Suggested Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1-3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The 4th century AD Rotunda of Galerius is one of several Roman monuments in the city of Thessalonica.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Thessalonians 2:13
For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.
As an introduction to these two letters of Paul to the believers at Thessalonica, Greece (currently called Salonica), we may be better informed by reading Acts 17:1-15. First and second Thessalonians are beautiful examples of the care a true Pastor has for his people. For three Sabbaths Paul taught in the synagogue to the Jewish people, and some believed and received his message. Then the team, Paul, Silas (called Silvanus here) and Timothy spent considerable time reaching out to non-Jews who “turned to God from their idols to serve the true and living God” (1:9b). Paul “laboured night and day” because he probably made tents here, as he did later in Corinth, in order to support the team financially (2:9). We may take notice of two facts:
(1) When we believe the Word of God, it produces EFFECTIVE change in our lives. Watch for this change as we proceed through the Bible in this blog!
(2) While Paul taught and worked, he prayed “exceedingly” (3:10). Firstly, he prayed for God’s direction (3:11). Secondly, he prayed for an increase in love (3:12). Thirdly, he prayed that, “[God] may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints” (3:13).
Lord God, as I read the prayers of Paul, I make them my prayers to You for myself, my family, and all my fellow bloggers. May You give us direction and produce effective change in our lives as we pray “exceedingly,” that we may increase in love. And may You establish our hearts blameless in holiness before You “at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.” Amen!!!
In the early days of ministry, I was involved with others in planting new congregations. Like Paul, I worked “that I might not be a burden to any” (2:9), not at making tents, but as a carpenter, a catcher of bull frogs for a Montreal restaurant, a Bell telephone contractor (removing telephones from homes where the bills weren’t paid – some I felt so sorry for that I paid their bill), etc. When the congregations grew and prospered, they were able to provide a salary so that I could work full time in ministry. God has always provided for me and my family. Thank You, Lord!
Throughout the years in television ministry, I’ve been involved in helping to produce television in 18 languages, some of which were released in the homelands of our hosts. Rev. Bazil Zetas, an immigrant to Canada from Greece, leads a Greek language congregation in Toronto. He became our Greek language TV host while supporting himself as an employee of Canada Post, and at the same time planting a church. The first TV station in Greece to begin carrying our telecast was Salonica (Thessalonica). Then Athens TV began the transmission of the Word of God on TV, so all of Greece received the good news of Jesus on television. A BIG thank you to all who have supported Crossroads television through the years. There is a new challenge right now that needs support (click here for a statement of the ongoing vision of Crossroads to reach people everywhere with the message of the Person and work of Jesus).
Yours to see the “Word of God” work effectively in us all,
P. S. A few days ago I promised that I’d try to find an old video clip of Norma-Jean and me singing a trio with our daughter Elaine Stacey. It’s Norma-Jean’s song, “He Shall Direct Thy Paths.” I attached the sheet music on my August 6th blog. Click here to watch the video.
“When viewed from the perspective of eternity, the most critical need of this hour may well be that the Church should be brought back from her long Babylonian captivity and the name of God be glorified in her again as of old. Yet we must not think of the Church as an anonymous body, a mystical religious abstraction. We Christians are the Church and whatever we do is what the Church is doing. The matter, therefore, is for each of us a personal one. Any forward step in the Church must begin with the individual.” (A.W. Tozer)
Love Norma-Jean’s song “He Shall Direct Thy Paths” and you and Elaine serve as wonderful accompaniment, nicely done!
Hi David
Thanks for posting Norma Jean’s song David. I was blessed and challenged by it this morning.
This was my grandmother’s life verse and she wrote it on every gift/card she gave me.
Your voices blend so beautifully together, and I love the passion.expression and connection with the theme that you all have! -would love to hear the three of you sing again sometime!
Thank you for the song ” He Shall Direct Thy Paths” Norma Jean , Elaine and You sang it was beautiful and it is a good to start my day with God
God bless you and your family
Lianne Hogg
I thank you very much David for all that you stand are very encouraging and inspiring to me.You witness to me as I felt a little discouraged in the way our church seems to be heading, but I will continue to press in. We need more inspiring fathers in the faith. Today’s word spoke to me in volumes. I wept through it as we are to keep pressing in and loving those around us,encouraging and praying for people’s hearts to serve the living God. Oh to be Holy. I love you with the Heart of our Lord Jesus. May God truly Bless you. I covet your prayers to stay strong,in amidst the storms. Love Margaret.
Thank you, David, for such a great message, today. The key verse is the meat and bones of 1 Thes 1-3. As believers, God’s word works in us and changes our lives. We accept the word of God as truth. We give thanks to God without ceasing (2:13). We pray exceedingly for God’s direction, increased love, and pure and holy hearts before His return. (3:11-13).
Loved the clip of you, Norma-Jean and your daughter, Elaine, singing your wife’s song: ‘He Shall Direct Thy Paths’. What a delight–to hear your perfectly blended melody, and see your true love for Jesus in your eyes. Thank you for such a blessing!
Praying for the love of all saints, today, that all may be renewed and refreshed in the sanctity of God’s Holy Word!
Once again an uplifting and encouraging read and comments from our fellow saints in The Lord. I love th song “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me” we as individuals can and need to make a difference, and so as we continue in reading The Word and this blog, truly our lives will show the difference,
Wonderful to hear Norma-Jean’s song sung by you Elaine, David and Norma-Jean…..a great song and message to all of us.
Praying “exceedingly” like Paul’s example for all today.
Hi David, l had to laugh at your story of your tent making experience, when you had to remove the telephones from people who hadn’t paid.It doesn’t surprise me to hear you felt so sorry for some ,that you paid their bill for them! You are
a man after my own heart! lt reminded me of a wonderful lady in our church, who we discovered a was a poet. We asked her to send out cards to encourage people who were ill, to discover she was not only sending out the cards to them, but also slipping money in, to buy themselves a little treat!She was a new Christian, and her heart was so full of God’s love, she wanted to do more! The fruit of the Spirit was blooming in her actions. Love to all !
I so enjoyed hearing the three beautifully blended voices singing so fervently about the promises of our great God! Somehow (sadly) we don’t hear a lot of beautiful harmony in our churches anymore…….just all the new stuff! Oh well, I guess nothing stays the same. Again, thank you for doing this blog and for all the delightful little tid bits you include to keep us so interested. Reynolds pictures add so much too. Thank you, Reynold!
Thank you David M. for sharing the video of the three of you singing Norma-Jean’s song. Beautiful. The words were taught to me at a young age by my step-grandmother…it was her favorite. Unfortunately I did not pay heed to the instructions of this scripture until years later. Thankful for the patience of the Lord with this wandering sheep, and in looking back I can see His hand of direction, working ‘behind the scene’ as He led me to the place where I would acknowledge Him and seek to live by these words.
Dear David M.
How wonderful and touching to be able to see and hear you Norma Jean and Elaine
He shall direct thy path. For the past two days I have made a point of sharing first 100 Huntleys marvellous project science and faith and today I shared on my facebook Don Simon major project of rescuing families . What a wonderful way of dealing with what satan is trying to accomplish but as we warriors of Christ know how to win all for His Glory and Return so yes we will focus and pray exceedingly empowered by the Holy Spirit to deal with the Diluted Values the Failing Faith the Media Dominence and the Personalization Technology.
Like you told us so well before Lets put our Heavenly Father back on the steering wheel in Jesus name Amen
Blessed day everyone
xxxx Carole.
Dear David and bloggers. what a wonderful comment ” lets put the steering
wheel in Gods Hand and let Him direct our path” .How appropiate is that
in our day and to follow Him . Have a good day and Bless you all…R…
Loved the singing, such good harmony!! Wonderful song!! Enjoyed it sooooo much today!! Thank you!!
Love & God’s Blessings!!
Enjoyed your singing too, David and Norma-Jean and Elaine. How often we have to remind ourselves to not trust in our own understanding in walking this life of faith. Remember seeing the sign, Thessalonica but never got there. Have a good evening.
Dear David, I am enjoying your blog so much. The song sung by you, Norma-Jean and Elaine is wonderful! Truly a beautiful piece of music.
Christianity has done great service, but Jesus is needed most. Acknowlegment directs our path for His faithful Love abides within.
Thank you so much David, for sharing the video of you, Norma Jean and Elaine singing “He Shall Direct Thy Paths”. What a Beautiful job you did, the three of you together!!! It was indeed a Blessing to us and many others as well. Thank you again.
I loved hearing and seeing the 3 of you singing again. I miss the days when many of your family were on 100 Huntley Street. I just received our book, David and enjoyed looking at all the photos in it. I will start reading it tonight. Thank you for writing this blog and for your God-given wisdom.