Suggested Reading: Acts 24-25
(click scripture link to read online)

A view at sunset of the Roman aqueduct that supplied water to the ancient port city of Caesarea from the north.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Acts 24:25
Now as he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.”
Paul was a Jew and also a Roman citizen. Such a prisoner would usually be under house arrest, not in a dungeon. The Roman centurion, Cornelius, his family and friends had been the first non-Jews to believe in Jesus (Acts 10). No doubt there were many Christians in this city who would care for Paul with food and housing, meeting his needs. We might become impatient with two years in which our movements were restricted, but not Paul. He was content to wait for God’s timing. He knew there were thousands more to win for Jesus, but there he sat. Think of it. Instead of thousands blessed by Paul’s ministry, there are millions who are blessed by the books of Romans and Galatians which appear to have been written during this time. Luke, Paul’s travelling companion, had two years to interview shepherds in Bethlehem, believers in Jesus in the Galilee, and dozens of people who knew Jesus personally. God could’ve released Paul to freedom as He had done before in Phillippi. Paul’s witness for Christ to two Roman governors and to the Jewish puppet-king Agrippa was in God’s plan.
Do you know someone who is waiting for a more convenient time to receive Christ. I do. Let us press for a decision now while there is still time.
Lord Jesus, You know how impatient I’ve been in my “so called” retirement years. Now, You have given me an opportunity to write this blog every morning. Please give me grace to get out of bed at 4 a.m. for reading Your Word, spending time in prayer and learning how to use a lap-top computer. May these words and pictures be a blessing to many. Amen!
Since I began this two year blogging journey last June 3rd, I’ve received close to 3,000 responses. Thanks so very much for the gift of your time and input. I am blessed by your care. Have you watched the music video sent to me on the weekend. It’s attached to yesterday’s blog. What a powerfully creative statement about God’s care for each one of us. I’m amazed by the technology available to us for spreading God’s Word. Don Simmonds, our Crossroads CEO and a member of the Telecommunications Hall of Fame, Ron Mainse, our Spiritual Director, and 100 Huntley Street host, and others, are about to launch phase one of seven world-wide television internet channels for the cause of Christ. Millions will be presented with the Gospel, encouraged in their faith, and challenged to be soul winners for Jesus. Just as Paul’s brothers and sisters in Christ supported his ministry, I ask you to do the same for those called of God to lead Crossroads. With the year-end approaching, there is an urgent need for offerings to support the greatest cause and the greatest outreach in our 50 plus years of ministry. Receipts for income tax deductions for 2012 will be issued. Crossroads is a federally chartered charity in Canada and in the U.S.A. God bless you for making the outreach possible through your generous and sacrificial giving. Here’s the link for donations.
Yours for discovering God’s timing and purposes in our lives,
Thankyou !
“Tempus fugit” is the latin translation of “Time is of the essence” which is also a popular term in legal circles. I mention it here because another closely related phrase comes to mind, “there’s no time like the present”. I’ve heard it stated that ‘yesterday’ is gone, so don’t worry about it, ‘tomorrow’ is in the future and we can neither live in it nor control it, but we can be concerned about the ‘present’, for each of us lives in the ‘now’. We can admit our sins and wrongdoing and turn from the wrong path right now, we can have a change of heart right now, we can choose to decide to follow Christ right now, we can decide to do some good right now. I settled this issue in my heart 30 years ago and I’ve never looked back. Since accepting Jesus Christ as my Saviour, God has never ever let me down. Time is of the essence. If you are listening to the Holy Spirit’s tug on your heart, settle the issue now and decide on Jesus today; I just know you’ll be glad you did!
Awesome words of encouragement, Scott! Bless you!
I agree with Beverlee Kay Scott, your testimony and words of wisdom are a blessing. Also along with you, God has never let me down in forty-seven years in Him. What a wonderful Saviour He is! I also thank you for sharing the video with us. I just heard it today as I was behind a few blogs, what a blessing.
Thank-you David for the Link,
Brenton Brown – “God My Rock” Lyrics Video”
I sent it to family & friends.
Our family has been through many storms the last few years. Broken families & relationships. No matter how deep the waves engulf us, God is always there.
Blessings, Jane Verburg
It is remarkable how Paul manages to defend himself in court and maintains his consistant stand on Christ, obviously guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit. He had nothing to hide and was clearly motivated and purpose driven. If anyone wonders what it means to follow Christ, Paul demonstrates how. Unless we truly desire to change, to transform and to grow closer to God, we won’t. It’s that simple.
I agree, what a man of courage and conviction Paul was, not backing down from the truth out of his great calling from the Lord. He’s faithful, and a great example. So are you David and fellow bloggers. God bless you today.
Hi David, Paul was the chiefest of sinners prior to his dramatic conversion to Christ,dragging men and women out of their homes ,taking them in bonds to prison where some died! l’m so glad he saw the light, and that God took his zeal for him, and turned it along the right path. l’ve heard many people testify how they used to do terrible things ,then after they received Jesus into their hearts and lives they became zealous for God’s work too. What marvelous transformations! Jesus said that he who has been forgiven much will likely serve the hardest. Paul learnt great humility,as time went on and because of it, he was a great tool in the Lord’s hands.
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48 (NIV)
Looking forward to the launch of phase one of the new internet channels for the cause of Christ.
I particularly look forward to seeing Paul Maier and Rev Dale Lang leading us through the Book of Acts.
Vivienne and I have been asked to make an Epiphany presentation to our congregation on our recent awesome Holy Land trip with you . Shalom, Graham.
David, you give great content with historical context etc;which we really appreciate and can apply to the heart and the mind. Your infrequent brief updates on various Kingdom projects stimulates prayer and thankfulness in me. Your “100Words”, as communication,really Works!
With thanks. Alan Grills.
Thank you David for your sacrifice of getting up every day at 4 am. Only heaven will tell the stories this ministry has blessed. I know it is a sweet smelling savor to our Lord. My spirit has been enriched because of it. My prayers are with you for strength and continued healing. Also my prayers are with both of us as I am fairly new to the laptop too and in my case sometimes a real conundrum. Oh so many mistakes! In love and prayers Nancy
I too, am blessed every morning by your wonderful insights and life stories.
I’m often awake in those early hours, and always think of you sitting at the “challenging”computer giving us the message that the Lord has shared with you in those early hours! We” ll keep praying for you to have the strength and health to continue your special calling of blessing us with your messages!
Thank you for this daily bible reading, prayer and 100 words. The pictures are amazing and take right to the place this all happened. I am thoroughly enjoying this time going thru the bible, your comments and prayers. Thank you for getting up at that time of the morning to do all of this for us it is very much appreciated.
I did watch the video, I put it on my profile 2 share on facebook, it was a wonderful video I really enjoyed it I will play it over & over, please keep up the good work, God Bless, Merry Christmas to your house fr our house !!!!
David, your words and Renyold’s pictures are indead a Blessing to my husband and I. We have been Blessed by your blog for quite some time now. We look forward to the daily readings. However, we weren’t able to watch the video you posted on the weekend as our internet isn’t fast enough. We just have lite high speed. Thanks again for ministering to all of us bloggers.