Thursday, September 19, 2013


Suggested Reading: Psalms 23-25

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Golden Gate, also known as the Eastern Gate. According to Ezekiel 44:1-3, the Messiah will one day return to the Temple Mount through this gate. The Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 in an attempt to prevent the Messiah's entrance.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 23 is classic literature and worthy of memorization. Even better than this is that it is true! We may want to read it aloud slowly, meditating on each line, applying it to our personal experience. David, the shepherd king, knew from childhood the literal truth of his words. Jesus, perhaps thinking of this Psalm, said, “I am the good Shepherd.” Let us add to David’s words the words of Jesus found in John 10:1-18. Jesus speaks of sheep and shepherds 20 times. He says that “The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”

Yesterday we read the Psalm of the CROSS. Today, the Psalm of the shepherd’s CROOK. Then in Psalm 24 we have the Psalm of the CROWN. Psalm 24:7-10 are also worthy of memorization. In the PAST, there is the finished work of Jesus on the CROSS! In the PRESENT, His shepherd’s CROOK is our constant source of guidance and protection! In the FUTURE, Jesus as “the King of Glory shall come in.” Amen! Amen! Amen!


Lord God, the 3rd Psalm in today’s reading is my prayer. I pray for You to (1) “Show me Your ways,” (2) “Lead me in Your truth,” (3) “Remember Your tender mercies and Your loving-kindnesses,” (4) “Pardon my iniquity,” (5) “Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me,” (6) “Look on my affliction and my pain,” (7) “Forgive all my sins,” (8) “Keep my soul and deliver me,” (9) “Let me not be ashamed,” (10) Let integrity and uprightness preserve me.” ….. Amen!!!


I’m truly lifted up in my spirit as I sit at my laptop computer. I don’t know how anyone could read, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in,” and not feel a surge of emotion! There’s another reason my spirit is lifted up…Happy 55th anniversary Norma-Jean! Thank you for your amazing commitment to me on September 19th, 1958 (see photo below). You are more beautiful to me than ever!!

The Islamic ruler, may have sealed up what is known as “The Golden Gate” (picture above), but when Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives, from which He ascended into Heaven (directly opposite the gate), a few stones will never hinder His entrance into the Temple Mount area. The angels said to the astonished and bewildered disciples of Jesus after He had ascended and disappeared from their sight, “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven.” Suleiman, as a Moslem, said he believed that Jesus was a great prophet, but his Jesus was not the “SAME” Jesus. Suleiman did not believe in the death of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God. He did not believe in the literal physical resurrection of Jesus out from among the dead who showed Himself alive by many infallible proofs. I’m expecting the return of the “SAME” Jesus of whom Psalms 22, 23 and 24 speak!!!

Yours for knowing and loving “THIS SAME JESUS” (see?Acts 1:1-11),


Our wedding day, September 19, 1958

64 thoughts on “Thursday, September 19, 2013

  1. You and Norma Jean have had an amazing run…. I was there that day in 1958, but do not remember much about it. Above Norma’s left shoulder is another beautiful person in so many ways. That is Elaine from the blog….

    So, happy 55th anniversary to the Maines’s and to Elaine who turns 83 on Sunday, Happy Birthday…

  2. This image of the shepherd and the sheep brought to mind imagery used by a friend of mine who helped to lead me to the Lord many years ago. He himself lived on a farm growing up in North Western England and was not a stranger to farm animals. He explained to me how the sheep really do harken to it’s master’s voice, he spoke of their vulnerability and how when they go it alone they may be prone to land into trouble. We too have a Shepherd, His name is Jesus Christ. We too have tendencies to wander into the thicket of life and often need to hear His clear voice for guidance and truth. The image of Jesus as our Holy Shepherd and guide, being with us, leading us to safety along life’s rocky path, protecting us from harm … The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

    Happy Anniversary David & Norma-Jean! May God richly bless both of you this day with much happiness and good cheer!

  3. Happy anniversary, what a couple, what a team in raising your family AND what a team in ministry. Praise God ! You are more beautiful today than ever ! Thank you !

  4. Happy Anniversary, David and Norma-Jean Mainse! What a remarkable 55 years you have had together, serving the Lord!

    Oh, be still, my heart. Psalms 23, 24 and 25 taste like honey to my lips. It inspires me to have an incredible day. May it do the same for fellow saints! Let us serve the Lord today in mighty fashion and be witnesses to the splendor of our King!

  5. Happy 55th Anniversary to you both what a wonderful couple you make !!!
    Yes I have almost memorized Psalm 23 but never understood” I shall not be in want”
    its not in todays language . I read about it many times but never understood it can someone let me know what it means? It is a beautiful Psalm.
    Happy birthday Elaine and enjoy every mininute.
    Lianne Hogg

    • The New Living Translation replaces the word “want” with “need”. So it reads, “The Lord is my shepherd ; I have all that I need.” Hope this helps Lianne. Blessings to you!
      And Happy 55th anniversary David and Norma-Jean and continued blessings to you both!

    • Hi Lianne,
      I believe that when we are in Christ He is all we need. I pray that helps. How are your seizures. I had grandmal seizures,with prayer and the right medication combination I have been seizure free for 7years.

  6. Happy 55th Anniversary David and Norma-Jean and what beautiful photos. What an amazing couple who have blessed so many. Have a great day!

  7. What a portrayal of Jesus, “The Cross, The Crook, and The Crown.” and guidance for us, His followers. I like that statement, …”his Jesus is not the same Jesus.” Blessings, everyone.

  8. Wonderful pictures! God is good. Very glad we are His sheep! The years have gone by so very quickly! Blessings on this day especially.

  9. I learned Psalm 23 early on in my childhood and it has never left me. KJV

    I love your illustration of the shepherd Scott and truly it leads us right to OUR SHEPHERD. The Lord Jesus, who knows us all by name and seeks out the lost sheep. There was a picture shown to young children of Jesus carrying the lost sheep. I think it was in our children’s bible.

    CONGRATS to you David and Norma-Jean on 55 years of marriage. May God richly bless you as you continue to serve him so faithfully. Thanks for the pictures.

  10. Praise the Lord!!!! What uplifting Psalms today!! I too was filled with emotion as I read aloud all 3 Psalms. Praise the Lord!!!

    Happy, Happy 55th Anniversary David & Norma-Jean. God Bless You Both!!!!

    Have a wonderful day blog-buddies!!!

  11. Happy Anniversary to two beautiful people! God bless you with many more.
    Truly am enjoying following your blog. I love the Psalms and all the spiritual insights that you give. I have memorized Psalm 23, and speak it daily.

  12. I echo also an “Amen” along with my fellow bloggers….may this be a very special blessed day and HIS continued leading along your wonderful blessed journey……sincerest Congratulations with prayers of thankfulness for your lives….

  13. Happy 55th Anniversary David and Norma-Jean!!! So much to think about and meditate upon in today’s inspirational readings, thank you! Have a great day to all!

  14. Psalm 25 is a Psalm The Lord and I shared when we became closer. It was such a good fit for me to grow from an infant to maturity in Christ! Happy Anniversary Norma-Jean & David. I share in this day with you, as My husband Rick & I have been married 27 years today!! Our marriage has certainly and without a doubt been Blessed by God!!! Have a wonderful celebration! Blessings!!!

  15. Happy 55th Anniversary David and Norma Jean! May your day be filled with joy as you reflect back on so many marvelous years of ministry and wonderful family times together.

    I was thrilled again reading these 3 Psalms and all I can say is a great AMEN!

    ps. I can see beautiful Norma Jean in Autumn’s sweet little face

  16. Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. David Mainse. You both are truly a Blessing to all of us.
    I read 100 Words every morning before I start my work but has never made a comment. I thought that I would do it now for your Anniversary because I wanted you both to know how loved you are to all of us.
    May God Bless you both with many more Anniversaries.
    Have a Blessed day!

  17. Oh the plans HE had for you! How can you not love JESUS when you see what HE has done? Bless you both, but HE is not done with you yet! I anxiously await your testimony on complete healing, Amen, Amen and Amen. Leukemia, I have news for you, you are gone out of David’s body in JESUS’ name.

  18. Happy Anniversary to you, what a blessing you are to so many.
    May the Lord’s face keep smiling on you and give you peace!
    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  19. Happy 55th Anniversay David and Norma-Jean.
    Vivienne and I start each day with a prayer and then sing “This is the day…..” as you taught us in Israel in November. We are aslo following this blog religiously and thank you for your on-going dedication.
    Graham & Vivienne.
    2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.

  20. Happy 55th Aniversery, may you both continue to Celebrate more anniversaries by His grace and Mercy… amen! I am also expecting and waiting for the return of that same Jesus

  21. Congratulations for your 55th wedding ann. You have beaten my hubby and I by just a few month, we married in June 59, so our 55th ann. will still have to wait a few more month! The most important thing is we both love the Lord and looking forward to heaven!

  22. When we see Jesus, we will know Him by the scars of the
    nail prints in His hands. Such love, our good Shepherd
    has for each of us. He is the ONLY WAY, HE is the TRUTH,
    and the LIFE…abundant life in HIM…we are so blessed.

    Congratulations David and Norma-Jean…you have so
    much to celebrate today, and we celebrate your
    lives together too…God bless you with His perfect
    love and many more years together!!!

  23. Happy 55th wedding anniversary David and Norma-Jean!!!
    What a beautiful and inspirational couple you are!
    Enjoy your special day.
    Blessings in Christ,

  24. Happy 55th Anniversary, David and Norma-Jean!! May God continue to Bless you richly!!! We are so very grateful for your commitment to this blog!! Thank you, thank you and thank you!!!

  25. Congratulations on your very special Anniversary David and Norma-Jean! David was kind enough to come to our home in Regina for a visit and a meal way back in 1989 while we were pastoring there. I still have the photo to prove it! Still follow your ministry and pray for you. May God continue to bless and use you!

    Kind personal regards, Jim

  26. Thank you David for all the cross referencing you give us, it’s a veritable feast every morning. lt’s so good to be reading the scriptures slowly and inwardly digesting each word, meditating on it and re-reading parts! We are truly blessed! God is good! He has provided us with an amazing teacher in you David, to help us graze through every precious word, which is truth and life to those who partake of them. May you and your sweetheart Norma-Jean enjoy a wonderful, fun filled 55th anniversary! You deserve it! We pray for many more!

  27. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY David and Norma-Jean! May God continue to bless you for many more years. Thanks for your faithfulness in serving HIM! God is so good!!

  28. Dear Norma & David,

    Thank you so much for your commitment to your believes and believe system. You both deserve a crown for what you have done to bring all of us closer to a real relationship with Jesus. My wife and I are enjoying and are benefitting from your blog and 100 Huntley Street programs early in the morning. When the Lord Jesus come again He will remember you!
    Keep up your good works.

    Congratulations with your 55th wedding anniversary, that is quite a milestone! (We just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on 24 August 2013.)
    We wish you many more years of love, happiness and good health with your precious family.
    We will continue to pray for a complete healing of your leukemia illness.

    Once again thanks for all you have done for us and many other believers!

    Kindest regards,

    Ferdinand & Doreen

  29. Happy 55th Anniversary! You are an incredible couple who have been so instrumental in encouraging, inspiring and feeding God’s flock as well as reaching out to those who still don’t know Him. May God continue to give you more years of service for His glory! You are both SO loved and needed!! (I love the picture of you both that I took in your car back on Aug. 3 at Tyndale. It turned out so well). Blessings!!

  30. Happy 55th anniversary David and Norma- Jean .Have a fabulous day . We are so privileged to have both of you as our mentors , showing us constantly what a couple that put Jesus first in their life can accomplish. You are truly ambassadors for Christ .
    So thank you for your deep comittment and may God fill you both with His Peace , His Joy and a courage to continue to do His Work until His Return.
    xxxx Carole.

  31. We want to wish you and Norma Jean a very Happy Anniversary . Jack and I will be forever grateful that we had the opportunity of traveling with you to Isreal last fall. You both are what I call heroes of the faith and are such a great encouragement to us. We both look forward every morning to your 100 Words devotional. Thank you and I am praying for you both daily.
    God Bless you both.

  32. God’s Blessings to you on your 55th Wedding Anniversary !!

    I especially loved the readings today, and meditations on Jesus as the Good Shepherd ! Thank you for the link to the beautiful Hymn !
    Thank you again, for all you do !

  33. Happy Anniversary!
    To me you are a reflection of Jesus and His word.May He bless you always.
    I love Psalm 23 .I assigned it as memory work to my grade six class in 1958. Remember when we could do that? We also had bible reading,the Lords prayer and salute to the flag. What a beautiful way to start each day.

  34. Happy and Blessed 55th Wedding Anniversary to you and Norma Jean. May the Lord continue to bless both of you for many years to come and the ministry to which God has called both of you to and anointed you with His Holy Spirit.

  35. happy anniversary to two beautiful people….may God keep pour ing His love into you both as you continue to reach out to others with that love.
    I started watching your prog in the “70’s off and on….now I catch it on computer!!!
    as we do not have TV. I have been one of those who has been greatly helped by you and NOrma Jean’s words of healing and encouragement. thanks! Helen

  36. Congratulations on your 55th Anniversary. I am reminded of a testimony chorus that speaks of the faithfulness of God: “All through the years His providence has led me. His abounding goodness has been all my song; All through the years I tell His love and mercy, Singing Ebenezer as the years roll on” – (Ebenezer, “Hitherto, the Lord has helped us” – ” Up to now… and from now onwards”, we can count on the faithfulness of God. Much prayer for you – for David, “May God continue to touch you with His healig love, flowing throughout your body, soul and spirit, and encouragement, strength, and peace to you and Norma-Jean as you enjoy your day and be lead forth in peace knowing that He is your constant companion along the road of life with all its twists and turns and pot holes along the way. I always think of the two walking to Emmaus as a husband and wife couple returning home after a turbulent day and the discovery of the reality of Jesus along that short journey… “And Jesus Himself drew near and went with them” (Luke 24:15) KJV. Ephesians 1:3 to you both & your family!

  37. Norma-Jean & David – I was born in February of that same year. That was a little while ago! : ) Love you, love you, love you both. You have only improved with time!! Thank you for your service to the Lord and commitment to each other. What a team He has made you! With love and confident prayer that God will continue to bless and sustain you both!!!

  38. Dear David and Norma jean , God Bless you both on your 55 years of Married
    bliss , and may you have many more: Thank you so much David for your faithfulness
    in doing this daily blog ….R…

  39. Happy 55th Anniversary David and Norma-Jean,
    I have watched Huntley Street many times over the years and have enjoyed you both.
    Blessings to you and I pray you will have many more years together to cherish.
    God Bless
    Mickey Nott

  40. Congratulations. 55 sweet years together. Beautiful children and wonderful
    Grand children and even great grand Children how u both have been blessed…..
    Iam enjoying your walk thru the bible I have a year under my belt
    I look forward to reading it,everyday
    Thank you so much

  41. Congratulations. 55 sweet years together. Beautiful children and wonderful
    Grand children and even great grand Children how u both have been blessed…..
    Iam enjoying your walk thru the bible I have a year under my belt
    I look forward to reading it,everyday
    Thank you so much

  42. Happy Anniversary David & Norma-Jean & Congratulations on 55 years. You two make such a great wonderful team. May God continue to bless you in your marriage & keep you both in His tender care.

  43. What a blessed, special couple you are! May God continue to bless you, uphold you, heal you and give you favor to further His Kingdom in such a powerful way together!

  44. What a wonderfully HOPE we have in :this same Jesus: .You both are in my prayers for Godscontinuing work He has ,is and will do in your life.Thankyou and Happy aniversary.

  45. A blessed Anniversary! God be with you always, I thank God each day for you! Thank you for your insights everyday. It gives me a lot of hope and strength, I praise God for giving you both to me everyday!


  47. Happy Anniversary David & Norma Jean. Virgil & I celebrated our 57 anniversary on June 2nd., and it has certainly been a blessed life.
    God Bless you both.
    Nina M. Lawrence

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