Sunday, July 15, 2012


Suggested Reading: Genesis 34-35 (click link to read scripture online)


Damascus Gate is the main entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem. It is located in the wall on the city's northwest side where the highway leads out to Nablus, and from there, in times past, to the capital of Syria, Damascus; as such, its modern English name is Damascus Gate

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo – Click HERE.

Key Verse: Genesis 35:1

Then God said to Jacob, “Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there; and make an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother.”

“Bethel,” “House of God,” “Dwell there,” is the best guarantee of living in the presence of God. Anna, (Luke 2:36-38) an 84 year old widow, “did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day” and was blessed with a revelation of who Jesus is when Jesus was just 8 days old. It’s IMPORTANT to spend quality time in the House of God (Heb. 10:25), “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is.” It’s IMPORTANT, if at all possible, to get to Church this Sunday, and any other services the Church provides. Go “Back to Bethel” again and again. “Bethel” is the place where on most occasions God reveals Himself to you. Like Jacob,”purify yourselves,” and “make an altar.” An altar is a place of consistently meeting with God. Your daily devotions, the family altar, the “House of God” will grant God the opportunity to speak to you, guiding the direction of your life.


Lord, like Jacob (Israel) reveal Yourself to me so that I may follow You into the land to which You have called me. By Your grace lead me by Your strong, protecting hand. I pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


Today and tomorrow, I want to share some examples of comments left by some of your fellow blog readers:

God’s voice speaks to the listening heart! God loves “MAN” and spending time with MAN! “Morning, afternoon, night!” Yes, you may call it a MANifestation! ~ Connie

David, my husband and I have to make a very important financial decision today. Praying about it and while reading your blog the first thing I look at “I am with you” “God listens.” What a mighty God we serve, cares for everything in our lives. Thank you again David, for the daily blog. ~ Thelma

I have always found it harder to lay down my strengths than my weaknesses. Somehow we have to find that balance of allowing God into our “best laid plans of mice and men.” ~ Yeurgen

Thanks to all of you who have responded from day to day with such thoughtful comments,


REMINDER: If you are reading the email version and wish to post a comment on my blog, go to and “Leave a Reply.”

11 thoughts on “Sunday, July 15, 2012

  1. Good morning, David!
    What a joy it is each morning to awake to your inspiring spirit- lead thoughts and prayers. Thank you for helping me to begin my days encouraged with the Living Word within me! Take care. You are looking great!!
    In His Precious Name,
    Cheryl Phaneuf-Boulianne

  2. Good morning, David!
    What a joy it is each morning to awake to your to your inspired spirit-lead thoughts and prayers. Thank you for helping me to begin my days encouraged with the Living Words within me! Take care. You are looking so vibrant!
    In His Precious Name,
    Cheryl Phaneuf-Boulianne

  3. For those who are not currently attending a church … don’t give up trying. Through my experience I found it a challenge to leave the denominational church of my parents for a bible-based church. Sometimes church can be passion-less and dull, this can really drag you down. Finding a church that is bible-based and teaches from the word of God is very powerful and can grow your faith life. The right church can be a great blessing.

  4. Enjoying the daily reading of scriptures with you David. Looking forward to walking with you over the next two years. God Bless you.

  5. The church I attend is The Sherwood Church of the Nazarene it is very alive and it has passion for Jesus Christ I look forward to it every week, and we have bible studies called cell groups or I call it (Kindle) . Growing up I thought I could only attend my parents church which was dull until I was told I could change and search for another and I am glad I did. Have a wonderful day today with your family David.
    Lianne Hogg

  6. One needs a prepared and receptive heart when going to church or the message will fall on deaf ears and you will not hear the sweet voice of the Lord. This applies to our quiet times during the week as well. Life can get hectic, but we need to remember to ‘be still’ and quiet our hearts before Him every day.

  7. Good day to you, David, and all my fellow blog readers. I was raised in the Catholic church and do not wish to have anything to do with the that church again. Over the years, I attended various Protestant churches but do not presently attend a church. I watch and listen to a variety of Christian broadcasts both televised and from Internet ministries , via radio on a daily basis. I find I get what I need from all that although I do not get fellowship with other believers you would say, David, but at the present time, that’s the way it is. Thanks for hearing me out, so to speak! I do enjoy your blog and read it every day. God bless you and everyone at Crossroads.

  8. I remember as a young girl seeing my parents preparing themselves on Saturday evening for the service the following day. So that their hearts would be ready for what God had for them.
    With the Lord’s help, I have tried to emulate that in my own life.

  9. Dear Mr. Mainse,
    I am not yet attending a church but would like too. How will I know it is the right church to attend? There is one called The Riverdrive Bible Chapel that I was wondering about.that is close to where live.
    I would like to attend one regularly and also to get baptized as I learned I have not been.

    Love your blog 🙂


  10. I like to read your blog the last thing at night. It is helping me keep on track with Bible reading. I found the chapters for today disturbing as their was so much deceitfulness but at the same time is encouraging because it reminds me of God’s love and patience. Thank you, David, for your continuing ministry.

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