Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Suggested Reading: 1 Chronicles 27

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Capturing a golden moment over the beautiful Old City of Jerusalem.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 27:23

But David did not take the number of those twenty years old and under, because the Lord had said He would multiply Israel like the stars of the heavens.

Abraham, known as the father of faith, was given the promise from God at least three different times that his children would be like the “stars of the heavens.” With the continued listing of names in today’s reading, we may want to read Genesis 22:1-17. God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) to multiply their people, and King David believed God’s promise. A thousand years later, the writer to the Hebrews picks up the story and reaffirms the fact of God’s promise (Hebrews 11:8-19). God’s promise has come true and is continuing to be fulfilled. The people of God are uncountable. All of us who are believers in the God of Abraham, and in the One who said, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” are in the heavenly census (read John 8:56-59). We too, along with David, are part of that number, “like the stars of the heavens.”


Lord God, I thank You that by faith I am numbered in Your census, which shows Your children are more in number than the stars of the heavens. I pray that I will be a help in Your work of adding even more people to that number. I’m reminded, Lord, that Your prophet Daniel wrote, “Those who turn many to righteousness [shall shine] like the stars forever and ever.” Grant me the gift of faithfulness in prayer, in witness, and in supporting those who are also winning precious souls to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!


I have a vivid imagination. I can imagine the scene in Heaven when I first confessed Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord. Jesus said, “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father who is in Heaven” (Matthew 10:32). So here’s the scene. It’s a Monday in the locker room at high school. The past Friday evening in the Glebe Collegiate auditorium, I had gone forward to receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord, and now I was determined to tell my fellow basketball players about it. I said something like this,”I have an announcement! You’ll see a different Mainse from now on. I have given my life to Jesus.” There was silence, some teasing, and then life went on. However, things happened in Heaven. I believe Jesus kept His Word and said something like this: “Father, David Charles Mainse has just confessed Me in front of his high school teammates.” According to Scripture, there was rejoicing in Heaven. Then I can imagine one of the angels, who was listening to Jesus, writing my name down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I was counted in God’s census. Okay, it may not have been exactly like this. I’ll find out some day. I do believe that I’m in that number…a greater number than the stars of the heavens!

Yours for increasing daily the number of the children of Abraham,


27 thoughts on “Tuesday, June 18, 2013

  1. Even the stars in the heavens are not crowded, and there is infinately room for more! It is humbling to think how significant each of us are in the grander scheme. Numbered in the Book of the Lamb, we fulfill a purpose and serve to multiply. Thank you, David. Have a great day to all!

  2. It sure was a blessing to see you this morning. I remember meeting you so many years ago when I sought help. I choose to keep my rebellion and angry what a foolish young man. The result was walking on a road of pain and suffering. I want to let you know your ministry makes a difference. You through Christ have stopped me in my tracks. I now work my salvation out with fear and trembling. Thank God for Crossroads

  3. Just thanking the Lord this morning David for your faithful life and for doing this blog. It keeps me on track every day reading through the Bible. And your comments and stories are inspiring. Thank you also to your sons for the pictures and help with the blog.

  4. Thanks for such a beautiful prayer, David Mainse! We love you!

    As the multitude of stars in the sky, we are innumerable as the sand by the seashore. Blessed are we as God’s children on earth. Let us lead others to Christ and multiply the brightness that resides. There is so much more to look forward to because of our faithfulness in having served Him. Praise You Holy God that our names may be written in Your Book of Life!

    The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
    Proverbs 11:30 King James Bible

    Asking for prayer for my friend, Heather, who is in hospital with terminal cancer. May your gentle and loving arms wrap around her, dear Lord, and may your whispers of love comfort her, as she reaches out to You.

    Thinking of you and praying for you, today, sister Ger. God bless you, fellow saints.

    • Yes, Heavenly Father we pray for Heather today. We ask that she would sense Your presence today and that Your warmth and love would surround her. May she realize that you are there with her every step of the way and that she is not alone in this battle. Thank you Jesus that she has a friend like Beverlee to pray with and talk to. AMEN

      • Oh, sister Ruby, you have brought tears to my eyes. Your prayer for my friend, Heather, is so beautiful–just as you are. God Bless you!

    • Praying for your dear friend Heather. May she sense the loving arms of THE SAVIOUR holding her tight and experience the peace that only Jesus gives.

      Safe in the arms of Jesus.

      Praying too for you Beverlee as you minister to your friend. God bless you both.

      • Thank you, sister Catherine. I am leaving now, to go see her at the hospital. I have a bible in my purse to read the precious Words of our Lord to her. God bless you!

    • Dear Heavenly Father,
      May your Spirit uphold Heather right now as she goes through this storm. Allow her to rest on your mighty eagle wings and soar on them. May your presence fill her with hope, your hope of glory! Like the song goes, “With Christ in my vessel, I can smile at the storm.” It’s hard at times to smile at our storms, but we know they are temporary for our destiny is rest with you in eternity. Don’t let her lose her joy that can only be found in You. As said in Gen 22:14, “On the Mountain of the LORD, it will be provided.”, we place Heather and many of us who have cancers and illnesses onto your mountains, we trust that You will provide, as You are forever faithful! Thank you LORD our God, in Christ name, Amen.

      • On the Mountain of the Lord, it will indeed be provided. God bless you and keep you, Janet, Resting on eagle’s wings. Amen!

  5. Hi David, You are a master at triggering our imagination! Imagine the excitement at the discovery of the light bulb, and the ongoing discoveries with computer technology,and space, the winning of that goal in a world soccer game, the hole in one by the golfer at a tournament ,l can hear the jubilation! However as you say, everything dims to the joyous jubilation in Heaven when one sinner gets saved! We hold the keys to the most important message in the universe..JESUS SAVES US FROM OUR SINS! That is the ultimate! l thank God that he raised you up to get the message out over the airwaves! Hurray for your tenacity and obedience!

  6. Discipleship is something to which God calls all believers. It’s important to pray and to seek how God might use us in the lives of others. Perhaps someone may be called to one on one discipleship, whereby a study guide is used as a means as a tool to keep both parties on track. However there are many many other ways to witness to the lost in our midst and to guide and to show the love of Jesus … compassion, caring, hospitality, nurturing, helping, companionship etc. Think on what gifts God has given you and look for an opportunity to put those gifts into action. On a personal note, I have recently been blessed with an opportunity to disciple a middle-aged father and husband who has been coming to church on a regular basis but doesn’t know the Lord, his wife is a Christian and she would very much like to see him saved. He’s open to the message and needs some guidance and confirmation (and prayer). We’re meeting for breakfast on July 8th. I will be surrounding that date with much prayer that his mind and heart will be open to the gospel message of love and salvation. This is but one way we can fulfill God’s great commission of Matthew 28:19 in the lives of others.

    • Amen, brother Scott. Will be praying with you that this dear man will come to know the love, forgiveness, and salvation of our Lord.

    • Dear Heavenly Father,

      Thank you for giving Scott a chance to witness for You and to disciple a man this July 8th through a breakfast meeting. Please speak to this man’s heart, soul, mind and spirit and break through all the boundaries that prevented him from coming to know You fully and personally. May Your voice be heard and carved into this man’s mind and heart as You give wisdom to Scott to share with him about Your truth. May You bless both all involved in this meeting and to enable more meetings to come. For Your glory, in Christ name, Amen.

  7. Thank you once again Pastor David, and may our lives reflect the glory of the LIVING GOD.

    You are a wonderful example of Christ’s great love and I consider you Canada’s ambassador of the life giving Saviour and the gospel.

    I liked when you said in your interview with Lorna on Huntley st…….”you don’t need us…….YOU NEED JESUS!!!! Hallelujah!

  8. David I so love keeping up with your blog…The Lord is using this to build up my faith and not to miss a morning to put HIM absolutely First…my prayer life is strengthening…I love your personal glimpses that you share and wonderful photography (the Eastern Gate that has such an impression on me was featured on my 34th Spiritual birthday last week :)…… your readers are so encouraging…I am wondering if they can include a prayer for a friend Brenda as she is so worried her sister Gloria recently diagnosed with cancer and given a short time left to live…does not know Jesus and is not allowing Brenda to even visit with her….I know The Lord can make a way through all this that in some way…His way and will be done…..

    • Holding Gloria up in our prayers, with so many others. It is our only hope, to cling to the cloak of Jesus. May the Holy Spirit sweep into Gloria’s heart and make her at peace with the Lord, coming to witness His Greatness as His loving arms surround her and comfort her. May the wings of eagles lift up her sister, Brenda, and bring them together in harmony. In Jesus Holy name we pray, amen, amen, and amen!

  9. We pray today for all those mentioned who have real challenges. I came to Crossroads today to minister to such people who call on the phones. May God prepare the hearts of those in need to hear His voice and the message He has for each one. Amen.

  10. God Bless each one this day and thank you for sharing these prayer requests. I will be praying for each one. I have mentioned my father-in-law Frank who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he will be starting radiation treatments on Wednesday June 19. I am not sure about his relationship with Christ. I thank God for bringing each of you all into my life and thank you for your prayers!!!!!!!! To God be all Glory!!!!!

  11. Oh yes I pray for that have not yet surrendered to Christ as their Savior
    and all those who are sick with cancer,this includes my friend Connie’s
    husband Steve with brain cancer, and lung cancer.He has had brain
    surgery and now needs treatments.And lung surgery to cme in a few weeks.
    Please Lord Jesus have mercy on all these people..thank you all my blogging
    buddys for your prayers and encouraging Scriptures, and poems..God Bless you all.Thank you D .Mainse May god give you health and strength….R..

  12. Heavenly Father- We are meant for eternity, our bodies are only temporary. Please give all those named today in this blog and those we name in our hearts, who are suffering from cancer, the strength to endure their illness and if it be Your will restore them to full health, according to your mercy with love we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

    Heavenly Father- We also pray for all those who are leading the way to find a cure for different forms of cancers. Please grant them understanding and the resources they need so the world may be freed from cancer of the lung, kidney, brain, liver, breast, prostrate, blood, bone and any other other form of cancer your Son names before Your throne – may You lead them to the breakthrough they are searching for that will unlock the mysteries of this illness, which will lead to new treatments and cures. In the precious name of Jesus we ask this Amen

    • Praise to you Heavenly Father for the wonderful news coming out of Toronto about an exciting possible new treatment for certain cancers. Heard about it on the news tonight about three hours after praying about it. Thank you and please continue to guide these researchers in their work in Jesus name. Amen

  13. Saying Amen to all the prayers offered today for all those suffering from cancer, and you Lord will wrap your loving arms around them and give them peace as you have so graciously given me today because you love each one and have given your life for them. Also you will soften Gloria’s heart so she will allow her sister Brenda to visit her. Amen. Trust all of you got my message last night. Am at my sister’s in Fredericton and will be going to St. John tomorrow. Thank you, Beverlee. God bless you everyone.

  14. Dear David M. and precious fellow bloggers,

    I also join all of you in praying for all those that are in desperate need of Our Saviour’s tender care. It is so comforting to know that in the deep end of the valley He is right there, ready to lift us up.

    I’ll be focusing, in the next few days, on all the requests, keeping my eyes on Jesus.

    Reynolds has once more given us a fantastic picture of beautiful Jerusalem. It’s almost as if I were there!

    God bless you all,

    Carole xxxx

  15. Hello David,
    Thank you so much for writing this blog. I have been reading it daily since you started last Sept. and look forward to it every day, although this is the first time I have ever replied. You are such an inspiration and encouragement to me.
    I had the pleasure of meeting you in a little chapel in White Rock, B.C. when you were on your last Canada Tour. You prayed that my family would find a church that we would all connect with. I’m happy to report that we have found one and that God is at work here. I’ve joined a ladies bible study group and we are fundraising to help a family in need. Their little daughter, Alivia has been battling a form of brain inflammation called Rasmussen’s Encephalitis which has resulted in many seizures. Tomorrow, Wed. June 19th, Alivia will be undergoing brain surgery at B.C. Children’s Hospital. It will be a 6-8 hour procedure to disconnect the left side of her brain. She’s been having so many seizures and this is the last resort for trying to control the disease. We need divine intervention! Would you please pray for Alivia and a positive outcome to this surgery? It would mean a lot to me. We know that with God anything is possible!
    Thank you so much.
    P.S. My husband and I are considering joining you on the Israel trip in November!

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