Suggested Reading: Romans 13
(click scripture link to read online)

The Temple of Hephaestus, also known as the Hephaisteion, or earlier as the Theseion, is a well-preserved Greek temple; it remains standing largely as built. The temple was officially inaugurated in 416-415 BC. It is a Doric peripteral temple, and is located at the north-west side of the Agora of Athens, on top of the Agoraios Kolonos hill. From the 7th century until 1834, it served as the Greek Orthodox church of St. George Akamates.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 13:8
Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Not only does Paul not advocate the overthrow of the government, he actually tells us to be a good subject. Caesar, the Emperor, was the focus of the official religion. Social concerns such as human rights were unheard of. Paul was following the Lord Jesus, who said when asked about paying taxes, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s…” (Matthew 22:21a). The state and man’s religion have gone hand-in-hand throughout most of human history. Imposing buildings, such as the one pictured above, have been created to impress the people with the authority of the state and the state religion. Those early believers in Jesus were meeting in their homes, not in magnificent temples. Paul taught that their power was in “Love”, not in revolution or in political activism. Loving is not an option for the follower of Christ. It is a debt that we must pay. No wonder thousands of Jews, Greeks, and Romans believed in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Amen!
Lord Jesus, please remind me daily of my debt of love. It’s payback time. You have loved me and I need to love You and others in return. Please show me the practical ways to express love today. I pray this, dear Jesus, expecting Your Holy Spirit to motivate me. Amen!
I have a grandson-in-law who is a Toronto police officer. I pray hard for his safety each morning. He is responsible for 3 of my 7 great-grandchildren. The other day, he and his partner made a major drug bust. We could agree that he was acting, as Paul wrote, “as God’s minister to you for good” (Romans 13:4a). But what was my attitude when I was stopped for speeding? Not quite so positive. I asked forgiveness from the Lord, and I’m actually trying to obey the authority.
I received an e-mail recently which is a positive example of one way to influence government decisions. It was from Pastor Wally Magdangal, who was reflecting on our past involvement with him. It was in 1992, the day before Christmas, that I received a fax from Amnesty International that Pastor Magdangal was about to be executed by the Saudi authorities for the crime of baptizing Muslims into the Christian faith. While we were live on air, I was able to reach, by telephone, the Saudi Ambassador at his embassy in Ottawa. I read the fax on national television and, of course, he denied that his country would do any such thing. Thank God, the pastor was released on Christmas Eve and was on a flight back to his home in the Philippines Christmas Day. Here’s a quote from Wally’s recent e-mail. “You appealed for my life and freedom back in December of 1992. I am alive today and serving THE LORD JESUS CHRIST because of Christians like you who prayed for me and advocated for my release from the death sentence in Saudi Arabia.” All who gave financially to pay for the TV airtime, and even the long distance phone call, have a part in Wally’s release. Most days my “do what is good” is a little, unnoticed thing; but God takes notice, and that’s what counts.
Yours for loving one another,
P.S. In yesterday’s blog I mentioned that something special happened to me one year ago today. Following a week of fasting and prayer, which ended with the Sunday evening service, I went to sleep as usual. At exactly 4 a.m. Monday I was awakened abruptly. I know that the Lord downloaded His call to do this blog. It happened again the same way two months later. On the digital clock it read “4:00 a.m.” … the Lord was reconfirming to me the start date of Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 (you can click here to find out more details from the “About 100 Words” section of my blog).
1 Corinthians 13:2 “If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.” (NLT)
Whoever does not love
does not know God,
God is love.
1 John 4:8
Hi David
Reading your daily Blog is mine new daily discipline and I am very thankfull for that. I share your message with friends .
After last night church service it was very special– anointed — Holly Spirit was there, and touching people lives. After service your,s and our new friends from Braeside, Max and Betty, come to our place here in the park had coffe and cake
and we were re reading your blogs. It touched our lives again .
Thank you and may God Bless you and family
It was good to see you in the church last night
Your brother in Christ by His AMAZING GRACE
PS Hope to see you in the Chapel Tuesday
It was great to go back and read of your blog beginning David….and all the comments by readers in response. Thank you for adding this link this morning.
Thank you again for your obedience and faithfulness to the Lord’s call in doing this daily blog. It is such an important part of my day, and going through the Bible in this manner and under your guidance. The photo’s and your personal stories add to the pleasure. I usually read, then go away and think upon what you have said, and then come back and reread everything again later in the day. Blessings!
Lianne Hogg
Hi David, We have a scripture shower this morning, as l also received a clear reminder of the Love of God, John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Thank you Father.
I have been following u for months I look forward To reading it to start my day right.
Like u my son was with Toronto police for thirty one years.
U do a lot of praying..I found. If a police officer was down they never gave his age or div so u would pray for this day when I wake I pray for children grandchildren in laws that is the way I close my day praising God for what he has done for my family and myself and friends
My son is a retired Toronto police officer Detective Sargent
Love joeann
“Loving is not an option for the follower of Christ. It is a debt that we must pay.”
David Mainse
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” Apostle Paul, Rom 13:9-10
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Gospel of Matthew, Mt. 5:44
Thankyou, for the “scripture shower” Roman 5:5-11 and Duet.6:1-9!!
God’s Word is a treasure house of Truth!!!
What is a scripture shower?
I have never heard that term before.
Scripture shared as drops of rain.
Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith
that saves is faith in Him.
Amen, Amen & Amen!!!
Thank u for being so obedient and for sharing your thoughts and this blog.