Monday, April 1, 2013


Suggested Reading: 1 Samuel 28-29

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Masada is an ancient fortification on top of an isolated rock plateau on the eastern edge of the Judean Desert, overlooking the Dead Sea. Herod the Great built a palace for himself on the mountain and fortified Masada between 37 and 31 BC. According to Josephus, the siege of Masada by troops of the Roman Empire ended in the mass suicide of the 960 Jewish rebels and their families holed up there (approximately 73 AD).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 1 Samuel 28:6

And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by the prophets.

Our key verse underlines the fact that God does speak to people. In Saul’s case God chose not to speak to him in a dream (we can mess it up because we must decide what it means, if anything). The Urim was a method, not unlike flipping a coin and believing that God would choose heads or tails. The prophets, both true and false, were silent. The medium, often called the witch of Endor, was dumbfounded that Samuel would appear. Obviously she faked it at other times, as I believe is the case with mediums today. God had a purpose here. If we look to someone claiming to be a prophet, we must recognize that their words are often unreliable because of the human element, and even if the prophet is a man or woman of God, we still must interpret for our needs what he or she has said. This is why God gave us the Holy Scriptures and the historical understanding of their meanings. We can have confidence that the Holy Spirit gave oversight to what was written down in our Bibles, and also gave oversight to the Rabbis and early church leaders as to what writings were to be included in our Bibles. The Apostle John, who loved Jesus with all his heart, and who, I’m sure, would record Jesus’ words accurately, quotes Jesus in John 16:13, “When He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all truth.” The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, was given on the birthday of the Church (Acts 2:1-13). The Apostle Paul was not present at the initial coming of God’s Spirit upon the 120, but be assured that when Paul became a believer and received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit, as Jesus said, guided him into all truth. He had the finest education available in the Hebrew Scriptures. His writings are filled with quotes from his Bible, what we call now the Old Testament, and with understanding of the correct revelation of God in the Living Word, our Lord Jesus. Hebrews 1:1-3 sums up the absolute truth that we love and serve a God who is communicating with us.


Lord, I am totally confident that You do speak to me through Your Word and by Your Spirit. Holy Spirit, please continue to guide me into all Truth as Jesus promised You would. Help me to know when You speak metaphorically and when You speak literally. I choose to believe with all my heart that the Bible is Your Word. You have expressed Your thoughts, and because You are God, You have given oversight to the content of Your book. As David prayed so I pray, “Teach me thy Word, O God.” In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!


The 10-hour mini-series production “The Bible” has just concluded and was watched by multiplied millions of people. Seeds have been planted in the hearts of many people who likely know very little about the Bible and the fact that God has actually spoken to us through His written Word. I’m deeply concerned that we all get it right when it comes to God speaking to us. The Apostle Peter had this same concern (I’ve just taken the time to read all of Peter’s 2nd and last recorded teaching). Peter, to whom Jesus gave instructions to “feed my sheep,” does just that. In 1 Peter 1:15-21, we read that we “have the prophetic word made more sure,” and that, “no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation.” Over the centuries, the private interpretation of Scripture has resulted in all kinds of cults, in self-deceived people who lead others astray. The opposite to “private” is “public.” Publicly throughout the centuries, the doctrines of our faith have been defined and published. The Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, the writings of the early Church teachers, such as Augustine and others, the writings of the reformers, and yes, dare I say it, the teachings of hundreds of men and women of God who have appeared on the 100 Huntley Street and Crossroads telecasts over the past 50 plus years, who are as Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:14-19…”Rightly dividing the word of truth.” He even names two men who were at that very time perverting the truth because of their vanity. I’ve just read once again Paul’s warnings. He recognized that false teachings “spread like cancer.”

Yours for being careful — very, very careful — to stick close to the historical understanding of God’s Word, the Bible (I’ve also just read 2 Timothy 3:1-5),


P.S. Perhaps you can tell that I’m deeply concerned about a drift, sometimes without our knowing, away from the “faith once delivered” (Jude, verses 3-4). Please look up these words and remain faithful to and “contend (do battle) for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Please forgive me for being very much over my “100 Words” goal. The reason for more words is my deep concern that God’s children may be deceived in a major way as seems to happen at least once each century. Prime Minister Gladstone of Britain, when Canada negotiated its separation from direct British rule without war, wrote a book called, “The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture.” I believe this very wise man, with whom our Canadian representatives negotiated, got it right. Amen!!!!!

In front of the Crossroads Centre, which houses the ministry of Crossroads and the TV station, CTS, we placed a large Rock, symbolizing the Solid Rock of Christ and His Word.

16 thoughts on “Monday, April 1, 2013

  1. 2 Timothy 2:15a “Study to show thyself approved unto God …”
    I think that about says it all right there! People don’t generally study the scriptures, they want their religion ‘instant’ and compartmentalized, with a good dose of entertainment. I’m generalizing of course, but I think I’m stating something of a truth as it relates to modern society, at least as I see it. Study will eliminate heresy easily, comparing scripture with scripture, looking at what the great theological minds of history had to say on various issues and so forth. The problem is that study and analysis takes effort, so cults and heresies will unfortunately flourish until the Lord comes. The Bible is The Word of God. We as His children have a responsibility and an obligation to know it and to follow what it says, to soak it in and to let the Holy Spirit guide our ways. Study to show thyself approved unto God.

  2. Dear David Mainse,

    Thank you very much for your blog of April 1st which I just finished reading. I believe that I was one of the people you had concern for in terms of being mislead from the truth of the Scriptures. Thank you for your warning. It was timely and much appreciated. I have been struggling with some New Age teachings and felt very conflicted. My mind is now focused again on Biblical truth. I enjoy you blog every single day. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it each morning. You are a great blessing to me.

  3. Dear David Mainse,

    Thank you very much for your blog of April 1st which I just finished reading. I believe that I was one of the people you had concern for in terms of being misled from the truth of the Scriptures. Thank you for your warning. It was timely and much appreciated. I have been struggling with some New Age teachings and felt very conflicted. My mind is now focused again on Biblical truth. I enjoy your blog every single day. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it each morning. You are a great blessing to me.

  4. David, as you pointed out in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “Perilous Times and Perilous Men,” there is an impetus in some to let their need to be in control, conflict with surrender to Gods word and truth, as revealed by the Holy Spirit, summarized in creeds. We need to be cautious of those whom are egocentric and will thus conform scripture to their need for power and control. Your timely warning is necessary to those of us whom are susceptible to gullibility and an express need for “feel good” answers from those whom take pleasure in deception. Thank God for granting each of us the ability to discern which is of Christ and which is of man. To all fellow bloggers, enjoy this beautiful spring day! Thank you, David.

  5. Well said fellow bloggers. We need to arm ourselves daily in THE WORD and PRAYER and this blog helps start our day in the battle before us with God as our commander.

    This is the day The Lord had made…let us rejoice in it and be glad seeking His discernment in all things.

  6. Hi David

    Thank you again for your teaching and concern about deceptions— it happens very, very, eazy even with most elect–scriptures say,s.
    In mine serch for a TRUTH ,i was also deceived many times —BUT by the GRACE OF GOD I ask–seek–and knock– in Mt — and was searching scriptures as Bereans did daily to see if things are so .

    PTL HE did show me a TRUTH as JESUS said



    In agrement with above responses

    Zeljko — runung the race –to finish well for — HIS GLORY


  7. Hi David, Thank you for prompting us to pray to be kept in the truth, and to recognize error. l am so grateful for the fact that we have the gift of the very presence of God living within us, having Holy Spirit guide and teach us. When we are born again by the Spirit of God,it’s wonderful that he gives us that check in our spirit when something is not right, and l’m learning to recognize that uneasy feeling like alarm bells going off Some time ago we were invited to a service where it was being taught that everyone in the world is saved so there is no need for evangelism. We saw many people get up and leave, while one man stood up and publicly said he thought this was false teaching. We stayed until the end and tried to reason truth with them but they were absolutely convinced that they had received this revelation. They seemed very sincere but were totally taken over by error and the sad part is, they were trying to spread this false teaching through getting to leaders of the churches.We certainly need to cover this in prayer.

  8. It’s such a beautiful gift you are offering all of us with this Blog,going through the Bible with you in these 2 years. None of us should fall into deception if we stay close to the Lord and in his Word, thank you once again David.

  9. Thank you David, for all those Scriptures we can use as sure guidelines to truth. May we, like you be very diligent to know what is truth.
    John ( Oldfeller ) Andrews, Deacon of the Aylesford Baptist Church, Aylesford, N.S. I am a servant under Pastor Clyde Lowe who has pastored since 1995. I remember being on stage with you nearly ten years ago at a Pro Life rally in Kentville. You were the guest speaker, and i remember you delivered a great message that night. Thanks again for your faithfulness in 100 Words “or so”.

  10. We can not go a stray keep reading scripture and the promting of the Holy
    Spirit keeps us on the striaght and narrow,. that is why this blog is so
    helpful what with all the added scripture David M. adds in this blog these
    references are so helpful PTL for a good teacher Amen God bless you all R.

  11. Thank you for your concern, David and the mutual concern of fellow bloggers. I am discerning this as well; in fact James Robinson was speaking about this very thing today as well. In this quick fix age, study takes time and is hard work. Thank you David for the example you are setting to study and appreciate God’s Word. I pray that the Lord will help us to share it with others wherever we go and help us to faithfully defend the faith. There is reason to be concerned. God bless you and my fellow bloggers today.

  12. I too echo what others have said today in thanking you David for your willingness to be use by God in sharing His Truth to others. Thank my fellow blogger for their comments. Today’s blog was timely for me as well.

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