I knew how to underline on this key board I would underline the word “briefly!”). I pray fervently that God’s Spirit will communicate through my words the message needed. Recently I had the opportunity to share a couple of my stories with a teenage girl. Her mother said that when she arrived home she proceeded to straighten up her life and even her bedroom. This mother begged me to keep on communicating with young people.
Yours to urge everyone to communicate God’s love and faithfulness!
It’s really all about relationship. God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will fill you only insofar as you are in relationship to Him. If the passion and desire to receive more of the Holy Spirit and His infilling is there, He will provide. If that same heart has grown tepid and is resistant to God and His Word, the Holy Spirit will draw back. I once heard a quote that stated that we alone limit the power and effectiveness of the Holy Spirit in our lives by our desire (or lack thereof) for Him in our life, I think it’s true. Sometimes it’s a good thing to reflect and take stock, to check our attitude and spiritual temperature, might we have grown cool in our relationship with God?
Amen Scott. I too, believe God will never force Himself where He is not welcome…..as you say we limit the power and effectiveness of the Holy Spirit in our lives by our desire for Him.
Keeping “God First” is the simplest message one can convey, both in word and deed. There are many interferences, but each time we re-direct our focus, we increase in power and effectiveness by the Holy Spirit. This becomes evident and tangible more and more as we live out our lives for Christ. Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV) Have a great day, to all!
My favorite verse Jeremiah 29:11
“Let God be magnified!” It reminds me of a chorus – “Magnify the Lord with me, Blessed Lamb of Calvary, Jesus gives us… victory…, oh, Magnifiy the Lord with me!. (the above verses describe me (70..I don’t know about ‘old’ but definitely gray. I am a retired pastor but always see myself as “re-fired” for the Lord – as I continue magnifiy His Name. David Maine’s blog also mention the ‘youth’. My daughter passed away suddenly in 2009 leaving a 12 year old. He is now 16 and I am on my knees for him and his future surrendering him constantly to the Lord and wanting him to have hope & a future as promised the in above comment by David. It was this verse I prayed yesterday. My Grandson, Jacob, is going through another crisis and I ask for prayer. His cat, Daisy, is in vets hospital and dying and he has to give permission to end her suffering. His pet is deeply loved by him and is connected to his mom when she was sick and Daisy was a constant companion to him. It is another trauma in his life. I read the other day that God caes about man and beast (pets to) but mostly about our children and grandchildren who are so deeply affected by the happenings in their lives. I am grateful for this blog by David (the above comment by David on Jer. 29:11) and take this as an opportunity to ask for prayer for the fulfillment of Jeremiah 29:11 in his life – for me to as I strive to be a christian model for my grandson and lead him in the ways of Lord – “knowing how important children were to Jesus”. Samuel
May the will of God be done in both, you, your grandson and his pet’s life …Amen
Lord, we pray peace and understanding will be upon Jacob as he makes his decision with respect to Daisy. Comfort Jacob as he expresses his grief and loss for Daisy, especially because of the connection she has been grieving the loss of his mother. Grant Samuel words which he may share and your strong presence to simply be there for Jacob. We ask in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
The wisdom and value of the elderly can not be understated. In the church I attend, they have two services – this is not unlike many churches, but the reason is what is of concern. It was not about numbers and the lack of seats or parking spaces, it was about the music and the form of worship. The older parishioners did not like the contemporary music with guitars and drums. So, to solve that, two services were formed. The traditional service is frequented by mostly older saints and the contemporary service by young couples and children.
As I study the split, it is just what you speak of, David M… The younger folks do not get the advantage of being around those with the wisdom of age and longevity in their Christian walk. The older saints seldom see baptisms or a baby dedications, etc. They are not there to put an arm around a struggling younger person to assure them that God is faithful. Conversely, when the older persons need help, the younger part of the congregation are not aware or connected to know of and offer their service.
Being a pastor or church leader today is not easy, but it seems to me that not having a cohesive community of believers over minor things like the type of music is a shame. Our pastor is aware of the need and is working at building a bridge to bring our two groups together. I pray that he has the fortitude to get this done as there will be push back, I am sure… God is able!
It’s sad when parishioners have to be so catered to that it is necessary to have two services in order for them to have their own way. Is it all about OUR personal preferences or is it about WORSHIPING GOD?? Sadly, many feel it’s all about them and their likes or dislikes!
“no-o-body!” Unique spin yourself David Mainse. It is hard to always know when David is talking for himself and when he is talking for Jesus. It is like they share a life. It is good that Jesus has let us also share His life.
So many Davids.
We are blessed to have been drawn to this blog, and I count it a privilege to pray for each request.
We have eight (8) grandchildren and it is so special to be able to share special times with them, sometimes one at a time, and just share what Jesus does for us old folks(!) and that He has a plan for their lives too.
I pray each of us will ask more and more each day to be filled with The Spirit.
Thanks for today Pastor David and fellow bloggers. Blessings.
so I am also believing for miracles in my grandchildrens’ hearts. Recently have had major holy spirit heart surgery, the cry of my heart literally is to say things that encourage, support, love and appreciate my grandchildren. To empower and activate them to draw near to Christ the living word. We know His love has moved cement cold hearts to respond to His tender mercy, not in a religious way but in a real true, deeply caring life changing way. To say all of the above without sounding weird – only normal. Remember the book the Normal Christian life by Watchmen Nee. Lord my desire is to somehow , being regularly soaked in the reality of your real true love, my passion for direction from Your word draws not distracts each one of them. I heard on Life Today recently that our lives should attract/compell/mesmerize our loved ones. Ok that sounds dramatic. I want them to know that everything every little thing in life is alive and vital when touched by His love. No situation hurts as much with Him… it is just the way it is. sorry to go on.. bottom line.. asking for prayer for my grandchildren. One in particular is in crisis… desperately seeking Joy and love in His life. In Jesus name amen…
David Mainse and 100 Huntley Street were a lifeline to me as a new Christian 22 years ago, and I’m thrilled you are still a force for good in society!
I would ask for your prayers that my son Thomas would be healed from the emotional scars he bears due to my troubled marriage in his formative years before I knew Christ, and by his upbringing in a home where depression was prevalent. Let him turn completely to Jesus for the confidence he needs to know God loves him, and so he can move forward in life.
Thank you fellow 100words followers.
Lord God, I bring Linda and Thomas before you in prayer. I pray that Thomas would be healed of any emotional wounds or scars from the past and Linda would be strengthened by your presence and your Word. Amen.
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I am In agreement with Sherry…Amen!
I see my life through a magnifying glass from where I have come from as a child living in a home without God , and yet I seen a sign upon the wall saying GOD IS LOVE .
This has been etchted inmy heart even though my father spoke against God I still knew there had to more to life , than to live get married have children and die , As coming from an abusive life I married a man yhat was controlling and he believed the more children you had the more money you got from the government so I was being abused again socially mentally and financially I had 7 children in 15 years my son died a 6 weeks after birth the only son I had .
I left with my 6 daughters a part time job no money and we lived in a 2 bedroom apt for 2 years I started my own business helping seniors get their groceries take them to do their banking and I was a nurse so I helped them with their daily care we were accepted by a single senior vouple thst wanted me to be exclusively for them so gor 12 years they treated us as family we never needed a tning God used them to provide for us til all the girls were grown and when the husband passed away he left us a cheque foe 20, 000 so I bless God for his provisions he never forgot us and we never had to beg for bread now I have 15 grandchildren and I pray for them earnestly God is always working like Jeremiah 29 : 11 says God is faithful and ee want to be faithful to him USE ME LORD TO BE SENSATIVE TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HELP OTERS WITH WHATEVER I HAVE
Beauty from Ashes
Amen…very touching
Thanks for sharing Brenda….you are a blessing to us and a treasure.
What an inspiring testimony of God’s amazing faithfulness to you Brenda in your situation. You have been richly rewarded with all those wonderful grandchildren and a special intimacy with |God, that reflects in your writing! l try to keep a record of the wonderful things our Lord has done and still doing for me and my family,as you say David, just sharing these positive things helps people everywhere to believe. l’ll be praying for Thomas, Linda, that those emotional scars be healed, which triggered many others too l know who are struggling with emotional problems, Our God is Able! Praise you Jesus!
It is so good to read the responses of fellow blog readers. We may not know one another physically but certainly in spirit. And yes, I will pray Linda for your son Thomas. God hears the prayers of His saints, and when we believe and not doubt, we shall have what we ask for.
May we all have a blessed day.
As we journey together on this blog and read bits and pieces of different testimonies from all of you the verse from Scripture that comes to mind is at the end of the Gospel according to John when he writes
“And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen”
Praise the Lord for everything He has done, seen and unseen throughout all of time.
I just love reading your blog, David. I am a stay-at-home mother of 2 young children and am working towards earning my Gerontology certificate. While working on these courses, it has become increasingly clear to me that it is time for the older generation to realize they have so much to offer to us younger folk – much wisdom and much love and so much insight from experiences gone by – and by doing so, they are keeping themselves young and in tune with God’s plan for their lives.
Amen!I see the Hand of God written over all these blogs. Praise God! Thank you for the encouragement to share what God has done for us tp the younger generation, David. It can be discouraging at times when you see school, sports or other activities taken precedent over going to Sunday school or church, and especially if the parents do not go, but hey! Lord, help us to keep praying and sharing and as you say, briefly. Our stories are still relevant and we must not let the enemy keep us silent. Lord, heal Linda’s son, Thomas and draw him to yourself. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I am 24 Rev. David and I enjoyed reading your book!
Yesterday I got the privilege to prepare the resident I spoke about for bed. And I offered to pray with her again, she accepted . I went on to ask if she believes that God can heal her totally.. This time, to my amazement, she said, “yes ! I know God is the only one that can heal me and nothing is impossible for Him”Amen!! I asked the Holy Spirit to lead me, said a praying of forgiveness and request for healing and ask for God to draw her closer to Him. Please continue to pray for her. God bless you all and THANK YOU LORD!
Dear Rev, David M. and precious fellow bloggers
The first word that comes to me is Awesome , so Lord You are The Rock , The Light , The Water to my soul and I thank you , worship you and will cotinue diligentely never ceasing to declare to anyone that You make me come across YOUR UNFAILING LOVE IN JESUS NAME . AMEN AMEN.
PS… Will be praying for Jacob and his cat Daisey knowing the pain he is going through for I myself at the age of 55, 6 years ago had to say good bye to my 21 year faithful companion Blackie which was such an emotional and physical support through my many years of illness going back and forth from the hospital.
Adding also my prayers for Lindas son Thomas and also Patricias patient . So thankyou Lord for being in the midst of every trial . In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Have a blessed day everyone .
xxxx Carole.
Amen Carole…stay blessed:)
Dear David,
I am very touched by this blog today which you have so graciously written In writing of “old age” I must say that you have given to me and to my family 50 years of steadfast testimony. I Was raised in Wakefield, Quebec – just outside Lascelles, Rupert and Alcove. My mother, Vera, took care of your aunt prior to her passing. You visited our little church, “The Open Door” with Pastors Roy and Irene Stuart. Every Saturday night we would watch your 1/2 hour program on TV. All my life, from the time I was a young teenager, your name and Norma Jean’s would be part of family discussions. You raised a standard for us to follow. You held high the Name of Jesus, always. When I married and had 2 children of my own and attended Eastgate Alliance Church in Ottawa, your children’s camps, Circle Square Ranch was the choice of many families. When I recall the camp meetings at Picton and you were the guest speaker, and then moved to Toronto – well, you were still in our lives. I thank the Lord, today for your absolute, incredible faithfulness to the Lord. When my babies died, I watched you on 100 Huntley Street and was so blessed by your message that 15th day of June 1979. My girlfriend Mrs. Ann Kahle, mother of 10 children was on your program as a guest two times. So, believe me when I say that the generations have been following and listening to you. You have been a lighthouse in our family for 4 generations. You showed us how to walk with Jesus – day by day, wherever we were, in whatever circumstances we were in. My children have grown up with you. You remind me of St. Paul, when he wrote, “Follow me as I follow Christ”. Old age is a blessing. You used to teach us, “Go for the One” You continue to inspire me, encourage me and build me up in the Lord. Your life well lived is such a blessing!