Saturday, December 15, 2012


Suggested Reading: Deuteronomy 2

(click scripture link to read online)

A rock formation in the wilderness located in the Jordan Vally near the Dead Sea in Israel. During the desert wilderness wandering of the Children of Israel, the landscape would have looked much like this.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Deuteronomy 2:7

For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.

“Trudging”…a word that describes most of the days of our lives. When God brought His people through the Red Sea, there was dancing. They started off toward the Promised Land with excitement, then came the trudge. Our key verse was spoken to people who repeatedly failed the Lord. God had provided for them to move within a short time into the Promised Land. They refused to go in. God provided food and water in the wilderness. They grumbled. While there were some awful consequences along the way, God continued to care for them and to guide them. His presence remained among them. God was ready to restore them and give them success whenever they were ready to believe His promises and move into His plan for their lives.


Lord God, I seem to be trudging a lot. In these times, please help me to keep putting one foot in front of the other, moving forward and not backward. Thank You for those times when I walk with a determined stride, and even run and dance. I ask for grace from Your Spirit in the trudging times. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


Norma-Jean, who would normally be sleeping at home (and I would be quiet) is at our daughter Elaine’s place. Yesterday I was at home with only the Lord for company. Great Company!!! So I made some joyful noise following the prayer. I went to the piano and sang loudly the Christmas carol, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.” I may even dig out my trumpet today, if I can find it, and play at least the first few notes (my lips will give out because I confess I’ve not been practising). So…while I may trudge sometimes today, I also plan to dance a bit. I spoke last evening to a group of Christian business people at a Christmas banquet. I’m sure they trudge throughout most of the year, as I do. They also know how to pray and they did so by gathering around my chair and praying for my healing and for the visions for the future I have. I feel so blessed! In the story Jesus told of the son who returned home, He said there was, “music and dancing.” God’s Son has returned home to His Father, having completed His work for our salvation. Surely we have the greatest of all reasons to celebrate.

I suggest a New Testament reading which I have just read, Luke 15:11-32. Let’s pray for all our loved ones to come home to Father God. Christmas would be a great time for that to happen. Also, here’s a great rendition of “Joy to the World” (click here).

Yours for joy in the journey and for grace in those trudging times,


P.S. Below is a photo of my son Ron and his wife Ann who visited Petra in Jordan earlier this year, leading a Crossroads tour group. The city is carved into the solid rock! This was the area inhabited by the descendants of Esau, as mentioned in today’s reading (Deut. 2:4). You can click on the picture to enlarge it.

15 thoughts on “Saturday, December 15, 2012

  1. I may not know you personally David … but ‘trudging’ is not the first word I would use to describe you! Speaking to Christian businessmen, playing the piano, searching out the trumpet to play, and getting up at 4 o’clock in the morning to write these fantastic blogs? trudging? Far from it I’d say! God is faithful to sustain us and to provide for our needs and to bring us moments of joy and comfort, even when we’re trudging! Praise God!

    Reynold, what a fantastic picture, albeit cryptic and mysterious … but what imagery it brings! You can almost see the ancient caravan of Hebrews as they wandered that very desert landscape for 40 years.

  2. We lift our prayers Lord, for the victims and families, and all impacted by the tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. May the peace of God that transcends all understanding, guard their hearts and their minds, in dealing with these tragic events. I pray for peace in our world, as we prepare and honour the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

  3. Our family has trudged a lot this past while as our Son struggles with mental illness and I am two weeks out of cancer surgery, BUT MY LORD and Saviour has been faithful to guide and direct all of us to trust in HIS ever loving peace to guard us. HALLELUJAH!!

    Everyone is in prayer for what has happened south of the border and so many other places. Keep praying …. GOD is always listening and we can trust HIM for our needs.

    Thank you David…. Rejoicing in THE ONE who redeemed us.

  4. Good morning, David and family, from Alberta! I’m thankful and rejoicing this morning for those businessmen who gathered around your chair to pray for your healing. I come into agreement with their prayers, and want you to know that I pray for your healing every day.
    Psalm 18.

  5. David
    I agree with Scott trudging is not the first word
    You are very musical indeed , I use to play the flute and piano
    and my brother played the trumpet now his son is too. It takes
    practice but I learned how .
    Lianne Hogg

  6. Thank you for making the Bible come alive to those of us who have never gotten to go to the Holy Land. I really appreciate God laying this blog on you heart and appreciate your hard work to put it together for us. Thanks, too, to Reynold for the awesome pictures that will come to min again and again as we read God’s Word. Also am grateful to Ron for the links that make going to the scriptures so easy. He and Ann are sooo photogenic! Lovely picture!

  7. Hello David. I have already been praying that this will be the Christmas to see loved ones receive the first Christmas experience & that their hearts & lives will be changed in that awakening.
    Trudging…we can be trudging on the outside but be leaping, dancing and singing in the heart. Not living by whatever the circumstance of the moment.
    Bless you David for another wonderful, enlightening blog.

  8. My wife’s name (Joy) comes up so often as we sing those wonderful carols
    this time of the year. She passed away to the Lord this past Rememberence Day, so I’ll recall the times we sang “Joy to the World” together in church.
    I was coming out if a store which was playing the song “I’ll be Home for Christmas” , which was song that we both being war babies, heard a lot when we were growing up. A thought went through my mind, (which I believe was of the Holy Spirit), as I left the store, that my Joy is really home for Christmas in the presence of God and the angels and those who have gone before.
    I thank you at 100 Huntley St. for your kind letter of condolences.

    God Bless,

    Al Smith

  9. Today has been a very sad day, thinking of the tragedy in Connecticut. This time of year makes it even harder. Praying for all who have been affected by the loss and injury of precious loved ones. May the arms of Jesus wrap around you, giving you the strength you need to get through this unimaginable time. Know that so many of us in Canada are praying for you, on our hands and knees.

    Interesting that trudging came into the reading, today; applies so much to me, currently. Like Scott said, you are the last person anyone would describe as trudging, David! The humbleness you exhibit, is what makes you so genuine. God certainly smiles when he is watching you dance and hearing you sing! Joy to the world, indeed!

  10. Like the others, I appreciate your faithfulness, David. I agree, you are so active even in the midst of the storm, and I am also trying to keep up with all the celebrations trusting Jesus in the midst. All the while, our hearts go out for those precious children and parents in Connecticut who are suffering so much right now. This fits in with the wonderful testimony I just heard at a church in Toronto this evening. He is still “Joy to the World” as the song says.

  11. Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
    Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
    is the object of our faith; the only faith
    that saves is faith in Him.


    Praying for you every day too!! Also others in my life!!
    Going to a Hope & Healing Service tonight at my church!

    Nancy Webb-Waisberg, Edmonton, Alberta

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