Suggested Reading: Numbers 21-22
(click scripture link to read online)

The mountains of ancient Moab, across the Dead Sea from Israel. The current tour group had a similar view today as they drove along the shore of the Dead Sea.
Key Verse: Numbers 21:9
So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.
The serpent of bronze holds an prominent place in human history, primarily because of the dialogue of Jesus with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21). It’s the worldwide symbol for the medical profession (pictured below).
The serpent that corrupted our first parents and the sin against God for which he bares responsibility, along with Adam, Eve, and all of us, has been nailed to the Cross. Jesus said, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:14-15). The choice to look in faith brought life instead of death to the Israelites. Jesus declared the parallel truth in Himself. Later, the bronze serpent had to be destroyed because people began to worship it (2 Kings 18:1-8). Moses’ serpent happened long before Greek mythology introduced the symbol. Tomorrow, God willing, we’ll look at the attempt by Balaam to curse Israel.
Lord Jesus, You were lifted up on the Cross, and You have caused me to look to You, not with eyesight, but with insight. Thank You!!! I know, by faith, that I have the gift of eternal life, not through any goodness in myself, but because of Your clearly stated promise. You cannot lie! Therefore I live! The serpent’s venom cannot destroy me. Amen!
God told Moses to make the image of the serpent. Those who don’t think deeply enough would think God is against making a sculpture. There’s no sin here. The sin would be, according to the second commandment, in bowing down to an image and serving the image. People mess with God’s Word. For example, Norma-Jean and I, along with 103 wonderful people, are in Jerusalem today. It’s the Sabbath, a wonderful quiet day in Israel. In one area of Jerusalem on any day, if you try to take a picture of the successors to the Pharisees, they’ll smash your camera. They think you are making a graven image. Have you bowed down to a picture lately? I don’t think so! Have you served a picture lately? I don’t think so! Be sure you read and understand the Scriptures in context.
Yours for only bowing down to the One True God,
P.S. Below is our current tour group in the Negev Desert at the replica of the Tabernacle of Moses in Timna Park, Israel. Also pictured is a peek inside the Ark of The Covenant, containing the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod that budded, and a golden bowl with manna (Hebrews 9:4).
Hebrews 12:2 (NASB)
Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
It’s great, David, to see how your pictures are tying in so well with the scriptures we are reading! Thanks!! What an amazing story today about insight, between the bronze serpent sculpture and Balaam’s lack of direction and the blame he placed on his donkey. In life today, I wonder how many times we blame our circumstances, when in fact they are helping us to avoid destruction, as an angel too, stands in our path with sword, preventing us from going any further. I too pray for insight as we look upon our Lord, Who surrounds us every day.
Dear David Thanks for your beautiful pictures they make me feel that i am part of the of the l03 gang…
Leaving in a few minutes for a session of healing and praying for Montreal ,province of Quebec.and all of Canada from sea to sea under the guidance of Bill Prankard .
Will make sure to include all of you in our prayers for a safe journey in the Holy land
God bless you all .
Hi David,Norma Jean and Tour Group, Our prayers are with you for your safety at this unsettled time in Israel. Regarding the scripture, isn’t it amazing that God sometimes uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise! If God can use a donkey,how much more can he use the least of us. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Absolutely not! With God all things are possible to them that believe! How exciting!
Praying for all of you as you are touring in Israel.
May the Lord bless and keep you and give you His peace!
I ,too, feel like I am touring with you….. Thankyou
Thank u David for your words today.
They contain wisdom.
Blessings on you, your family and on the tour group
Also the Nation of Israel.
Hi David I could not get on here until this evening because of a computer glitz
what Christine wrote is what I agree with as well thank you for your words and awesome pictures that Renold took.
God Bless you and everyone with you
Lianne Hogg
Hi David and Norma Jean and the gang,
In 2012, I had the privilege of going on a tour to Israel. Your pictures
remind me of the beautiful places we visited. Thank you for sharing so l
much with us. May our Lord bless and keep you in His care. I am
praying for your safety.