Suggested Reading: Romans 12
(click scripture link to read online)

The Pantheon (from Greek meaning “all gods”) is a building in Rome which was originally built in 27 BC as a temple to the seven deities of the seven planets in the state religion of Ancient Rome. It is the best preserved of all Roman buildings, and perhaps the best preserved building of its age in the world. It has been in continuous use throughout its history. Since the 7th century, the Pantheon has been used as a Christian church.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
“Beseech”… We are strongly urged to make a 100% do-or-die commitment to God. Paul did this. He practiced what he preached. The daily discipline of participating with me in this blog is a renewing of our minds. We are being exhorted here in chapter 12 to a very practical Christianity. Here is the way to get along well with others. Here is the recognition of the spiritual gifts that we receive from God. No believer is left out. We can find our place here. Let us take time right now to consider our position in this list. Are we using these gifts which differ “according to the grace given unto us”? If not, why not? By exercising our gifts every day, we will, with absolute certainty, “overcome evil with good.” AMEN!
Lord Jesus, our reading for today is a perfect example of how You lived Your life while functioning as a Human Being here on earth. You never used Your Divine Essence to lift Yourself above the struggles common to mankind. I give myself anew right now to Your life within me. I ask for an increased measure of faith and grace to live minute by minute as a person who is becoming more like You. In Your all-powerful Name I pray, AMEN!
Something truly life-changing happened to me a year ago this week. I plan to tell all about it in tomorrow’s blog. It came directly out of a week of fasting and prayer led by our Pastor, Rev. Wayne Blackburn, here in Lakeland, Florida, where Norma-Jean and I are just now. We have a mobile home in a Senior’s Park and the weather is absolutely wonderful, sunny and warm. It’s January and this Canadian from the frozen north has worn a t-shirt outside since arriving 4 days ago. I may graduate to short pants today, although my brother-in-law, Reynold Rutledge, who is coming to stay with us shortly, describes my appearance in shorts this way, “I’ve seen better legs hanging out of a nest!” Needless to say, we have a great deal of fun here in this Park. We’ve even produced a seniors TV series from here called, Really Good Medicine. Here is a short sample clip that features Wayne Gretzky’s father, Walter, as our “Super Senior.” How do we all get along? Well, today’s reading is as good an answer to that question as any. It works! I’ve tried it and my enjoyment quotient has gone way up!
Yours for overcoming evil with good,
P.S. Below is a photo of the interior of the Pantheon in Rome (see the photo caption above for a brief historical summary).
Good Morning David
Good Morning David
I was just turning in after watching the movie the never ending story and thought I would see ifyour blog had been posted and it was. This movie reminded me that having Jesus open our minds to the times he has lived through as he saidhe was before the beginning as each generation travels thru the bibles collection of words that regenerate a new hope. I just read that has been a law passed some where that corporations can now adopt hopefully the most needy and let uswin the last war ” ON POVERTY OF KINDS” buy the time the next jubalee year comes around and pray our U.N. will be able declare an equality for all human being coming from a first nation origin from every where there is life giving families. you certainly moved ahead of this last snow fall, prayers for travel mercies are allways wecome and very evident.
that why I love psalms 23:6 surely goodness and mercy shall
follow all the days of my life, enjoy friends and family AMEN
The rain is coming down pretty hard, here, in Kingston, this morning, David. Glad to hear you and Norma Jean are in warm, sunny, Florida, at your trailer park. Very much enjoyed the video with Walter Gretzky, and so looking forward to tomorrow’s post.
Romans 12 really spoke to me. It was a great reminder to remain humble in all things. “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.” Rom 12:14-16
Wishing everyone a most blessed day!
You couldn’t have arrived at a better time weather-wise in Florida! My wife and I have been guests at Ted & Karen’s R. in Fort Myers. They are wonderful, generous and caring people, whom we cherish as friends. Tetley too 🙂
In today’s reading I envisioned a Mocking Bird joyfully echoing the songs of other birds. All the joyful sounds create a beautiful course, as do skillfully played notes on a piano. I am encouraged how Paul challenges us to be our best, using our unique gifts of character, talent and ministry. Together, we create harmony. Anyone seeking to find out what their gifts are, need only appreciate their unique character and inherent strength, found in Christ’s love.
Thank you, this is well stated David, and very true!
Good Morning David
Romans 12 spoke to me as well that I need to be more diligent in prayer and
with my personal time with God.
Hope your are enjoying yourself with the nice wether. In Charlottetown pei
fortunately we are not in a storm .Today is 6 degrees and warmer. I’m off to get ready
for Church
Lianne Hogg
Paul really lays it all out here:
– give yourself wholly to God.
– don’t emulate society, but be Christ-like.
– don’t think of yourself too highly, but serve others humbly.
– seek out the gifts God has given you and then use them for His glory.
– love the good, honour one another, work hard, don’t be lazy, pray always, live for God enthusiastically, help others, practice hospitality, bless those who hate you, live in harmony with all, don’t be boastful, let God take revenge, don’t be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good.
If I can be honest for a moment, I don’t think I could do any of these things that Paul states in Romans 12, were it not through the power of the Holy Spirit. Due to the ‘Fall’ are we not prone to want to do the opposite of many if not most of the statements on this list? Paul is saying that to be a Christian is to be different; we are a people set aside unto the Lord, in a sense we represent Him to a needy world. The good news is we’re not alone, we have an advocate in God’s Holy Spirit. He is there to pray for us, to help us overcome evil with good, to live righteous lives in Christ Jesus. Oh yes, the ultimate end decision is ours, but if our minds have been finally tuned to cooperate with the Holy Spirit (through renewing our minds in Bible reading, prayer, devotions etc.), we will overcome and we will live righteous lives in Him. God will never force His will on us, but He has given His Holy Spirit to guide us, to lead us into righteousness, and ultimately He will lead us to our eternal home.
Enjoy you time in Florida and may God help you to speedily recover from your treatments. Thanks much for the blog.
Romans 12 is a great reminder of what the Christain’s life should be about and thankyou Scott for what you said about the Holy Spirit, He is our Helper, Comforter and Strength!!!!!
Thank you Scott for your comments. It is wonderful what God can do through us IF we let Him.
David, send some of that sunshine and warmth up our way please! 🙂
Today we had a beautiful day here; 45 degrees F in some areas. Spent some time with my brother who had a stroke this time last year, and is in a wheel chair. What tricks the enemy can play on our minds when they are not guarded by Christ Jesus. Glad Jesus can help us when we ask Him. Glad you and Norma Jean are in Florida David. May the Lord restore your health. God bless all.
Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith
that saves is faith in Him.
God Bless!!
Amen, Amen & Amen!!!