Suggested Reading: Psalms 1-3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).
![September 10, 2013](
In the northern Israel region where the tribe of Dan settled, cool streams come off snow-capped Mount Herman to join other streams and continue south as the Jordan River. Psalm 1:3 says that the blessed person will be "like a tree planted by the rivers of water..."
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 1:2, 2:7, 3:3
His delight…in His law he meditates day and night.
The Lord has said to me, You are My Son, today I have begotten You.
But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
First Psalm – the choice is ours to make! Either we will be like the well-watered fruit tree or chaff, which the wind drives away. All who are faithful daily in meditating on God’s Word will be blessed people. Is that a sufficient reason for this blog?
Second Psalm – the Son of God is revealed. As the ancient Christian creed declares of Jesus, He is “Very God of Very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father.” There are those who teach that Jesus is a created being, an angel. False! They’ve probably knocked on your door at some time (Luke 1:34-38). Also, Hebrews chapter one (click here) expands on the prophetic words of Psalm 2.
Third Psalm – the shepherd boy who became king wrote these words and music for stringed instruments to accompany the singing of his words. David’s poems, for the most part, are most encouraging and have an optimistic outlook on life. His experience was that the Lord lifted up his head! Let us now look up, and away from the pessimists who say, “There is no help for him in God.” Amen!!! and Amen!!!
Lord God, I pray with the shepherd king, “Arise, O Lord; save me O my God!” (Psalm 3). I pray that I will “serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling” (Psalm 2). I also pray that I will be like the tree beside the free-flowing waters, blossoming with Your beauty and then bearing good fruit! (Psalm 1). Amen!
Below is a picture of my wife and life-long companion of almost 55 years, Norma-Jean. She is standing on the balcony of our apartment. The beautiful flowering plants were a gift from our second daughter, Ellen Shaheen. I bought two trellises on which they climb. One of my jobs is to water the plants. Just to the right of this photo, out of sight, are two tomato plants which are producing delicious fruit (or are they vegetables?). I enjoy fresh tomatoes on homemade fresh bread. One of the ways my wife and I have been able to get along well is to have a clear designation of our responsibilities. She’s in charge of the inside and my job is to take care of the outside. When we lived for 18 years on the farm on which she was born, I had a great deal to look after, but now I’m in charge of just a few square feet of balcony space. She’s boss over everything else. I make a joke of this and have a good laugh. I also enjoy my space very much!
Yesterday, Norma-Jean wrote out, in her beautiful handwriting, a statement which fits in with most of the Psalms. Here it is: “A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of opportunities. An optimist makes opportunities of difficulties.”
Yours for an optimistic outlook, almost always expecting something good to happen!
![September 10, 2013 - extra](
These flowers are called, "Giant Crimson Mandevilla." They've grown from little plants to what you see, producing beautiful flowers all summer long. Of course, the most beautiful flower, (I'm entitled to think so) is wearing a Toronto Argo's football team shirt in honour of our grandson-in-law, David Lee, number 91 on that team.
Dear Mrs. Mainse,
Wonderfully written and may I quote you?
Beautiful flowers.
From reading your husbands blog, we can imagine this is how we are growing and flowering with his daily watering.
God Bless
Diane 🙂
A beautiful and serene picture of Norma-Jean and the flowering plants. “Go Argo’s, GO!” It is wonderful to have a marriage surging with optimism! I too feel blessed! As well, it helps to have responsibilities outlined, although they do somehow crossover at times. Congratulations to Crossroads for aquiring Dr John Hull Appointed As CEO! His experience, spirituality and wealth of corporate knowledge is an immeasurable asset! Have a great day, to all!
Looking forward to the Psalms. Uplifting and praising for the most part. God bless you all today (a hot, record-breaking, one here in southern Ontario).
Thank you and God bless you and Mrs Mainse. The psalms have lifted me up today. I have read this many times, your blog has given to me its fuller meaning, I praise God for you!
I agree about all your beautiful flowers, David, especially the one in the middle. Yesterday started out as a confused day but God brought forth some victories as we are blessed people, Amen? I love that picture of the stream and tree, Reynold. That should be framed as a reminder of the Psalms. God bless your day, blessed ones!
I would like to be a tree planted by the stream giving off great fruit and I bless the Lord with all thats within me and I love the picture of Norma Jean she looks like a well watered tree blooming with great fruit , she has such a beautiful smile
God Bless you and your wife my God shine his face on you both snd give you peace Amen
The lilies of the valley
Oh how they ring
To their Lord and master
So we all can sing
Glory honour and praise to our King ,:)
Hi David,You are doing a great job watering those beautiful red Mandevilla plants.What lovely flowers! It’s a great photo with your lovely eversweet Norma-Jean in the middle, flanked by the reds, even matching umberella, l love it! Psalm 1 is very special to me as it was the first bible study l ever went to. l was so hungry for the things of the Lord,and hung onto every word the teacher taught us, as l still do today,some 33 years ago. God is faithful! Have a blessed day everyone!
Praise God! How uplifting! Music to my ears! Joy to my eyes! Peace to my spirit! The message and excellent teaching about the psalms, the idyllic photo in Northern Israel to paint, the beautiful photo of your balcony garden, Norma-Jean, and her comment. Indeed, let us always strive to make opportunities out of our difficulties!
We are all faced with adversity in varying ways. Yesterday, I had a very painful back procedure; an epidural steroid injection in my lumbar spine; with hopes the injection will come to alleviate pain. It had a profound effect on my body and I could not stand or walk for two hours. I prayed to God the whole time, asking Him to guide the hands of the pain doctor working on me. I prayed thanks to Him for all He has done for me. I did not give into fear. I trusted in Him. I continued to give thanks even when I was numb from the waist down. I am giving praise every moment for the blessings God has afforded me and miracles I see and feel around me all the time.
So many individuals’ circumstances are so much worse than mine. How can I complain or stay stuck in weariness? I think of Joni Erickson-Tata ( and what she has done with her life as a quadraplegic–painting, writing books, running a foundation to encourage others; glorifying God and bringing hope to everyone who faces debilitating struggles. She embraces each day as a gift that God gave her and does not let go of Him as her strength and voice. Everything we face and turn around for the better is for the glory of God. Let us praise His Holy name, stay committed to reading and living His Word everyday, and keep our eyes on Him and only Him, all the way!
God gives us the grace of His words in Psalm 1:
Blessed is the one
Who does not walk in step with the wicked
Or stand in the way that sinners take
Or sit in the company of mockers,
But whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
And who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in season
And whose leaf does not wither–
Whatever they do prospers.
We are reminded in Psalm 3 to claim the Lord’s greatness:
But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
My glory, the One who lifts my head high.
I call out to the Lord,
And he answers me from his holy mountain.
I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
I will not fear though tens of thousands
assail me on every side.
Blessings to all, today.
I love Joni’s story, but as you know that attitude did not develop overnight. She had to struggle, question, doubt to come to a place of peace, free from all bitterness and find trust that God would shine His Light in her, not in spite of her limitations but because of them. I admit it is hard to fall into the trap of self pity when Christians like her are witnessing by example the truth of God’s grace and providence.
Dear Beverlee, always a delight to read your post and be assured of my prayers for you in your suffering. You are an inspiration to us.
Amen, Beverlee!
The Book of Psalms. I wouldn’t doubt if we learn more about God from the Book of Psalms than from any other book in the Bible. Each of us cherishes a particular scripture in our heart, but as for me, the Book of Psalms is unequalled in its literary beauty and style. Take time to study and enjoy each and every Psalm for although the Psalms reflect our reaching out to God, it is also very much God reaching out to us.
Amen, Scott! Fascinating learning about God throughout Job. Psalms will shed even more light!
Dear faithful servant,
I can’t tell you how much your blog means to me,you have made the precious word of GOD come alive.
Blessings to all who read this everyday. So love the psalms and the picture today speaks so well about being a well-watered garden. As I meditate on God’s Word daily, I take that for myself.
Norma-Jean, what a beautiful picture, and David, look what watering does to those awesome plants. You are very special people.
To Beverlee Kay, hope you are feeling better. Your note reminds me of fighting the good fight of faith. You stayed so true to God’s word, praying unceasingly in all circumstances. I’m reminded of the words of a song we used to sing, “No matter what I do or see, the Word is working mightily in
me.” God bless you.
No matter how often one has read the Psalms, they remain ‘new every morning’ and as water for the hungry soul.
Beautiful photo of a beautiful lady.
I chuckled at your comments on the ‘designated responsibilities.’ 🙂
The proposed little booklet for Myles sounds interesting. Will you make this available for purchase or will this be just a family keepsake?
Your picture is beautiful Norma Jean and so is your flowers. David you are doing
a great job watering them and the tomatoes. I love the picture you took of the stream
and tree. I never read the book of Psalms I am looking forward to it.
Lianne Hogg
Thank you sososo very much David and Norma-Jean and family ! You continue with Lords guidance giv us all continued hope ,love and faith !!!!!
What a lovely picture of your wife and the flowers. I am thrilled that we are at the Psalms, they are so inspiring and beautiful. Thank you David for doing this blog, it has encouraged me to get into the Word daily and let the Lord speak to me through His Word. May God bless you. Ann
I love the psalms Thank you David for doing this blog God bless you and may you be healed of your blood disorder , thankyou for that beautiful picture Norma Jean .
such beautiful flowers God bless you both…..R…
Dear Rev. David M . and Norma -Jean
Gods creation and all its beauty captured in Reynolds photo seems to be in a comlpete unity with Norma -Jeans radiant smile surrounded by the gorgeous flowers . Its all coming together as we embark our journey in to Psalms.
Wonderful news this morning about Dr. John Hull appointed as new ceo to whom we will add our fervent prayers .
PS. Dear Beverlee kay
May The Lords arms embrace you and carry you through all your sufferings , letting you be even closer to Him in Jesus name Amen.
Have a blessed day everyone
xxxx Carole.
The Psalms have always been my favorite too Psalm 18 especially.
I look forward to studying with you Pastor David and fellow saints.
What a lovely picture of Norma-Jean and her usual smile. Great watering David and the picture Reyold took is so very appropriate for our reading today.
To God be the glory.
Hahaha… May God continue to bless you both abundantly
David: Thanks for sharing your heart in prayer and word
Yes the Giant Crimson mandevillas are beutiful but the flower in the middle is called Norma-Jean , she is a rare and beautiful one of a kind. 🙂
Miss you Norma-Jean. xxoo Marla
Beverly my heart aches for you. Hope you feel better and sleep well tonight.
Love and prayers to you and all.
To day on the Mars hill net work radio the results to a poll revieled that out of the entire Bible Davids psalms are the favorate amoung Christians.
Lord, continue to give Beverlee grace to endure this treatment and may it work to give her relief, comfort and glory to Your Name, Jesus. We love you Beverlee.
Beverlee, may you feel the Lord’s Presense ever so near as you recover from this treatment, and Lord we pray it will work to give Beverlee relief in the days ahead. God bless you Beverlee, We love you.
I thought I had lost the first message but I see that I didn’t.
What a beautiful picture of your lovely wife, Norma Jean, and the gorgeous plants! Also, I was thrilled to hear your announcement today of John Hull assuming the roll of CEO of Crossroads. He was so loved and highly respected at Peoples Church when he was our pastor. He will take this God-blessed organization to an even higher level. God bless the leadership. Happy to be a supporter of this great work. As always, thank you, David, for the excellent daily blog.
Very lovely!!
God bless you!!
Nancy xoxoxo