Suggested Reading: Deuteronomy 11-12
(click scripture link to read online)

Photographed from Migdal you can see Mount Arbel on the left and the Valley of Doves, which is on the west side of the Sea of Galilee. Just beyond are the Horns of Hattin where on Saturday, July 4, 1187, the war between the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid dynasty was fought. The Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces, removing their capability to wage war. As a direct result of the battle, Islamic forces once again became the eminent military power in the Holy Land, re-conquering Jerusalem and several other Crusader-held cities.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 11:11b & 12
A land of hills and valleys which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.
Migdal, mentioned in the picture caption, is the home of Mary Magdalene, the one to whom Jesus first appeared after His resurrection (John 20:11-18). She is a great example of the care Jesus has for people. God also cares for the land. We’re almost at the year end. We recognize His care for our countries. Canada’s official motto is, “He shall have dominion from sea to sea,” “Ad mare usque ad mare” (Psalm 72:8). As we approach the new year, we may want to reflect on the motivation for our obedience to God. Are we motivated by fear or love? For Mary of Migdal, out of whom Jesus had cast demons, it was love that brought her to the garden. Because of love she stayed close to Jesus as He carried His Cross. Psalm 103:13 & 14 tells us that, “as a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear (hold in awesome reverence) Him. He knows our frame. He remembers that we are dust.” Are we, like Mary, confused and sorrowful? Peter writes, “Casting all your care on Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Dear Lord, in these days leading up to the new year, I ask You to increase my faith, so that I am totally confident that You care for me every day of the year. As I look back over this past year, You have cared for everything about me. Together we are winning! Thank You! Amen!
In spite of my battle with leukemia (because of God’s care I’m winning the fight), I find doors of opportunity open everywhere. On Wednesday this week I was present in the Canada Space Agency Building in Montreal, along with the Rt. Hon. David Johnson, Canada’s Governor General, to witness, on the large screen, the launch of a Russian Soyuz rocket, which is bound for the International Space Station. Sitting in the rocket’s nose was the future commander of the station, Chris Hadfield. My daughter Elaine and her family attended church regularly with Chris’ parents for several years. They prayed together for God’s care. I’m sure our Canadian astronaut prayed too. I don’t know if this was mentioned on the news, but the head of Canada’s space agency told us that an Russian Orthodox priest prayed with the three men personally before they ascended to their cockpit. This happened in Kazakhstan. For those of us who remember the 70 years of official Soviet atheism, this says that God is still at work and still cares for people.
Oh yes, today is the day, according to the Mayan calendar, when the world is supposed end. I don’t believe God believes that…and neither do I (I’m certainly planning to do my blog tomorrow!). Ephesians 3:21 says, “…world without end. Amen!” Yes, there will come a time of cataclysmic change. For Peter’s perspective on the Mayan prediction I’ve just read 2 Peter 3:1-18. I know God cares, and He’s also in charge of whatever happens to this world.
Yours for a renewed confidence in God’s care,
Captivating picture of Migdal. Reynold, you do a fantastic job at bringing to us the beautiful images of the physical landscape of Israel every day, thank you.
Can you imagine the Hebrew people as they first set their sights on such a place as Migdal? Here they were wandering a dry and arid land for 40 years before they stepped into the promised land, as shown to us in Reynold’s photo. WoW! They must have thought they had entered into paradise! God has a paradise awaiting each and every one of us, He tells us that He’s gone to prepare a place for us which we cannot go to at this time; but in a little while we will join Him. Can you imagine what God has prepared for those who believe on Him? I should think that the imagery of heaven will be a breathtaking sight and I for one want to see our ‘promised land’ one day. Amen.
David, I agree with you, nobody knows the date and time the world will end. Not the Mayans, not Harold Camping Ministries. God knows, and that’s good enough for me.
Fear of death is one of lifes terrors. Thankfully, our relationship with Christ assures us of life everlasting and provision of His care in this world we live.
Love conquers fear.
The world with all the burdens and hurts ended when we accepted Christ for in accepting Him, He accepted us. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Being born again, Jesus Christ is LORD. “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!
Hello David,
Thank you for sharing your exciting experience watching the launch right from the Canada Space Agency Building… Not only that, but you were in the company of one of Canada’s exemplary first citizens, The Governor General of Canada, Rt. Hon. David Johnson! And the docking – as you now know – was so ‘flawless’ that the Commander (Hadfield) was inspired to cheerfully quip: “I love what you’ve done with the place” (http://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/i-love-what-you-ve-done-with-the-place-chris-hadfield-arrives-at-iss-1.1088067 website). This event resonated happily throughout the entire globe yesterday, but most particularly within Canada, “from coast to coast!”