Apology to my email subscribers…yesterday’s blog was posted on time at 100words.ca but a technical glitch caused a problem with the email and it was sent incomplete. A revised version of the email was sent out around noontime.
Suggested Reading: Exodus 7
(click scripture link to read online)
![August 12, 2012](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/20120317-IMG_9038-1024x682.jpg)
On the way to the "old" city of Jerusalem I saw this "new" light rail train suspension bridge. Where are the train tracks?... down below, but I found the cables and sky far more interesting. -Reynold
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 7:5
And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
God’s purposes will be carried out in His timing with or without the willing co-operation of His people and in spite of the opposition of His enemies. Please look up and read Psalm 105:26-36 where the plagues that came upon the Egyptians are capsulized. Pharaoh set himself to oppose God’s purposes. Pharaoh does not win this battle. I recommend also that we read Revelation, chapters 15 & 16. These plagues are in the future and come upon mankind to fulfill God’s purposes. “God is Love” (1 John 4:8), and it must hurt Him far more than we can conceive when He must bring judgement so that His purposes come to pass. As our Father, He knows what is best for His children, and He will do what is right for each individual in eternity. As His children, we should trust His judgements.
Dear Lord God, I humbly ask for Your grace that I may fulfill Your purposes in obedience to Your will. I understand so very little about Your ways in which You do things; but I’m trusting You that Your “will may be done in earth as it is in Heaven.” I know that to do Your will cost Jesus of Nazareth His life. Whatever it takes, Lord, I’m Yours forever. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Reynold’s photo for today speaks to me of the fact that the children of Israel made it to the Promised Land twice (in ancient AND modern times). The first time 40 years after their deliverance from Egypt and the second time after the demonic anti-semitism of Hitler and others. The first deliverance was 1400 B.C. approximately, and the second in 1948 A.D., when Israel became a sovereign state once again. I remember the first because at family devotions we read the words of Moses, and the second time I remember because we read the Ottawa Citizen newspaper and discussed the purposes of God for His ancient people (I was almost 12 at the time). When God asks in His Word that we should pray for something, I try to remember to do it. He tells us to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6).
Yours, praying for God’s will to be done in His way and in His timing,
REMINDER: If you are reading the email version and wish to post a comment on my blog, go to www.100words.ca and “Leave a Reply.”
God’s plans and His promises cannot be thwarted by people and their agendas. We need to practice obedience and have trust in His promises, for God will accomplish what He has set out to do in His good and perfect time. The problem is, people don’t want to wait, some want to usher God in on their own timing and not in His. That is why we have various cults and personalities i.e. Harold Camping Ministries, wanting to predict the coming day of Christ. Of course anyone who really knows the word of God also knows that we do not know the date and time of His return, it’s not for us to know. God wants us to be ready though, He wants us to be prepared for His return. One thing I do know, we will ALL meet Jesus, whether it’s through His second coming or us dying and going into judgement. We can ALL expect one day to give an account for our lives and how we lived it out, before God almighty. God is a God of immense love, but let’s not forget for a moment that He is also a God of judgement. I kindly put forth that we ALL need to be prepared for that day.
Thank you, David, for sharing your wisdom about the deliverance of the children of Israel.
Your blog today was a solemn reminder:
Praise God!! and thank you David!! for making the Word interesting and easy to understand. My husband and I are grappling right now with several very hard
situations (trials and tests) and we need to depend on God’s love, mercy and Word as never before. At a time when we could be discouraged and beaten down, your words help us to believe and stand on God’s Word for the outcome!
May all of these circumstances brings glory to God and souls to the kingdom!, Oh how I will cling to your words “God’s purposes will be carried out in His timing with or without the willing cooperation of His people and IN SPITE OF THE OPPOSITION OF HIS ENEMIES.” Be Blessed! Gwen
I, too, am weathering a difficult storm in our family and am thankful for the assurance that God has a plan and purpose that may be altered for a season but will never be thwarted. Praise His Name!!
Our prayers for Israel and peace for Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure”) collectively provide a mindset to deal with real threats. Just recently U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Israel to discuss U.S.-Israel defense ties and the potential threat of a nuclear-armed Iran. As in todays reading of Exodus 7:22, Pharaoh’s heart continued to be hardened, regardless! It is so true God’s purposes will be carried out, with or without the cooperation of His people. When all may seem there is little hope, we can count on this reality and truth.
Those of us who are parents have ‘disciplined’ our children, saying or thinking “this hurts me more than you”. And so is the Father heart of our God.
Thank you for your reminder David. Have a blessed Sunday!
Thank you for your words of wisdom David
Lianne Hogg
Dear David, Many thanks for all your blogs you have sent. They have been a blessing
to me. Most of the time they have come through the “Junk Channel” but lately they
have come through the “Inbox”….where it belongs. My wife Elsie and I continue to pray
for your health and strength to carry on your challenging service in the power of the
Holy Spirit. All our love…..Glen and Elsie McEwan (Majors) Regina , Sask
was wondering David , how can one reply ? I tried and was turned down , perhaps because I brought up the subject of the 7th day Sabbath ? just wondering . perhaps you only want comments that you can agree with , regardless how how biblical it is ? Blessings