Suggested Reading: Acts 22-23
(click scripture link to read online)
![December 9, 2012](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/December-9-2012.jpg)
The shoreline of Caesarea in Israel. Paul was taken to Caesarea to appear before Felix the Governor (Acts 23:33).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Acts 23:11
But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.”
Paul, formerly a persecutor of believers in Jesus, now is persecuted for his faith in Jesus. God delights to turn enmity into friendship, hostility into love. Jesus changes everything for all who give Him their lives. It would appear that Paul’s nephew had come to faith in Christ as evidenced by his warning of the plot to kill Paul, or it could’ve been family loyalty that God used to save Paul’s life. Either way, God was not finished with Paul yet. Our key verse is the final statement by Paul in his first appearance before the Rome-appointed Jewish leadership. The party of the Sadducees believed as liberal protestants or reformed Judaism today, that God does not do the miraculous. The Pharisees believed, but as Jesus said in Mark 7:13, “Making the Word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down.” The result is the same for those who deny the daily activity of God in human lives, or for those who put the intervention of God into the past only. As Paul experienced the “be of good cheer” Words of Jesus, so we should expect Jesus to communicate with us. Are we listening carefully?
Lord Jesus, I’m one of Your sheep. Therefore, as You said, I will know Your voice. I’m listening, Lord Jesus. Thank You for that “still small voice” I’m hearing just now. You are telling me that You love me. I love You also! Amen! (John 10:4 & 1 Kings 19:12)
I am so very blessed by Norma-Jean, my wife, my children and their spouses, Elaine and Bruce, Ellen and Nizar, Reynold and Kathy, and Ron and Ann. I think the most often repeated words to each other are, “I love you.” I won’t list all my 16 grandchildren, but it is the same with them. Five of my great-grandchildren are already telling me, I love you, great grand’pa. I cannot begin to tell how these simple, yet most profound words warm my heart. I encourage you to read, now if you have time, 1 John 4:7-21. “Love” is the very essence of God’s being. Just as I am telling my daughters and sons that I love them, and they tell me that they love me, so my Father God tells me, and I tell Him. It’s not trite. It never becomes stale. The great theologian, Karl Barth, was asked for his most profound thought ever. He answered, “Jesus loves me. This I know.”
Yours for love of God and for love of each other,
P.S. In yesterday’s blog comments, one of my readers, Scott, blessed me with a link to a wonderful music video. Here’s what Scott said, along with the link…
“My wife blessed me with this song written by Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche. I am sharing my blessing with you. When we stand on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and let Him lead us, as Paul did, we can weather the storms and adversities in our path. Praise God!”
To be guided through the storms of life, as seen in the music video shared by Scott, truly takes a firm foundation in Christ. To think of the nurse in England who comitted suicide because of making an innocent mistake, regarding Kate Middleton. If only we were not consumed with grief over mistakes made in life, and through all times, could stand on such a foundation and love, as found in Christ. Events happen in all our lives. The question arises, how prepared are we to handle them?
That’s right, David and David. I am listening to a preacher on TV right now who is preaching, God is a God of restoration. It’s not over until God says it’s over. Sorry, I missed your song, Scott because I do not have high speed internet. I had a victory this week. God bless you all today.
God bless you, Ger!
Happy for your victory, Ger! Many more!
Amen! Thanks for letting us know. It’s encouraging.
Thankyou for sharing that video. So inspirational!
Dear David; I believe that you are one of God’s wonderful miracles. Every life you touch is blessed with His love and yours. The people in your family aren’t the only ones who love you. I love you, too.
Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful music video…..one to share with my sons two of whom are enduring one of life’s very tough storms right now….marriage breakdown….so sad…..I hope this encourages them to look to God for strength and wisdom. I love this blog….first thing I look for each day…thank you David and God Bless you and keep you.
Paul was such an awesome example of turning our lives over to Christ, building a relationship on solid rock with Him, and listening to His voice to guide him. We face harsh persecution when we live our lives for Jesus. We need to remind ourselves that we must stand strong in serving Him. It is all for His glory. Relationships can be so difficult sometimes and conflict can rear its ugly head into our lives without our wanting it to. But let us rest assured that God is in control and will lead us through. Just like Paul, we are blessed by David Mainse, who sets the perfect example for us to place our trust in Him, and follow where He leads us. Miracles happen, on all angles, when we live by our faith.
After reading todays Scripture, and watching the music video, closing my eyes I can almost hear Paul saying the verses in Psalm 18: 2 and 3. The words are so personal.
The Lord has given us a great legacy in the life of Paul.
Thank you Father!!
I am thrilled that so many were blessed by the posting of the music video. The video picturing the waves roughly tossing the ships around reminded me of Paul and his sea journeys. Can you imagine the dangers that he went through? Including being shipwrecked? I was getting sea-sick just watching the video! haha! Praise the Lord for such great people of faith that they were willing to sacrifice all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!