Suggested Reading: Ephesians 3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Our photographer, my eldest son, opened his Bible to Ephesians and placed it on a door entrance to what was probably a Christian's home or place of business. The circle with the symbols secretly represented the Christian faith. The other dark circles were so that people would not slip when entering.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Ephesians 3:17-19
“That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
Just imagine the overcoming strength Paul has received from God. He is writing this from a prison in Rome. Paul takes on the principalities and powers which manifest themselves in Caesar, the ruler who claimed to be a god. Who is truly free, and who is the prisoner?
Paul’s prayer is not just for the believers at Ephesus, but for us too! To be filled with all the fullness of God means that we will be fuller than we were before when we were already full. How can this be? Our capacity for God living in us has expanded because of God answering Paul’s prayer! Let us keep topping up every day without fail! Here is a three-step plan for becoming more like Jesus: (1) Be strengthened with power through His Spirit, (2) Understand that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, and (3) Get a grasp on the fact that Christ loves us totally.
Father, I have bowed my knees to You earlier this morning, and I’ll do the same regularly. I am making Paul’s prayer mine, and praying it word for word. Your answer to this prayer is “Yes!” a thousand times “Yes!” I’m reading Ephesians 3:14-21 again and again. To You “be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
From my earliest days in public ministry I established a practise of spending as much time in prayer as I spent in preparation for ministry. Keeping a balance between head and heart is vitally important. When the 100 Huntley Street daily telecast began June 15th, 1977, I knew that I was not to go on air unless I had spent at a minimum the same amount of time in prayer as I would spend on TV. I believe the Lord clearly showed me that failure to do this would result in my own thoughts being expressed and not His thoughts. I suggest we read Isaiah 55:6-13. How does one get wet when it’s raining? Just go out in the rain with the umbrella down. How does one get soaked in God’s thoughts? Through much prayer and the reading of God’s Word. His Word is His thought!
I’m blessed beyond measure by doing this blog daily. This morning I awoke, looked at my watch, and I thought it said 4:00 a.m. I said, “Thank You Lord Jesus, You’ve awakened me right on time as You said You would.” However, as I turned on the light in the next room, I realized it was only 3 a.m. I have had an extra hour this morning to spend soaking in the presence of Christ. Could it be that the church councils, which convened in Ephesus in the building pictured below, would have more harmoniously arrived at the truth contained in the creeds with an hour more than usual in prayer and in the Word each morning?
Yours for learning how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

The Church of Mary in Ephesus, built around 200 AD, is a church of great historical significance. It is also known as the Double Church, because it is thought one aisle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the other to St. John. It has also been referred to as the Council Church, because the Council of Ephesus is believed to have been held here. It is the first church to take Mary's name and the site of two important ecumenical councils in 431 and 449, in which the natures of Christ and Mary were hotly disputed.
Paul was so very blessed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It has always amazed me at how Paul could so easily praise God despite his numerous trials and tribulations. Here we see Paul in prison of all places, writing to assure Christians of their security in Christ. Paul’s heart was steadfast in the Lord, he didn’t waver a bit, he knew who his Saviour was and he would celebrate Him and not be moved. Paul’s words can be so encouraging to us all; I love this scripture written by Paul which reflects his steadfastness : Philippians 4:11b-12 “…I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret in being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.”
Thank you David , Scott and Renold for your wonderful pictures
Lianne Hogg
Brilliant message, David Mainse! We get wet by standing directly in the rain, and letting it pour down on us. We get soaked in God’s thoughts, which is His Word, by praying and reading the Holy Bible in equal proportions of time, each day. The more we do this, the more God sinks into us, and we crave more of the same! I love the rain and I love God!
Praise God that Paul revealed the mystery of His will, which he spoke of in Ephesians 1, and which are outlined in your three steps, David–thank you!. Let His Spirit empower us. Know that Christ dwells in our hearts by our faith. Be assured that we are loved beyond measure by Christ, our Lord and Saviour–God’s gift to us!
I love Paul’s humbleness; self-assurance in knowing his purpose is to bring forward God’s message, revealed to him by Him; and peace from the Spirit that gives him strength to testify from prison, for the purpose of glorifying God!
I love Isaiah 55:6-13, especially 12: “For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Amen!
Bowing down on my hands and knees to you, Heavenly Father, and giving you thanks, praise and all the glory! It’s all about You!
Be blessed, at peace, free from pain, and full of God’s love, today, fellow saints!
Paul was struck with a different kind of conviction as he wrote within prison walls! Our walls can be equally as confining, if it were not for the freedom we have in Christ Jesus! What difference it makes when our eyes are closed and we turn to focus on prayer instead of worry. To pray for such matters we have no control of and put these into the hands of Christ, restores balance and focus into our daily lives. Thank you Lord for helping us to know and serve you more as we progress through our daily scripture readings and prayer along this journey with Reverend David Mainse 100 Words. Have a great day to all “blogging buddies!”
Amen, David!
Amen David!
Many years ago, the church I attended, often emphasized that certain things (i.e. promises, laws, blessings) were for the Jews and not for us. Now that’s a long time ago. Somehow ovr the years I came to understand that that is not so. Today’s reading surely reveals that. I believe that preaching that comes directly from scripture and not from “interesting” stories alone would bring ALL ages of people to God’s truth more quickly and profoundly. Thanks all. God bless each and every one of you.
So true, Doreen!
I am particularily drawn to the passage in today’s study stating that “God’s intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities of the heavenly realm, according to His eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus, Our Lord”. This seems to me to be an unspeakable priviledge. That through the preaching of the Gospel, the Angels, Demons, Principalities and Powers were made aware of the Mystery of God and his plans for humanity through Christ Jesus Our Lord. How the Angels must have rejoiced, how the Demon must have gnashed their teeth when the truth was told. May God give strenght to His Church to continue to preach the Gospel and may the heaven’s rejoice!
David this great website that you have 1OO words I was looking throught
it I find it inrested has I was reading it
Thank you David M. for another excellent blog.I love the word picture of the rain & getting soaked.
Thank you Reynold for another photo that includes the Bible in it. I find these most special.
Thank you all for your words that are so clear God’s word made infinitly
clear should I say,Like rain washing over me P.T.L. What a Savior……R…
The love of God swept over me and I wept at my computer as I read God’s Word, your blog, David and those of my fellow bloggers this morning. I was called about an hour ago about my operation date: admitted Wednesday of next week and operation on Thursday, June 6th in St. John. The Lord reassured me through tears that He is going to be with me, and I love the Apostle Paul’s words and that link, David; Isaiah 55:6-13…”You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace. ” Thank you for all of your concern and Catherine, my Christian sister Catherine(Kathy) is going to be with me in the hospital. I am going to miss this blog for a few days I expect. This is the second time I am writing this as the necessary information above somehow disappeared. God bless you all today. I love you in the Lord.
God Bless you, Ger!
You will also be in my prayers Ger, and just remember fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real– I hope that helps.
Calendar will be marked and prayers ongoing Ger for June 6th.
Bless you sister and your Christian sister Catherine (Kathy) . Our Saviour and Lord will be right here with you, as we pray for the surgeons and all those who will minister to you.
We love you and can’t wait to see your name on our blog soon. Love in Jesus. Catherine your blog sister
God bless you, and keep you, sister Ger! We will all be praying for you and be reassured the Spirit of our Lord, Jesus Christ, will be with you!
Dear Ger, l’m writing down June 6th for prayer for you on my calendar Christ is in you, and he has promised to never leave or forsake you, so you will not be going through this alone.He loves us with an everlasting love and his mercies are new every morning. l’m still hoping for a miracle of healing for you, there’s still time. Hi David, you are really setting the bar high, getting up at 3am! l know it was a mistake,as you thought it was 4 am, still a crazy time. in my mind, but hearing how God blessed your sox off, l guess l’d have missed that blessing as l know l’d have bolted back into bed for some more zzzzs Have a great and joyful day everyone!
Dear David M and precious fellow bloggers
For the past three days I was sadly to late to be able to reply to your wonderful comments. But was so grateful for your inspiration on Gods precious Word.
I am also making sure to direct my prayers on Thuesday the 6th of June for you Ger.
Psalm 91: 4
He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge. In Jesus name Amen and Amen .
Happy belated birthday to Ron M. and his sweet little Jadice.
PS :
Little favour from all of you , may you please add my dear friend and caregiver Marcia in your prayers. She just had major surgery this morning.
God bless you all.
XXXX Carole.
Will gladly add Marcia to my prayers. The Lord bless and hold you close.
My prayers are withyou Ger and also with marcia ,May the Lord bless you both.
Thank you so much precious blogging sisters for your prayers. Tears fell from my eyes again as I read your blogs although it is a bit late writing this I hope all of you see it. It has been a busy day outside preparing to leave, informing people and getting help. David, you have always assured us that you are praying for us so I appreciate your prayers too. Oh, the wonderful plan of God that you should lead this blog, David and we as your readers should come together too and support each other through difficulties and pray for you at this time. Will also pray for Marcia, Carole. God bless you everyone.