Sunday, March 3, 2013


Suggested Reading: 2 Corinthians 1

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Goreme, Turkey, is located in ancient Asia Minor. In Goreme you will find spectacular 10th- and 11th-century cave churches. There are hundreds of churches cut into the rock. This one is among the most elaborate.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 1:8, 11

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life…. you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many.

Between writing these two letters to the believers in Corinth, Paul spent time in Asia Minor, a Roman province now known as Turkey. There he suffered much persecution as a result of his bold witness for Christ. He had spent at least three years in Corinth, establishing the Church. This very strong Apostle showed himself to also be very human. His need for the fellowship of those to whom he felt close is evident. He uses the word “comfort” six times, and the word “consolation” five times. As followers of Christ, we need each other so very much. I’ve chosen two key verses for today. They reveal Paul’s heart. He felt he could share his burdens and even his despair. He knew his Corinthian friends were praying for him and also supporting him so that he could spend full time preaching and teaching without stopping to make tents, as he had done when he planted the Church in Corinth. Other words which stand out are “faithful,” “promises,” “sealed” (denotes security), and “deposit” (indicates that the entire amount is to come). Paul is encouraged by the progress of the Church.


Lord Jesus, You are building Your Church. Grant, I pray, a gift of optimism to me concerning Your Church worldwide, as well as in my home church. Thank You that there are people who care about me and pray for me, as did the Corinthian people about Paul. Amen! As 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, “Yes and in Him, Amen!”


I’m so very thankful for the notes I receive from you who read my blog. I’m greatly encouraged by you. I receive a call each week from the prayer co-ordinator in my local Church, so she can report in the bulletin on my health, and so people can pray for me. Norma-Jean and I have moved in the last two weeks into a small apartment. It makes sense at our age and considering my diagnosis. For many years we lived and worked on the farm where she was born. We sold that, having convinced ourselves that it was too much work at 67 & 64 years old. We moved to a smaller place, but still there was lots of work to do. Our arrangement was that Norma-Jean was in charge of the inside, and I was in charge of the outside, both at the farm and later, at our house. Now with an apartment, there are no outside things to be in charge of. I can relax in the knowledge that my wife is in charge of everything. There’s humour here, and I’m enjoying every minute of it! No snow to shovel, no grass to cut, no walls to paint. This blog, which I plan to do outside on the balcony when it warms up, God willing, is my outside work. I love it! As I look out the window, there must be a foot of wet heavy snow down there. My Dad, out shovelling snow at my age, sat down on the stairs, had a heart seizure, and left for Heaven, with his boots still on. I don’t find that story sad. He would’ve wanted to go that way rather than in bed. He was an optimistic man who knew his life was in God’s hands and timing. I’ve already lived two months longer than Dad, and without snow to shovel, and considering that I may be the most prayed for man in Canada, I’m confident of God’s healing and sustaining power for some time to come. Amen!

Yours for the comfort and consolation we have in Christ,


The early Christians escaped from the persecution of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century and upon finding the underground cities in Cappadocia, they settled there (Modern Central Turkey). The gates were made in such a way in which they couldn't be easily observed. Because they lived in the underground cities for long durations without being able to go to the surface, they developed provisions rooms, ventilation chimneys, wine production places, churches, abbeys, water wells, toilets and meeting rooms.

26 thoughts on “Sunday, March 3, 2013

  1. You were always one to take action when action was needed! Your living arrangements sound ideal now, although I’m sure it is a transition to adjust to. I hope you have a nice view and will enjoy doing your blog outdoors, thanks to WiFi. Enjoy sevice today, to all!

  2. You certainly are the most prayed for man in Canada, David Mainse! I was praying on my knees at 5:00 am, this morning, for you, as I know many others were. We all love you very much! So happy you no longer need to shovel snow and will enjoy your blog work on the balcony in summer days, to come!

    It is wonderful to see Paul and the love for Jesus grow, throughout his letters to the people of Corinth, and to watch them assimilate, come to nurture and love him and our Lord. Thank you for serving us the same way with your ministry of Crossroads, 100 Huntley Street, 360 and currently, this blog, David. We are so blessed!

    Wishing fellow saints a special day, in the Lord!

  3. David in my apartment I don’t have to shovel snow either. I read of person dying in the bible who wanted to die with his staff by his side (or something else) but never new why. Thank you for your blog and I appreciate your daily personal words. as every one at Chrossroads ministry who help. What is your great granddaughters name I forgot?
    God bless you and your families
    Lianne Hogg

  4. I find you a remarkable role model. It’s quite poignant that throughout illness, adversity etc….you still “minister” to many. I am hoping you will have much time to write your blogs in your new apartment. Like you, I would like to die with “my boots on”. Your life is proof to many that the work is never done. I am sure there are many days when you do not “feel” like writing and sharing, however
    it is that much more meaningful that you do. Thank you!

  5. So blessed by your blog David! Your great faith,your positive attitude,your loyalty to the cause of Christ,your dedication to your family and( its getting bigger), your wisdom and great memory for details in the ministry throughout the years , and your humility and servant’s heart all are such indicators of the power of God working in and through you .. Keep shining and enjoy your condo living!!! Praying for you and Norma Jean
    Have a great Lord’s day!

  6. It’s interesting that you mention moving into an apartment, David as that is what I was thinking yesterday when I had to shovel a big pile of snow when I have heart trouble, plus rake it off my roofs and then get rid of it. It’s only the Grace and Protection of God that I have been able to do that. In two weeks, I am having a dye test in St. John on my heart. When I was shovelling, I was thinking of you and Norma Jean and all the moves you have made not knowing about the latest one. It’s hard to leave the homestead but something has to be done here or move out. Please pray for wisdom and guidance. Sorr y for the personal note but it is life and death issue for me. I am so glad for you and Norma Jean that you are in a comfy abode and you can rest and we do care about you and pray for you. God bless your day!

  7. Hi David, How happy we are to know that you have been relieved of all those outdoor chores! We just know that you will find many ways to help Norma Jean in the apartment, how about hanging some curtains for her now and again! Ha! Ha! Wonderful photos today! How great is it to realize that we are SEALED by the Holy Spirit, and kept for God! WOW! l always try to call Holy Spirit,he, as he is not an it as he is so often referred to. He is our marvelous comforter and best friend along with Jesus and Father God. Let’s honour him!

  8. An early Christian Church Father by the name of Tertullian once wrote “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church”. There’s great truth in this statement, although I believe the actual foundation of the Church is that of Jesus Christ Himself. When I think of the sacrifices that Christians such as Paul went through so we today may know and believe on Jesus, even to the point of going underground as these pictures reflect, it’s truly amazing; and yes, even unto death. Yet God was with these early believers and His gospel spread throughout the world. Today in the modern west, we truly do live in an era of grace, God has been so very good to us in allowing us freedom of speech and the ability to gather to worship and practice our faith. I pray that God continues in His precious grace towards us and that we never take our freedoms for granted.

  9. Thank you for all your years you have inspired us
    as a family. Once again I went right to my laptop to read your
    blog today. I know our Lord Jesus has you and yours in the palm
    of His hand. I was just reminded the other day of my famourite
    verse: We have to trust in His judgment and His plan for our
    lives and the Lord doesn’t allow us more than we handle.

    We Pray for you and yours always.

  10. My husband’s birthday today – he’s 80 (3-3-1933)! We moved to condo 9 years ago. I’m just starting my 74th year. We love apartment life. I am diabetic and my readings have suddenly soared. (I am so carefull about my health. Won’t have any of Ross’ birthday cake (that the church is preparing for him. But my day is so much brigher because I know this blog will be waiting for me. We do pray for you both regularly. God bless you abundantly. We love you.

  11. Dear David and Norma – Jean ,
    Both me and my very precious care giver and friend wish both of you well deserved peace and comfort in your new surroundings .
    May the Love of Christ ,Power of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of our Father carry you through. Amen.

    PS. Wanted to mention to both of you and all our dear fellow bloggers not to forget tonight on History channel from 8 pm. to 10 pm. for the next coming Sundays until Ester entitled : THE BIBLE.

  12. Hi David, I like the way you use to get close to the most ordinary of man like me and make the way of the word understandable, thank you and may the Lord bless you , Max and Bernie

  13. David, giving up outside work is not bad – it’s good! Now you have more time to pray and prepare your daily blog which is blessing us all so wonderfully. Keep up the good work and God bless.

  14. David,
    Thank you for this blog. You are such an inspiration , even in your weakened body. My husband Phil and myself have been your partners since the beginning of 100 Huntley Street. We appreciate your integrity so much. What can I say about your beautiful wife, Norma Jean ! I have had the pleasure of meeting her on a couple of occasions and she always makes one feel as if you are her long lost friend. God bless you both and give you more years to serve Him together.

  15. I appreciate your blog each day, and try to never miss if at all possible. Your sharing is very meaningful to me, and your transparency is a real blessing to me. May our Lord, the One who heals,do that for you. I do pray that for you, and trust The Lord to give you many more years to serve Him. You are needed!

  16. As I was reading todays Scripture chapter, verse 12 reminded me of you David ~ “We can say with confidence and a clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God’s grace, not our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially you.”
    At going on 72, I too, now live in an apartment. I can’t say I miss the snow shoveling and other outside ‘chores’. but found the downsizing regarding possessions was the greatest challenge, as I’m sure you & Norma-Jean have discovered. It is freeing to be ‘traveling’ lighter. 🙂 May there be still lots of sand in that hourglass for you & Norma-Jean to enjoy your new home.
    Keeping you in prayer…..

  17. Hello David, My wife and I are considering moving… we are roughly your ages 77 and 75. Never though it would be so difficult… it’s interesting though, we have had a chance to count our blessings! I enjoy your outside work! Blessings, John T Edmonton, AB

  18. It’s most interesting to read about your move to a condo, David and Norma Jean. I’ve had that in mind for some time now and maybe all the positive things I’ve read today about the extra time saved when living in a smaller space will get us motivated to do likewise. I hardly know where to begin! We will continue to look forward to reading your daily blog. Blessings to both of you as you continue to bless others. Now it’s time to watch the History channel to see the first episode of “The Bible.”

  19. You are in our prayers David and for Norma Jean. Your blog is so very much appreciated, we are thankful that you are able to do it with the help of your son. The pictures are wonderful, we would not be able to see such places were it not for your blog.
    May God bless you and comfort you .

  20. Dear David & Norma Jean
    We are so happy to hear that you are now settled into your new apartment overlooking the water. We are thrilled that you can enjoy the atmosphere of the white fluffy stuff without having to be outside shoveling it. For sure, your memory of your father is an endearing one and it was nice to be included in that memory. We all miss your smile here at Bonny Shores and we pray each day for both of you. God is so aware of you and your needs and how you are touching so many other lives with your ‘everyday’ talks with God. Keep up the good work. You continue to be an inspiration to the rest of us.

  21. It was a beautiful sunny day here on beautiful Vancouver Island. I look forward to the programs on 100 Huntley Street. I watch them at night and read your blog before going to bed. Thank you again for your faithfullness to the task that God has laid on your heart. I too just watched “The Bible” first part. Looking forward to part 2 next Sunday. May God continue to bless you and your family. I feel liker part of your family. I have seen you all more often than my own flesh and blood. Thank you again.

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