Suggested Reading: Numbers 29
(click scripture link to read online)

The sun sets through the Roman Aqueduct of Caesarea. The aqueduct, originally built by Herod in the first century BC, was repaired and expanded by the Romans in the second century AD. It conveyed water to the city from springs at the foot of Mt. Carmel, over 10 km away.
Key Verse: Numbers 29:39
These you shall present to the Lord at your appointed feasts (besides your vowed offerings and your freewill offerings) as your burnt offerings and your grain offerings, as your drink offerings and your peace offerings.
Moses knew that he would not lead the people into the Promised Land. Therefore, he reviews for the new generation the details of the three sacrifices that were to be made. These would ensure that Israel would not overlook their divinely assigned obligations.
As Christians, we are not bound by the ceremonial laws of Moses. Nevertheless, we too have obligations. We can think of several, I’m sure. For the purpose of this blog, I’ll highlight one, READING GOD’S WORD DAILY…2 Timothy 3:14-17 (click here or look it up in your Bible). Verse 15 informs us that the Scriptures will “Make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” The result will be that we will be, “Complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (verse 17).
Lord Jesus, I thank You for keeping me faithful to follow this daily blog. You promised wisdom if I would ask. I ask You now for wisdom, and I plan to continue to do so every morning. I’m not doubting Your promise. In James 1:5 You said You would give wisdom liberally. Amen!
Today is the last full day for this trip in Israel. 105 of us have travelled the length and breadth of this land of the Bible for two weeks. We have two buses. Ron and Ann, Norma-Jean and I go back and forth between the buses each day. We read the Scriptures that pertain to each Bible-related place, and we pray together for God’s Teacher, the Holy Spirit, to instruct us as to what we need to learn. We try to limit the numbers of fellow pilgrims to 100 so that we can get to visit with everyone, either on the buses or at meals. We’ve made some lifetime friends these past days. God willing, we’ll do this again next year. As the Jews say, “Next year in Jerusalem.” Anyone interested in joining us? Contact Norma-Jean soon. Such a trip would make a great Christmas present for a loved one.
Yours for a thorough knowledge of God’s Word,
P.S. Yesterday we spent time with our tour group in the Garden Tomb area in Jerusalem…believed by some to be the tomb from which Jesus resurrected. We held a communion service there and anointed many with oil.
I’m sure it’s been a real blessing to travel to Israel and to experience the sights the land has to offer. When you think of the significance of that land and what it meant to both God and His people, it leaves one in awe. In this blog we read of that land daily and can’t help but understand the importance of that small piece of land to the history of the world. Then I think of how volatile that land really is; we must all remember to pray for the peace of Israel.
It will be great to have you back home David, Norma-Jean, Ron and Ann!!!
It looks like you have all had a wonderful journey through the Holy Land, full of God’s blessings. Thanks so much for sharing! Distance doesn’t matter so much as we read the scriptures daily and follow your Blog. The pictures too, have been great! Have a safe journey home. Looking forward to our reading tomorrow morning. Praying God’s divine wisdom for decisions made.
You,ve had a great time it appears. Am praying for the peace and salvation of Israel and also a safe journey home. Thank you for your sharing and your faithfulness to this blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. God bless and keep you. Psalm 91.
I am so thankful that we do not have to present offerings like Isreal did. The One Perfect offering is a Wonderful Gift to us. Thank You Jesus. How on earth did the people remember all the requirements? Did they have notebooks to write them down?
I agree with Scott and David
I pray that your trip home will be smooth leaving
Lianne Hogg
What an incredible experience for all of you, David. Wishing you a safe journey home; prayed for the group, this morning, and for Israel.
I will continue to pray for your safe trip home. i just thank the Lord that He sustained you on yet another trip to the Holy Land. It was such a blessing to follow along with you on your blog. Thank you so much for making that
accessible to all of us. I will continue to pray for Israel and her people.
Thankyou so much. Praying for Israel & your safe journey home.
Thank you for your daily efforts to give us daily bread. Thank you for bringing God’s word and the holy land to us on your journey. The past and present brought together with the photos are both timely and timeless. Thank you! Enjoy your last full day. Happy for all of you to have such a wonderful experience 🙂
Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith
that saves is faith in Him.
Nancy Webb-Waisberg, Edmonton, Alberta
I don’t know what thoughts others have on the scriptures we have been reading regarding all the festivals and sacrifices, but it boggles my mind to try and visulize that we not only have all these Israelites wandering for 40 years, but then we have what must have been an enormous amount of animals over and above the bulls, rams, lambs and goats, plus the flour, oil and wine used sometimes daily as well as for special festivals. In the latter part of chapter 29 regarding the 7 day Festival of Shelters…just look at how many animals were needed on daily basis along with the grain and liquid offerings for this one festival! Oh my!!
Thank you for letting God guide you to the idea of 100 Words.Thank you for the insights, scripture readings and pictures. I have been so blessed by being able to share each day of the tour with you. May God continue to bless you, giving you the strength and wisdom you need. May He keep you safe as you travel home. .
No question about your love for God and others, David.
I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, why He did the things in Numbers 30 and 31.