Monday, June 3, 2013


Suggested Reading: Ephesians 6

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


In ancient Ephesus, the Pollio Fountain was located to the south of the State Agora, across the Odeion. It was built in 97 A.D. by the rich Ephesian C.S. Pollio and his family. The water was brought to the fountains of Ephesus from three main sources through aqueducts and distributed from fountains by a branching system of baked clay pipes (note the pipe at the bottom of the picture, which is now at ground level). The water sources were Kencherios (42 km) at Kusadasi, Camlik village stream of Marnas (15 km), and the Cayster River (20 km). This was an example of excellent engineering. Water was free of charge by the city in the public fountains. This fountain has a high arch facing the temple of Domitian and is known to be decorated with a number of statues. One of these statues of Roman gods and goddesses is the Head of Zeus which is on display in the Ephesus Museum today. Please note the caption written below the second photograph.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Ephesians 6:10

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”

There was a very moving reading from Ephesians 6 during the funeral service of the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher (click here to hear her granddaughter read this most powerful Scripture). Our Executive Director of Crossroads U.S.A., Dr. Jerry Johnston, has written a book on spiritual warfare based on Ephesians 6. It is available for a donation to Crossroads of any amount (click here to order your personal copy). This message is so important that I strongly urge every blog reader to read this book. Dr. Johnston came to Canada’s Acadia University in Nova Scotia to study and receive a doctorate at the Divinity College there. His thesis had a very high sounding academic title. However, he summed it up for me with these words, “Why some clergy crash and burn!” “Spiritual Warfare” is real, and all of us need desperately to study and implement in our daily lives the principles Dr. Johnston teaches us.

Having assimilated (made part of ourselves) these powerful facts, let us then be channels of God’s power to win battles and eventually the war by preparing for battle every morning, or throughout the day as we make quality time available, in which we concentrate on God! How do we do this? “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all PERSEVERANCE AND SUPPLICATION!” (Ephesians 6:18).


Lord Jesus, You modelled for me “all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” Your intensity in prayer the night of Your arrest, when Your disciples fell asleep again and again, is truly my example of “being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication!” O, how far short of that I fall! The spiritual song I sing and pray with great fervency is as follows, “O to be like thee, blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art. Come in Thy sweetness. Come in Thy fullness. Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.” Amen!!!


My son-in-law, who preaches in the Arabic language all over the world on several satellite channels, Rev. Nizar Shaheen, has said to me over and over, “Be strong Dad!” Norma-Jean, if she is in hearing range, always adds the words of Ephesians 6: “…in the Lord and in the power of HIS MIGHT!” (verse 10). Then she preaches a little bit for my benefit. I need lots of reminders that It is only “HIS MIGHT” that makes me strong. It’s my job to make sure that I have the whole armour of God in place over my head, my heart, and my will. When I’m properly dressed for battle, then I’m absolutely confident that God is giving me “the power of His might.” I can wield “the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” with devastating effect against the lords of the underworld and the “wiles of the devil.” The hosts of the wicked one are no match! I am more than a conqueror!!! (Romans 8:37).

Following the reading of this final chapter of Ephesians and before we begin 1 Chronicles tomorrow, I would like you to join me in reading the story of the final meeting of Paul with the elders of the Ephesian Church (Acts 20:16-38). As I read this, I too am weeping freely as they did. I’m praying fervently for all who read my blogs!

Yours for becoming stronger each day “In the Lord and in the power of His might!” Amen!!!


Temple of Hadrian is one of the best preserved and most beautiful structures of ancient Ephesus. It was built before 138 A.D. by P. Quintilius and was dedicated to the Emperor Hadrian, who came to visit the city from Athens in 128 A.D. The facade of the temple has four Corinthian columns supporting a curved arch, in the middle of which is a relief of Tyche, goddess of victory. The side columns are square. Inside the temple above the door, a human figure, probably Medusa, stands with ornaments of acanthus leaves. 100 years after the death and resurrection of Christ, the religion of Rome was still the state religion. These and other gods and goddesses were the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places against which Paul said we fight! (Ephesians 6:12).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

43 thoughts on “Monday, June 3, 2013

  1. I believe it’s our fragile human nature which provokes us to want to do things in our way. We strive, we fight, we manipulate, we desire, we conquer. Yet what have we really accomplished? Yes, in worldly terms perhaps, but not in terms of what will be lasting unto eternal life. Christ came in order to teach us a better way of life lived through Him and through the power of His might. We as Christians now live the ‘surrendered’ life, allowing the Holy Spirit to live in and through us moment by moment and day by day. This doesn’t mean that we are perfect, but we are being made more perfect ‘in Him’ as we live life through Him, and by a living relationship with Him everyday. Prayer, scripture reading & study, witnessing, church attendance and fellowship with other Christians are several ways we can learn to live in Him and be in relationship with Him. I know this verse has been stated before, but I believe it’s worth stating again …

    Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”

  2. Such an emotional moment that good-bye must have been for Paul and the church elders, his brothers in Christ. “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” Acts 20:28

    I can’t really put the magnitude of Paul’s service into words, except to say he was Christ-like. God used Paul as an example for us to follow and strive to be like, by turning our lives over to Him. Anyone can begin, at any time, to understand the Truth in God’s word and become a follower. The more the Word sinks into us, the more the Holy Spirit does, too. Let us all be Christ centered, keeping our eyes on Jesus, and praying for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    As Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6: let us gird ourselves with the armor of God, to be strong in the Lord and his mighty power; to stand against the schemes of the devil. (10-11) Our struggle is against the rulers, authorities, powers of the dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (12) We stand firm and are ready from the gospel of peace (16) and take shield with our faith (17). We wear the helmet of salvation and bear the sword of the Spirit in the Word of God. (18)

    Nothing could be more clear!!! God bless you, fellow saints! Amen!

    P.S. Currently reading a copy of Christians & Demons by Dr. Jerry Johnston, and putting God’s armor on, with scriptural understanding.

  3. As we all have witnessed, there are extreme forms of thought in this world which have sought to advance, manipulate and control those whom have weakened or absent spirituality in Christ. This order particularly affronts those whom are of a rebellious and disorganized state of mind due to political or personal unrest. Margaret Thatchers grandaughter read with such conviction, from Ephesians 6, that which her nation was so inclined to hear and of what we too need to follow as a nation and in our personal lives. I pray for our discernment to recognize these principalities, and our Lords strength to help us to dawn all armour necessary to stand firm and strong throughout each day of our lives.

  4. I think we are at the halfway mark of this blog!!!! Wow this past year has passed quickly! I am looking forward to another full year. Thanks David.

    I am deeply touched tO read David is praying for us. Thank You!

  5. David, your blog was so moving this morning and the example of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane(olive press) and the words of the beloved Apostle Paul made me weep as well. Norma Jean’s emphasis on the words, “HIS MIGHT” I am going to remember. And thank you David for your fervent prayers for each one of us. All these things help us overcome the power of darkness. “Oh”, as the Apostle said in Ephesians 3:8…” the unsearchable riches of Christ.” God bless you all.

    • Praying for you Ger, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might”! He is sufficient. May the power of His Holy Spirit overflow you with peace and hope as you go through the surgery.


  6. Sometimes I think the metaphor of spiritual warfare is a bit misleading, since the war has already been won by Christ on the cross. I tend look at spiritual warfare at not fighting against something but standing up for something. For example when it comes to abortion I don’t look at it as fighting against the Pro Choice movement, I look at it as standing up for the rights of those who need protection the most, the unborn. The Lord has given us all we need to defend what He has already given us, to protect what is ours-

    • We can’t ever let our guard down; the principalities of darkness will always try to attack us when we are saved by Jesus and walking in the light; that is Satan’s goal. We rest assured in Christ with the ‘Armour of God’ as our steadfast protection–our helmet of salvation (Eph 6:17a); breastplate of righteousness (Eph 6:14b); sword of the Spirit–the Word of God (Eph 6:17b); belt of truth (Eph 6:14a); shield of faith (Eph 6:16); and Gospel of peace (Eph 6:15). (see p. 129, Christians & Demons, Armed & Anchored for Spiritual Warfare, Dr. Jerry Johnston.

      God bless you, sister Donna! 🙂

      • The enemy also likes it when he can distract Christians from God and have them focused on him. Even if you are spending time “fighting” and battling powers of darkness, you can give them too much attention. I am not saying they don’t exist, but I tend to look at them like germs in the physical world. You have to be aware of them, practice good hygiene, but if you get hyper sensitive to their existence, and spend all your energy trying to avoid germs you can go a bit nutty. But when you do get a bug, your immune system fights it off. And in the same with spiritual warfare can often lead some Christians away from God by focusing too much energy on dealing with someone God has already dealt with. Yet, if you do get attack then yes, you do need to know how to deal with it, but remember the Holy Spirit is like your spiritual immune system.
        But I will always maintain if you stay focus on God and what He is doing, which was what Paul was describing as weapons of warfare, and instead of worrying about what the devil might do, you will keep your sanity.
        I speak from experience, because before I knew the Lord I was heavily into the occult and dealt with darker powers a lot, so after my conversion I went down that spiritual warfare route only to find it was still giving them control over my life. They want your attention off Christ and on them, even when you are thinking you doing something good by “fighting” them.
        The truth is Satan is a defeated foe and only has limited resources unlike our Lord, so only those really vulnerable and weak in their faith, or those who are strong in their faith, are likely to get attack. If you are weak you will need protection and if you are strong, you will need to defense- and the rest of us need to be ready to help others do one or the other by prayer and intercession.

        • We are on the same side, Donna. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and spend a great deal of time, daily, reading the Bible and becoming more intimate with Jesus; and our faith in Him will grow ever stronger. That enables us to maintain our Christ-centered focus, which becomes our shield against getting sucked away by the devil, anyone or anything. There are indeed times when we are more susceptible to attack but as Christians we are always under attack.

          “Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one” (Eph 6:16)

          • David Mainse’ words just came to me: equal prayer time with equal bible study time.

          • Hi Donna and Beverlee Kay I agree with what you’re saying a verse came to my mind, 1Peter 5:8 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Our focus should be on Christ,the armor is there to protect us from the ruler of this world.

          • I see there is another Donna listed on these comments so I thought I better add another letter to my name as not to get us confused. Beverlee Kay thank you for comments, I will definitely take everything you said to heart.

  7. I have been reading Dr. Jerry’s book and putting on my ARMOUR each day before rising in the morning.

    Thank you fellow bloggers for your comments, and Pastor David for your prayers for us, as we pray for you.

    Remembering you tomorrow Ger as you prepare for surgery on Wed. The Lord bless you.

    • Catherine – I believe Ger has her surgery on Thursday. Refer back to Friday’s blog. And yes we will all be praying for you Ger!!!!

      • Agreed, Ruby. I remember Ger saying she would be preparing Wednesday for her surgery on Thursday. We will all indeed be praying for you, Ger! Amen!

  8. Another day of excellent comments fellow blog-buddies!!!

    I agree with Janice. It’s hard to believe that a year has already passed since we all began this journey with Pastor David Mainse. It has been truly amazing and I have learned a lot. I have read the Bible through a few times before, but this blog has brought it to life. The pictures are outstanding and I understand the scriptures so much better now. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

  9. Dear Rev. Mainse,

    I want to thank you wholeheartedly for being a faithful shepherd modelling our Lord Jesus through all your testimonies and in pastoring us with God

    • Sorry, I don’t know what happened that the comment was cut short. Here it is :

      Dear Rev. Mainse,
      I want to thank you wholeheartedly for being a faithful shepherd modelling our Lord Jesus through all your testimonies and in pastoring us with God

      • Again it happens!
        Ok. Instead of cut and paste, I’m typing it in. Sorry !

        Dear Rev. Mainse,
        I want to thank you wholeheartedly for being a faithful shepherd modelling our Lord Jesus through your testimonies and in pastoring us with God’s words in 100 Words Post. Your perseverance and sincerity had aligned our hearts with God. Thank you for the strong and sincere reminder of keeping watch over ourselves and all the flock God has assigned to us as overseers. Christ is in us! He will establish and finish His own work through us! It’s a true blessing to know that we have nothing to fear as He is in us! We just need to step aside and let Him live through us! May we be faithful as you, always humble ourselves in front of God, with all kinds of prayers, thanksgiving and supplications, so that we may always be God-fearing, have close fellowship with Him, and “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!” Amen!
        Thanks Rev. Mainse!

  10. My special thanks to you, as well, David Mainse and sons. I agree with fellow saints–hard to believe it began one year ago. I am on page with Ruby–this blog has brought the bible to life, like never before! It has been monumental! God has used you so profoundly to bring His Word to us and make it alive for so many individuals around the world, David Mainse. You are such a blessing to us, all, fine sir! What a faithful God we serve!

  11. Wow I can’t believe it has been 1 year today since I started this journey. I have never read the bible before and I sure have learned a lot this past year. Thank you David Mainse and your sons for all the hard work you put in to help others. Bless you.

  12. At this one year mark, thank you David for your faithfulness in walking us through the Word each day and allowing us to benefit from your many years of insight.
    May God richly bless and strengthen you each day, being sustained by His power and might.

  13. Yes David, Thank you so much for this blog I’ve not missed a day ,thankyou for your faithful work,may Good keep you strong….I’m also praying for you Ger.
    may your surgery be a success and may God give you complete healing, Amen.
    Also all you bloggers for you input it is so helpful in under standing the sciptures..R..

  14. May your prayer for His strength be answered in that superabundant, overflowing measureless bounty of our Lord. God has made you such a blessing to so many! Thank you for walking so closely with the Master, and encouraging us along the way. I pray that His Word may so come alive in your spirit that His touch will make you completely well again — for His glory, and the encouragement of all of us. We need that witness in these days!

  15. Hello fellow saints!
    Yes it was very moving to read Pual’s heart felt good by, and his warnings about spiritual warfare. I am totally aw struck by Paul at how he always told it like it was, never mincing words ,yet… he was gentle kind and so humble.I’m not sure
    of how to discribe him. He was both a lion with the heart of a lamb and he was
    a lamb with the heart of a lion. When I get to heaven I first want to meet God /Jesus then The Apostle Paul.

    Kim if your reading to days blogg …I want you to know I prayed for you …so….
    How was Saturdays reading? I trust God was with you and you did great!
    Ger, I , like so many others will keep you in my prayers xo

    Dido to the previous comments.
    May God bless each and every one of you .Have a wonderful afternoon and evening 🙂
    PS Hi David and Norma-Jean 🙂

  16. Thank you David M and fellow-bloggers for your comments. I gain so much from the Scripture reading and the comments. Ger my thoughts and prayers are with you for Thursday !!!!!! God Bless each one today!!!!

  17. Dear David M. and precious fellow bloggers
    Thank you thank you thank you for one truly incredible year of Gods daily Manna .
    When I think back that one of my greatest desire was to learn about the Bible having never had the oppurtunity to study it coming from Catholic denomination with parents that had sadly completely turned away from God and yet to be here today after a year among so strong followers and lovers of Jesus Christ brings me to tears of gratitude to our Heavenly Father for making all this possible .
    Being double amputee unable to read a book because I am restricted to a wheel chair with no capacity even to use my arms yet the Lord made sure by this virtual Bible to make full access to His Word .
    Will be ordering with great anticipation from crossroads estore This far by faith and Canada Heart and Soul documentery .
    Dear Ger keeping you in my prayers .
    Have a blessed day fellow saints. XXXX Carole.

  18. Thank you Pastor David for your faithfulness in doing this blog – always so uplifting. Thanks Donna for your blog – I agree with you totally. I love the book of Ephesians. One of the passages which continues to teach me a valuable lesson is verse 12 “we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood…….”A leader of our “prayer group” phoned me about the next meeting and she made a comment that hurt my feelings. Immediately the thought came “quit that prayer group”. I’m so thankful to God for convicting me through His Holy Spirit that anger was a sin and I asked His forgiveness. Minutes later my next door neighbor phoned while crying and needed to talk.. My testimony was similar to hers and I was able to share how Jesus is the answer to all our troubles and heartaches. I thank God for drawing her to Himself. Since then, I am more aware of the tactics of the enemy who is out to destroy Christians by causing divisions, especially in churches. Thanks to Reynold for the interesting pictures, also thanks to Ron for your reports from Oklahoma. I appreciate all the bloggers too.

  19. ONE WHOLE YEAR…..and so many blessings.

    I thank you Pastor David, Ron and Reynold (for the pictures.)

    Thank you fellow bloggers, I feel I have a new family of believers!!!

    These past two years have been very hard for me and my family, BUT our Lord and Saviour has given us miracles above and beyond what we deserve.
    As we continue to focus on HIM and wear our spiritual ARMOUR, we know we will “mount up on eagle wings”

    Can’t forget to thank you Norma-Jean for your devotion to The Lord in looking after David. Blessings to your whole family.

  20. Again like last night, I read all of your blogs and thank you Janet, Catherine, Ruby, Beverlee, Rosemarie, M an J, Colleen, Carole and others who had previously told me you were praying for me. I am overwhelmed by your love and this new family in my life. And thank you, David and sons for an incredible year in the Word and your prayers, teaching, photos, videos and your tremedous example of discipeship to our Lord. Also from this new fellowship of believers, I have learned and grown so much. Yes and we thank Norma Jean and her care of you, David. Thank you Beverlee, for looking after me and informing Ruby about my operation on Thursday, around 1pm(12pm in Ontario). God bless everyone.

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