Suggested Reading: Numbers 23-24
(click scripture link to read online)

The Grave of Oskar Schindler is in Jerusalem just south of the Zion Gate on the south side of the Old City wall. Stones are placed on the graves by visitors and loved ones.
Key Verse: Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
Schindler saved the lives of many Jewish people during the Second World War. He was buried in a Gentile graveyard in Jerusalem with honour. The descendants of those he saved come annually to place stones of remembrance on his grave. Israel honours those who have honoured them. Balaam was one such person. Moses wrote Balaam’s story and prophecies in Holy Scripture. We believe that God is, and that “He is a rewarder of those who dilligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). If necessary, God will speak in most unusual ways, as in the case of Balaam’s donkey. There are others, not from the chosen people, to whom God has spoken. Cornelius, commanding officer of the Italian regiment of the armies of Rome, is a prime example (Acts 10). We’ll arrive at the story of this outstanding man on December 1st. Numbers 21:17 encourages the singing of “Spring up, oh well” (click here to sing along).
Speak to me today, Lord God; I need to hear from you. You did it for Balaam, and dozens of others throughout the Bible record. I’m listening. Lord Jesus, You said, “My sheep know My voice.” Thanks for not restricting Your voice to spiritual giants but also to us average people. I pray this and praise You for revealing Your thoughts to me. Amen!
I’m here in Jerusalem where people say, “Pray… it’s a local call from here.” God has spoken most often in that “still small voice.” There was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity for me during the last ditch effort by U.S. President Carter to save the Camp David Accords, the peace agreement between President Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Begin of Israel. I was one of hundreds of reporters with credentials to cover Carter’s speech in the Israeli Parliament. Carter said, while looking directly at Begin, “The people want peace.” In other words, “Begin, you don’t really want peace.” Carter walked off the stage, requested Air Force One readied, and his bags taken from the Hotel to the airport. Buses gathered to transport the reporters to cover Carter’s departure. My associate, Jay Rawlings, and I stayed behind where we were approached by two live radio hosts, one Jew and one Arab. They asked, “Do you think there will be peace?” (in English, Arabic and Hebrew). Suddenly I heard God speak through me. Balaam knew what this was like. I said, “Yes, for the first time leaders of three different countries and three different religions prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He has heard the prayers of many people and there will be peace between Egypt and Israel.” There is power over the evil in the world through a prophetic utterance. Carter stayed behind, went again to Egypt. The rest is history. I had the privilege of working beside Carter in a Habitat for Humanity building project. I wept as I told him this story. He patted me on the back and said, “There, there.”
Yours for hearing from God and speaking, while praying for wisdom, what God wants out there in the fight against evil and for the good of all His people,
P.S. As the photo below shows, our tour members enjoyed a camel ride just before we traveled up to Jerusalem yesterday.
I believe that we all need to hear a word from the Lord. This is why I come back here day after day to be nourished by the word and to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Colossians 3:16a “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you … “
Attacks against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shall never prevail. It is sad in all history, this realization has not yet been established. I too pray for peace and protection for those caught in the conflict, especially the children. Hosanna in the highest, peace and good will to all mankind.
Dear David and Norma-Jean:
In light of the bombing and fighting happening in southern Israel (even as we speak), we continue to pray for your protection. Please comment on your blog re your own safety in relation to the situation. Have you left the country, yet? If not, when?
“He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm. 91:1
I’m thinking the same thing, Barb Day! We are concerned for your safety. Will be relieved when we hear you are back home.
Praying for peace, right along with you.
Thank you, David, for yet, another fine example. Bless you!
Thanks David and Ron for todays lesson. One of the great things about our wonderful Heavenly Father is that he has no favourites. Thanks for directing us to Acts 10. l love what is written in verse 34, “God shows no partiality”. l love that whosoever will, may come from all the Nations, those who believe his Word. Regarding Balaam and his repeated desire to carry out the curse on Israel,God stands up for his own and he is still doing this today. People are standing on very dangerous ground who come against his chosen people! We only have to take a look at history.
Thank you for today’s word. I also pray for peace, peace that passes understanding, that people become still and know God. Thank you for speaking for what God puts in your mouth!
Lianne Hogg
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. (I apologize my entries are late to yours as living in B.C. I think I am 3 hrs behind you) I went to church for the 2nd time today. As first encouraged by God’s word Oct 31 here in 100 words blog, I was given to direction to find a church, to seek fellowship and worship with others. Then again on Nov 6th, I was assured God would welcome me back. And I went for the first time in years to church. Ladner Baptist Church on Nov 11th. And again I found comfort and God’s grace here Nov 16th here. My spirit was raised above my doubtful nature. Thank you all for helping me back. We read James 5, 1-20 today. And the pastor prayed for me at the end of the service at the altar at front of the church. To walk alone to God for a request for prayer in front of all whom I yet to meet I thought would be scary but I felt God was carrying me. James 5 verse 20 was real for me today and I hope to encourage all you that you have done God’s work.
I pray for David, Norma Jean, Ron, Ann and others in Israel. I trust in God for their safety. They are doing God’s work. I had to give up cable last month so I can no longer watch 100 Huntley Street so my only news of them is here. I will also pray for God to you all strength to continue His work. I am only 1 of thousands that you have saved I’m sure daily. Thanks so much!!!
Amen! Praise God for his faithfulness in saving such a precious soul! Camille, may GOD’s love surround you.
Thank you David for your faithfulness, I pray now for continued strength and healing in His Precious Power.
May God keep all of you safe in your travels.
I am Really Happy to see you all
enjoying yourselves in the picture. That tells us you are all safe!
Thanks for that 🙂
I am amazed at how the Bible reading relates to what is happening in Israel to date. It is interesting that you should be there at this time. I am also praying for your safety the rest of the trip. These are tremendous days in which we live and biblical history is being fulfilled. Yes, Scott we all need to hear a word from the Lord. God has imputed to us His righteousness that we may have confidence in the day of judgement. We pray with you there for the peace of Jerusalem, as we are told to do. Am following your travel every day on your brochure. God bless and give you peace today.