Monday, September 9, 2013


Suggested Reading: 2 Timothy 3-4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Celsus Library - This library is one of the most beautiful structures in Ephesus. It was built in 117 AD as a monumental tomb for Gaius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus, the governor of the province of Asia. The grave of Celsus was beneath the ground floor across the entrance, and there was a statue of Athena over it because she was the goddess of wisdom. The Celsus Library facade has two-stories with Corinthian style columns on the ground floor and three entrances to the building. They used an optical trick. The columns on the sides of the facade are shorter than those at the center, giving the illusion of the building being greater in size. The statues in the niches of the columns today are copies of the originals. The statues symbolize wisdom (Sophia), knowledge (Episteme), intelligence (Ennoia) and valor (Arete). These are the virtues to which Celsus aspired. No doubt at some time Celsus had heard the message that "In Whom, (Jesus) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). The library scrolls and the manuscripts were kept in cupboards in niches on the walls. There were double walls behind the bookcases to protect the scrolls from the extremes of temperature and humidity. The capacity of the library was more than 12,000 scrolls.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Timothy 4:2

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

What was to be the substance of Timothy’s message? Firstly, The Holy Scriptures (3:15). Secondly, “all Scripture” (3:16). Let us remember that the New Testament had not yet been compiled. “The parchments” to which Paul refers in 4:13b were probably portions of the Hebrew Bible. “The books” Paul asks to have brought to him may have been writings of general knowledge, such as those found in the great library of Ephesus. Even back then, “readers” were “leaders.”

A background reading today might be Acts 19:23-41. As Paul writes what may have been his final letter before his beheading in Rome, he challenges Timothy to concentrate on using Scripture to fight against doctrinal error and moral evil. This is vitally important for us, as it was for Timothy. Paul had the credentials to say these things. He had proven himself by demonstrations of faith, such as found in 1 Corinthians 15:32, “I have fought with beasts at Ephesus.” Paul may have indeed been placed in the arena for the entertainment of the people of Ephesus. God must have shut the mouths of lions once again as He had done to protect Daniel. The book of Daniel may well have been in the parchments Paul wanted. We may want to read Daniel 6:10-28.


Lord God, we are living in perilous times right now! These are the “last days.” Therefore, I pray that, as never before, I will effectively “convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” May I preach the WORD everywhere in messages in the pulpit, in the media, as well as in personal one-to-one witnessing. I make this request through Jesus, the One who is in Himself the full expression of Your WORD! I ask for Your grace that I may fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith. Amen!!!


From my earliest days of public preaching, I sought to fill my speaking with “The Word of God,” the Holy Scriptures. I reached the conclusion that when I did this faithfully, I saw results. God has not promised to bless my verbal wanderings, but He has promised to bless His Word!

I want to thank all who gave me your input for my great-grandson, Myles Neilson. I believe that God has inspired me to put your answers to Myles’ question into a booklet which I hope to print for him to keep and read. He’s in grade one now and reads quite well (I’m bragging here and that is a great-grandpa’s privilege). However, I may simplify the words somewhat. I hope that it’s alright with you that I take editorial privileges. For readers who may not be aware of what happened on this blog on August 28th, click here for Myles’ question (in my “100 Personal Words”) and the 60 responses I received (at the bottom of the blog). If anyone else wants to have a word for Myles, it’s not too late. You can attach your advice to that blog and I’ll read your thoughts before I retire this evening. Thanks so very very much for participating with me in the blog and in Myles’ life.

Yours for the greatest possible effectiveness of God’s Word in our lives and in the lives of everyone we meet,


P.S. Those parchments which Paul wanted brought to him may have included “The Psalms.” God willing, we’ll start these Scriptures in tomorrow’s reading.

Ruins of the ancient Celsus Library in Ephesus (described in the photo caption above). In the second century after Christ, the gods and godesses of ancient Greece and Rome were still prominent, but as a result of Paul's three years here, as well as the ministry of Timothy as Pastor and others, the Church of Jesus Christ was growing stronger all the time.

29 thoughts on “Monday, September 9, 2013

  1. Would the Moderator of One Hundred Words please address/remove the comments of September 9, 2013 at 12:16 am, as I believe they would fit the definition of “Cyberbullying.”

  2. It is hard to imagine the life of Paul, his tremendous courage and mission to share Christ in a living and thriving church. Aside from Jesus Christ, he is one I am most looking forward to meeting among many others! If possible, I am looking forward to reading your booklet for Myles, as there were so many wonderful responses! Looking forward to Psalms tomorrow, as they are so uplifting in many ways. May our Lords peace be upon all and Our Fathers wisdom among leaders facing difficult decisions concerning world events. Amen!

  3. Oh Lord thank you for your examples of faith you have given to us , as we read about the life of Paul how he was faithful and of Daniel how he was faithful and we thank you how you have been faithful in our own lives , Help us to be faithful till the end and fight the good fight of faith so you will say to us well done my good and faithful servant enter into my rest ,
    I am only an earthen vessel
    A vessel made of clay
    Use me for your purpose Lord
    To help someone today .
    Dear God bless David Norma Jean and their children and their grandchildren and their great grandchildren use thenm in a mighty way in these last days before you return and use all your children to be sensative to your leading in our lives to be open to help others to bring them in to your kingdom in Jesus name Amen

  4. Thanks, Reynold, for the photos of the Celsus Library in Ephesus. Would be incredible to see it!

    Daniel 6:23: So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in his God. Let us keep believing in our glorious God, with faith and trust and hope, in our hearts.

    Grateful the Church of Jesus Christ grew from 2nd century AD, forward, and that the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome, lost their power and control over the people.

    Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    Blessings to all.

  5. I am always amazed as I read about Paul and the strength he had, to be able to endure, which only comes from A Loving God who is faithful and true to His word, to keep us in HIs loving arms. May all of us keep our focus on JESUS who is our Saviour and Lord. Let us hold fast to His Word and love each other as He intended us to love.

    Looking forward to reading the booklet for Myles…it will be a treasure for years to come.

    Blessings on all saints today and to you Pastor David and your family.Pictures, as usual, are wonderful!

  6. Even in the face of death, the Apostle Paul was keeping his focus on Jesus and giving instruction to his son in the faith, Timothy. What a great example he was and also you David to deliver this blog to us every day with your affliction. Thank you and to all your family. God bless you fellow bloggers.

  7. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

    “Mine indeed are the sheltering arms of love. Although you cannot see or recognize them, they are there. Faith, the faith that moves mountains and opens closed doors, sees them and rejoices.

    “In the past you have doubted and lost sight of My sheltering arms. Your pain, fear, and confusion blotted out the reality of My providence. The suffering you underwent was in large part by your own making. But I did not despise or reject you in your darkness–and My arms were still sheltering and protecting you. Look back with new eyes, and see. Rejoice and give thanks until you are so grounded in Me that nothing will be able to shake you internally from this reality. Mine indeed, My child, are the sheltering arms of love.”

    Echoes of Eternity, Listening to the Father, Volume 1, Hal M. Helms
    September 9th, p. 194

  8. All of the above comments speak volumes. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts. I get chills of joy when I read this blog. Each day brings us all one day closer to Christs return in the clouds. Amen!

    I have two little grand daughters who are not aloud to know me. My Doughter
    has made that her choice. She dose not believe in Jesus. She says she believes in
    the spirit world and in the universe. So close yet so far she is from the truth. I pray for her and her family. If I ever have the oportunity to share Gods love and word with my grand doughters your little book might be a way to plant a seed or I could send a copy to my daughter Jowee . What a powerful wittness it would be to her and her family especialy her two daughters. David , Myles is adorable and a fine young man.
    The photo of you two in the sun rays is so precious. I believe those are no ordinary sun rays …..but are rays of Gods loving light that is upon you and Myles.
    Just a sujestion but that photo would make a beautiful cover for the little book
    you are planning to write. I will be looking for word to obtaining several copies of the book. May God bring your plans for the little book to fruition and quickly.
    In Jesus name Amen! Amen and Amen!
    Love and prayers you all.
    David please say hi to Norma -Jean for me xxoo.

    Thank you Beverly I will put your poem to music. When It is finished I will let you know. Then we can figure out how I can send it to you if you like. You will be noted as the Lyrisist. This will be fun. I have not written any new music in a long time. Thank you Beverly. M. 🙂

    To days reading is so powerful, but sadly in so many cases it is so true.
    Dear Lord I just lift up all of the parents who suffer heart ache and verble abuse purpatrated on them by their very own children.
    Dear Lord give all parents in this siuation the hope and the will and the strength needed to not give up on these lost children. May you answer their prayers . Lord please open the minds and hearts of these lost children be fore it is too late. As prophasey it being fulfilled we are running out of time as we no it here in this world.
    Thank you Father , Son , and Holy Spirit for what you have done what you are
    doing and what you are going to do. In Jesus name Amen!

    Hi Donna blessings …just thinking of you. 🙂

    • Dear M.
      You definately hit a personal bulls eye in my case .I also have a great challenge in bringing Gods precious Word and my personal relationship with Our Saviour , Our Redeemer Jesus Christ in my family which includes sadly my dear daughter Roxanne who used to be a christian ( Catholic ) and through different trials including my very lenghty chronic disease has spent a better part of my life seperated from her in the hospitals . I sense that she has a very hard time believing that a God that is so Great and Almighty could permit her own mother to go through so much and yet declares how much she is in love with Jesus Christ and the marvellous Heavenly Father who sent His ONE AND ONLY SON for our salvation. I do believe and trust that one day soon like me who was forgiven for my sins and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ so also will it be for my daughter, my son , my husband and all the rest of my family in Jesus Name Amen .
      PS. Dear Rev. David M .
      looking very much forward to your booklet that I will share with many of the young children in our family .
      Have a blessed day everyone.
      xxxx Carole.

  9. Thanks so much David for your daily blog. Just trying to learn the Bible teachings and appreciate all your translations.
    Keep up the great work and many prayers for your disease to be cured.

  10. David, I have been reading your 100 Words now since it began in June 2012, have not missed one day. Thank you for your consistent faithfulness in preparing and posting your vast knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. I often wish you would make it 200 Words! I love the stories about your very large family, growing by the day it seems. I particularly love the photographs that your son provides, they are excellent and help me to understand the backdrop of the ancient world where Jesus walked and where Paul and his fellow apostles spread the Gospel. They are a vivid support to your teaching. May you be enabled to continue this blog for a long time to come and may God give you the strength to complete the race. I know he will.

  11. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
    He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it
    John 1:1-5

    These words were given to John as a revelation hundreds of years before the Bible as we know it existed. John clearly states the Word existed even before Jewish nation and the words of Moses. The Word existed before time. What is the Word. It is not a what– it is who — the Word of God is Jesus– the second person of the Trinity. Our Bibles are not God’s word— Jesus is– our Bibles, the Scripture reveal the Word of God– to us, Jesus. But It is Jesus who is Word. It is Jesus who makes the words in our Bibles Living because He is alive. It is His spirit that infuses every word, every square inch of it. If we mistake the Bible for the Word, the words in them can be misinterpreted, twisted and used for purposes God did not intent. His intention, in giving us the Bible was so His Word can speak to us through His Spirit, but it is that Spirit that gives our Bibles value.
    I have known many Christians who love their Bibles more than Jesus, causing them to often misuse the Bible. Yet I have seen a believer who really knew and loved the Word of God, Jesus– Himself misuse the Bible. I have always done my best when speaking about our Lord, to make my goal — to reveal Jesus. In my poems, in my posts here, or elsewhere– that is my heart. Not to be Jesus, just to reveal Him — for the times I fail to do that and instead reveal more about myself and my opinions I regret. For It is truly and always will be about Jesus—

    • Donna M. thank you for the reminder that as Christians our desire is for others to see Jesus Christ living through us. May our hearts be attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit always in all ways!!!!! God bless each one!!

    • * quick correction– I meant to say —I have never seen a Christian who knew Jesus and loved Him misuse the Bible. And in Luke the line should have read—- and without Him nothing was made that was made. I type slower than I think, and some times I think I typed a word that later I see I didn’t. Sorry for missing those mistakes before posting.—-

  12. I sure do enjoy your blog, David. It is part of my devotion every day, even when we went on a 2 week vacation I took my computer. Paul is one of many missionaries whom I admire and I love reading his writings. Your blog helps to bring them to life for me. The pictures make me want to visit all the areas. May Gods Blessings be with you and your family.
    from 2012 blue bus (the fun one!!)

  13. Thank you David, for guiding me to pray in the precious words of Jesus. And thank you also for guiding me into my senior years – showing me the treasures of great-grandchildren. The look on Myles’s face says it all! You are inspiring to all who read your blog.

  14. And just in case I need to say this, so my earlier post doesn’t get misunderstood. Jesus is the Word and the Bible reveals the Word, therefore the two will never contradict the other.
    If you hear a teaching about God or Jesus that isn’t in the Holy Bible it will be false, even if the one saying it is an angel or someone who said Jesus told them, if it is not in the Scripture in the Holy Bible, don’t believe it.
    And likewise if you a hear an interpretation of Scripture that is not in keeping with God’s Character as reveal to us in Jesus Christ throughout the Bible it would be wise to question it, even if the person is a Christian.

  15. Sept 5th at 4:26 pm. Sept 7th at 11:39 pm. A look at the whole dialogue shows even more about it. It is one strong proof of what I said. There is nothing wrong with showing who the people are who try to sew strife and make merchandise of people with smooth words. Why are some of you allways trying to trade emails?

  16. Brad I can see you have been deeply troubled by the words I wrote and maybe as much as I was troubled by yours. You said on the 7th you wanted to end the discussion, yet you like me haven’t found easy to let go. There was a part of me, that wanted God to prove I was right, to have Him defend my cause. I am certain you were thinking the same thing. But after spending sleepless nights in prayer and reading Scripture what is the point of being right if causes a fellow believer to stumble and falter. So even if I thought God had a message for you if I failed to deliver that message in way the honor’s you and your relationship with Him, I deeply regret that. I did ask for your forgiveness yet you never offer to me. I hope you will because it is the only way to find peace, forgiving you had given me peace. But if you need to be right and want to believe I have a demon in me fine. Jesus was told he was the Devil, so I know now I am in good company. But please if you really do know Jesus, and love Jesus– give this matter to Him, let Him deal with me, as I have given you over to Him.
    As for the email thing, at the time I realized this was not going the way I thought it was going to go, so I know Jesus is a God about relationship. I thought if I had your email I could get to know you better, understand your relationship with our Lord — find what we have in common — but that offer is off the table. I will not respond to anything else from you, about me or anything I said — if you have issues with them take the Jesus in prayer or seek guidance from another Christian you trust. Strive for understanding and peace. I am filled with sorrow for the pain my words caused.

  17. I realy enjoy this blog. I do not twitter nor do face book or comment on any other blog. For me the computor is a tool, not a form of entertainment. This bible study gives me great joy .
    Each day I can feel my roots in christ growing deeper. I pray that” all of us ” will continue and finish our journey together in love and peace for each other.May we meet in heaven some day 🙂

    I don’t know about some of you but for me …….some times when I type exactly what I want to say this driod litteraly thinks I mean to say something else. It
    can be embaressing and anoeying to say the least. So don’t worry about errors
    we know what you mean.

  18. “The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into Him, that they might delight in His Presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God Himself at the core and centre of their hearts.” – A.W. Tozer

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